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Twitter, Evernote and TextWrangler

Below is a step by step description of how I use Evernote and TextWranger (free, Macintosh only) to manage my favorite Tweets.

When I first started using Twitter I saved Tweets by marking them as Favorites in Twitter. As the number of favorites approached 100, it became unmanageable to be able to find specific ones when I needed it. My next step was to take screen shots of them but the links were not clickable and they were not searchable. They were useful in presentations, but that was about all.

I tried copying and pasting them into a text document, but then I had stuff all over the place, on my laptop, my office computer, my home computer, etc.

My next step was to send it to myself as an e-mail message, but then I had to go through my e-mail messages and copy them off one by one and paste them into a document. At least they were all going into one document.

I have been using Evernote for some time now and that worked well (as did Google Docs) for my "one stop shopping" to keep the Tweets I had copied and pasted. This worked well since I had access to both documents from any of my computers or mobile devices.

Then I found out that if I sent a DM to myen (I had to follow @myen first)

it would show up in Evernote as a new note. And I could do this from any computer, even if Evernote wasn't installed.

Evernote has a feature that allows you to merge multiple notes

and then come out looking like this:

I wish it didn't have the large headline, which is just pulled out of the main note. But it saved me lots of time doing copy and paste to get them into one document, so I can't complain too much. Especially since I have TextWranger to do the cleanup for me in a matter of a minute.

In this example more than 30 separate Tweets were merged together, and when I copied and pasted them into TextWrangler they came is as one big paragraph. Looking at the merged Evernote file above, you can see that what I want to remove is every line that starts with "Twitter DM:" and ends with "..."

after they have been separated into their own lines, the next step is to remove them entirely.

This is under the Text menu

Then to get a space between each line:

Note that the searches are stored so they next time you do this it will only take seconds to do!

Once you have copied the merged and separated Tweets back into Evernote, you can use the search feature to find any word in any note that you have in Evernote. Makes it much easier to find those Tweets when you need them!