He's a snot-nosed blonde-haired kid with no mates and a very disrespectful attitude towards authority. Annoying Kid spends his spare time tearing around on his Raleigh Chopper (wearing his very stylish camo jumpsuit) getting into all sorts of bother, and verbally abusing his father and brother.

What was your inspiration for Annoying Kid? Explain yourself...

 I think it's this stop-motion series called: Angry Kid, and most of the stories are based on the original stories, based on him. It's sort of a get back. We did a little pilot, which was basically a spoof based on him, and that sort of gave me the chance to develop it and turn it into a character.

So we had this luxury of being able to develop something new. We made them bit by bit, we've got about 40 episodes now and they've all been made as the audience's come along, and he's sort of matured during that period.

Annoying Kid was an endless non-starter. The big problem with a one-minute format is that no TV stations really know what to do with it. We finally got there when ABC (Australia) were doing their normal broadcast schedule, but things went wrong at the eleventh hour and we decided well shit we've been doing this for several months now, so we just gave it to YouTube, who came to us with a really good plan and said here's what we're going to do with it and here's your audience.

Finally we had someone telling us who our audience was rather than us telling them, or lying to them about who our audience was. And they just stuck it on the net for anyone who wanted to see it, because that was the whole thing, it was just throwaway animation.

Animation's normally so expensive and so precious, but this was throwaway stuff and it belonged on the net for that whole building up period and developing of character. It did really well and without that whole YouTube thing I don't think we'd have got much further. We certainly wouldn't have gotten this whole series going. After all, it's very difficult to get money for a character based on a blonde haired kid who doesn't really do much.

We've seen what great work they've done on the DVD. Do you see DVD as being the way forward for Annoying Kid?

Yeah, I think it's going to work quite well. What we've seen so far of the DVD is great. We came in earlier when just the menu was playing and it really pisses you off after a while, because it keeps running on a loop. It's very Annoying Kid. So you've got no option other than to play something whatever it might be, so that's a good thing.

Who is your target audience?

I don't know. There isn't one. We've done a second series, and we're talking about doing a longer format as well, and [people are always asking] what our target audience is. Well I suppose, if I was going to be really boring, I'd say the target was going to be 15 to early twenties, but to be honest it doesn't mean everyone within that bracket is going to enjoy it. That's the target, but other age groups enjoy it as well. Kids seem to really love it, which is a bit dodgy.

How much of a longer format are you talking about?

It's two things, one was a feature and the other one is working on a series of half hours, so we're sort of expanding. The big thing in this country is that everyone wants to do the next Simpsons, but we aren't going to get it. Because we've got a different sense of humour and I don't think we're as willing to take the piss out of ourselves as the Americans are. So I'm avoided that sort of Simpsons thing and trying [instead] to come up with a sitcom based on what you've seen up there [points to the screen], which is more of a mix and match, lick both sides and hold, rough as a cat's arse production.

I think the rough [production values] look great and I think you could extend it to half an hour and keep a good audience. But with a few better writers than me obviously...

Can you put a finger on why Annoying Kid has been so popular?

I don't know. Is it really popular? I think it's all wrong, I mean it doesn't look much like a kid, it looks like a teen and he's not very annoying, so we got it all wrong in the description. Maybe it's just the stupidness. You know we're not trying to say anything clever, the scripts are moments in time that have come from me. It's always my brother or people I know.

We've got a few episodes that nobody will ever see because they're rubbish, but because we can make them so quickly, because we can churn them out, because it's real, because it's flashbacks and stuff that people remember and did, we can make it all happen with him. It's so quick and cheap.

You must be quite chuffed about the popularity of it. Nearly 10 thousand people have watched it on the Internet.

And they're all asking why.

If you're going to turn it into a longer format, what characters do you think you might bring out?

Well, we're going to expand on his world, which doesn't go much beyond his own street and school. Which is kind of the way it is for a little kid. You see the news and see what's going on, but you kind of imagine it all happening in your own street.

So, there's going to be his girlfriend, who isn't his girlfriend, he just thinks she is but she actually hates him. And this strange little women at the end of the road, who's called Mrs Jobling. She's a weird witch, well that's what he thinks, but she's actually a nice old lady.

Audience question: Did you ever find yourself vetting your own ideas because they're just too sick?

Yeah. No actually, it's normally other people who pick me up on it being too sick. There have been some really, really dodgy ones that have been stopped at the eleventh hour, because we've thought we can't do this, somebody's paying for it. We've got one or two that probably won't be seen until we're forced to show them, because they're just a little bit wrong... But I think we could have been much worse than we have.