
Academic Publications

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2020) Inequality in the Impact of the Coronavirus Shock: Evidence from Real Time Surveys, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 189 (Covid SI), September 2020

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2020) Furloughing, Fiscal Studies, vol. 41(3) (Covid SI), 591-622, September 2020

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2022) The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Mental Health: Evidence from the US, Economic Policy, January 2022.

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2022) Work tasks that can be done from home: Evidence on the variation within and across occupations and industries, Labour Economics, vol. 74, January 2022.

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2022) The Value of Sick Pay, published in European Economic Review

Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M., Rauh, C. (2022) The Perceived Returns to Job Search, published in Labour Economics

Policy Briefings