Virtual Field Trips

Looking for Virtual Field Trips?

Virtual Field Trip resources bookmarked in my Diigo’s social bookmarking account.

The information below is from Waffle Bytes - Museum Treasure Troves

Virtual Tours

Apparently there are now 2,500 museums that offer virtual tours from home. It would take a long time to visit all of them! You can find many of them through Google Arts & Culture. Take, for example, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. You can view many of the paintings viewable there - without the crowd - and even learn a bit about them from information added on the page. Or go to Rome and see the Sistine Chapel. Here are some ways to you might engage students through a virtual tour:

  • Have students explore a museum in a city they would like to visit. Some possible questions to help them start: What is at the museum? When did it open? Where is the museum located?
  • Make observations about a current exhibit together and generate questions about what else you'd like to know about it - maybe even email your questions to the museum!
  • Ask them to learn more and share about an art form you have an interest in.
  • Have them find samples from different art periods - this could even be something created and built as a group!

Many museums are posting activities, or have resources available for students. Some examples: