Principal Activity

The objects of The Cambridge Pringle Group are set out in its Memorandum of Association and this was changed so as to widen the range of mental health of those we will accept as tenants, these changes having been accepted by the Charities’ Commissioner and Companies House in January 2016. The objects are now "to help and guide primarily users of and those needing to use mental health and learning disability services and secondarily those with related social care needs to live more independently by providing well managed economic housing with co-ordinated support by qualified people or ensuring the provision of such support by liaison with other organisations in Cambridgeshire and the Anglia region or such other facilities as the Trustees shall decide".

Public benefit

Schizophrenia and related conditions occur in all populations and cultures. Although there is some hereditary influence, any person may become a service user.  Those with a serious degree of schizophrenia often have a prolonged period of illness and severely reduced quality of life. By our procedure of considering any referral of a person with housing need and mental health problems, and by our policies of equal opportunities, we aim to improve the quality of life for each service user by providing a place of residence which he/she can feel confident is their home for as long as they need it. Such housing is of benefit to relatives and carers: those service users who show independent living improvement also benefit the wider community by reducing the burden of care.

The Group's priorities are to improve the quality of its activities, widen the range of mental health needs amongst our tenants and increase the number of service users housed. In these ways, the Group seeks to increase the public benefit of its activities and to make these more widely known.

The Cambridge Pringle Group maintains policies, procedures and codes of practice in line with the good practice guidance, legislation and contractual requirements.