After the chloride was used it was disposed off down a well that was located at the back of the property by the settling ponds. That well connected up to an oil deposit in a formation that was being pumped out all the way to Airdrie (you can still see the small oil pumpers working today). The idea was to send the chloride down the well which would move the oil in the formation to Airdrie as the formation dipped from Magcan to Airdrie.

After the first couple of attempts to start the plant up, the English firm saw the problem and backed out to minimize their losses leaving Alberta Natural Gas with the final bills to convince the Government to help pay for. Eventually ANG (Alberta Natural Gas) gave up and walked away from the plant. It took a couple of years later before the Government auctioned off the plant for a bargain and ANG bought it. To my knowledge there have been several companies renting parts of the plant for their purposes. I do not have any idea as to ownership of the plant today.

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Pretty neat to stumble across this article.

 I worked at Magcan when we received the news that the pin was being pulled. I had moved my wife to high river. Bought a house and had planned on settling down. It truly was an amazing place. I worked in E cells. It was a sad day when we got the call. I received 3 months severance I believe. We stuck around high river for another year then moved away. Always loved the area and the people. We were all fairly astounded that they were shutting it down. We were yoke there would be 2 more phases to be completed. We had barely even fired the place up. Not quite sure what they expected.

Thanks for commenting Andrew. Have been trying to get inside the place for eons but the owners always say no. They keep it locked up tight. It seems Trans-Canada still has an interest in the site, to some degree anyway. Remember, the place is private property, so view it from the fence.

The High River-MacLeod railway line, by the time the plant came on the scene, was local only with no through freight. CPR timetables from the time, of which this author has some, mention that cars associated with the MagCan were not to travel south of the plant. Presumably then, they headed south using the parallel Alydersyde-Lethbridge line to the east.

Rumour has it Peter Pockington(sp?) who was involved with Edmonton sports teams also involved with the gov. In the building before everything went by the way. I think he was charged, but it ended with a slap on the hand. You might find out more by checking handsard on the gov of AB website.

Hi Chris, do you know who the owners are? I would like to plan an indoor acrobatic photoshoot with some models at an abandoned warehouse/facility, and this place is my dream location. Any chance you could forward on my email or send me their contact info? Please reply to my email!

Drove by it today cause as many I was very interested in the place. I did notice many TransCanada pipeline signs, that is why it probably looks well maintained as its probably owned by them, will need to do more digging.

The stock car track is directly across the river to the east. It was shut down because of many different fights with the MD of foothills over permitting. Really to bad it was a fun place to take the kids.

Western tire shredders was actually renting in there around 2001, I delivered tires for them to be shredded and shipped out until it went under and I believe at that time Transcanada pipeline was the owner of the building

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