About me

My name is Constantinos Papachristoforou and I am a PhD student at the University of Sheffield, supervised by Robert Kurinczuk.

I am a member of the Sheffield number theory group.

I am interested in the local Langlands program and the l-modular representation theory of p-adic groups, with coefficients in a ring where p is invertible. I am also interested in relationships between automorphic representations and Galois representations. Currently, I am trying to understand how the category of smooth representations of the p-adic exceptional group G_2(F) decomposes into blocks.

Short Bio

I was born and raised in Cyprus. 

I was an undergraduate student at Durham University, where I wrote a dissertation project titled "The ubiquity of Bernoulli numbers". I completed my master's degree at Imperial College London. My thesis was on "Galois cohomology and local class field theory"

I enjoy playing the guitar and the piano. I recently got into indoor climbing! I am also a member of the British Mensa.




I also teach mathematics on an online platform. Here is my profile.

Seminars and conferences attended

Seminars organised



Email: cpapachristoforou1@sheffield.ac.uk

Office: K26, Hicks building.