Kara's Escapades

I titled this section the way I did because Kara is back in Tokyo for the second time this year. She and Raymond are working on a TV show there and expect to be there until late spring. They both love Tokyo for many reasons. The people are very clean and have worn masks before it was "the thing." Their culture has always respected others, therefore, wearing a mask even when they have a cold to show respect.

They all seem to love the movie industry even though it keeps them on the move from here and there. Getting to meeting famous people is certainly a plus for them all.

Raymond has worked in a different city through much of the last couple of years. It is a real bonus for them to both be working on the same project. Kara went just to visit and got hired.

Alex and Cassidy still live in Savannah both now in their own apartments. Between contracts with a movie, Alex works in retail to make ends meet. He is also part of a local band, hence the picture with the microphone.

Cassidy seems to be able to get enough work as a makeup artist to pay her bills. She has been dating the same young man for a year now.

The movie industry is definitely changing with the pandemic. However, they will just move to streaming and less theater showings. We were moving in that direction anyway. It is sad to see the theaters closed. There is just something about going to a movie and having popcorn! Not quite the same at home.

I don't get to see the family much at all between their work schedules, traveling, and COVID. Hopefully, next summer will be a good time to see them.

Here is one more picture of Kara. The Cox girls are both beautiful and talented!

And to end, one more Christmas song to enjoy! Merry Christmas to all!