Dr. Pat Garriott

Lab Website: sites.google.com/view/educationandcareerequitylab/home

Lab Meeting:

Weekly varies by quarter

Contact Dr. Garriott at pat.garriott@du.edu for more information

What kind of research does Dr. Garriott do?

  • Dr. Garriott’s current research interests are educational and career development with a primary focus on issues of economic and racial justice. His current research is focused on experiences of first-generation college students, classism in higher education, counseling with economically marginalized clients, and social class in vocational psychology research.

What would I be doing in his lab?

  • Over the past year, students in Dr. Garriott’s lab participated in the following activities: creating literature reviews, data input, data analysis, creating conference presentations and manuscript writing.

Can I participate in his lab if I don't attend the meetings?

  • No, only students who regularly attend the lab meetings can participate.

How do I join?