The Fallout


The Fallout is a 2022 American computer-animated slasher comedy film produced by Cratty Klanz Media. The film was directed by Gibson Batty and written by Jericho Fortune. The film follows on an elementary school based in South Australia that winds up after a school shooting, and Gibson Batty (Steven) is trying to get the whole school to love him again. It stars an ensemble voice cast that includes Steven, Jericho Fortune, Julie, Joey, Male TextAIGenerator, Salli, Roger, Dave, Paul, Brandon, Eric, and Christopher. 


After a school shooter kills a class teacher named Sandy (Julie), the principal finds a way to bring her back to life (Which fails) and hires a substitute teacher named Corbin Dreiberg (Eric) to replace Sandy, which was a big mistake. Because of the fact he legitimately told the class he was married to his sister. After class, Gibson meets up with his best friend Leife (Joey), and starts spreading the word about Corbin's wife which shocks him. It followed up after Gibson and his girlfriend Playtime (Salli) got into a fight (I’ll be honest, I thought Playtime deserved that). 3 weeks later, Gibson is still hated by the school and wants to be loved again. So his mother Catherine (Julie) and best friend Leife try to get the whole school to love him again. But later on, Gibson is tortured, stabbed, and killed by Corbin and the principal. 6 minutes later, a teenager who looks identical to Angry Kid, finds Gibson's dead body and brings it out the front door, where Catherine and Leife start mourning. Angry Kid calms them down by saying he will revive Gibson. He then, surprisingly, disappears.

Voice cast

Steven, Jericho Fortune as Gibson Batty, the main character.

Julie as Sandy Doyle, the teacher of The Schoolhouse.

Joey as Leife, Gibson's best friend

Dave as Jeremy Fitzgerald, Gibson Batty's rival.

Salli as Playtime, Gibson's girlfriend.

Paul as TimTom, a student who is a friend of Gibson.

Roger as This Is A Bully, the bully of The Schoolhouse.

Male TextAIGenerator as Principal Of The Thing, the main principal of The Schoolhouse, who was severely damaged by Sandy's death.

Brandon as Billy Doyle, a school shooter who killed Sandy.

Eric as Corbin Dreiberg, a substitute teacher that replaced Sandy.

Christopher as Angry Kid, a teenager who spotted Gibson's dead body and offered to revive him.

Animation style

The film was animated on Vyond, the animation technique website. Gibson Batty thought that 3-D animation with SFM (Source Filmmaker) in a slasher- comedy film would be too freaky, so he decided 2-D animation was the best choice.