Induction Partnerships

Induction Partnerships

The Center for Professional Development offers induction services tailored to meet the needs of individual teachers through collaborative educational partnerships.

State Approved Induction Program Services

Professional development through Peak to Peak Charter School’s induction program is a proven avenue toward increasing teacher mastery and retaining quality teachers, improving overall school quality and promoting student academic achievement. Initially licensed teachers and counselors who successfully complete the program receive a certificate to submit to the Colorado Department of Education when applying for a professional license. The induction program runs for one full school year.

Program Components

  • Needs Assessment

  • Summer Reading

  • August Orientation and Workshops

  • One-on-One Mentoring

  • Bi-Monthly Workshops

  • Written Reflections

  • Teaching Observations with Personalized Feedback

  • Classroom Observations of Master Teachers/Counselors

  • Professional Growth Planning

  • Formal Teaching Evaluation

  • Staff Professional Development

Benefits to Schools

Increased student achievement

Improved teacher performance

Increased mastery of classroom management and instructional practices

Improved teacher retention

Enhanced teacher job satisfaction

Reinforced and normed school values

Enhanced focus on quality professional development

Why It Matters

Regardless of a school’s mission and vision, there is inherent value in having a professionally licensed teaching staff. To graduate from an initial license to a professional license, teachers must complete a state-approved induction program. Induction provides a pathway to improved teacher performance, enhanced job satisfaction, and increased student achievement. While charter schools may legally waive the requirement to hire professionally licensed teachers, many still encourage teachers to obtain a professional license and therefore need the support of an induction program.


The cost of induction services depends on a variety of factors. Please contact us to explore options for your school.

Peak to Peak's Induction Program Featured by the Colorado State Board of Education

Peak to Peak's state approved induction program was featured by the Colorado State Board of Education during their September 11, 2013, board meeting.

Below is an audio recording of the presentation.
