COVIDEU News and Media


COVIDEU Panel at the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) conference!

Our team members are excited to be heading west to the MPSA conference, that will be taking place in Chicago on April 2023.

The COVIDEU Project has submitted a panel to present our ongoing research and papers, which has already been accepted by the organisation.

The papers that will be presented and discussed from April 13th to April 16th will be the following:

  1. The political effects of leader communication during crises: Evidence from a natural experiment.

Contributing authors: Dr. Heike Klüver, Dr. Asli Unan, Dr. Sara Hobolt and Dr. Toni Rodon.

  1. Misinformation, Cue-taking and Euroscepticism

Contributing authors: Dr. Heike Klüver, Dr. Sara Hobolt, Dr. Zach Dickson, Dr. Asli Unan, Dr. Theresa Kuhn and Dr. Michal Krawczyk.

  1. Hustle and tussle: How the UK's vaccine rollout impacted EU attitudes in EU countries

Contributing authors: Irene Rodríguez, Lisa Herbig, Dr. Toni Rodon, Dr. Heike Klüver, Dr. Asli Unan, Dr. Michal Krawczyk and Dr. Theresa Kuhn.

  1. Parasocial exposure to successful immigrants and attitudes towards immigration

Author: Dr. Asli Unan.

  1. Cross-border mobility and EU support

Contributing authors: Lisa Herbig, Dr. Theresa Kuhn, Dr. Heike Klüver, Dr. Asli Unan, Irene Rodríguez and Dr. Toni Rodon

October 2022

Podcast (Dutch): #80 Een oorlog uitleggen op TV with Prof. Dr. Theresa Kuhn

Mark Rutte deed het met Sven Kockelmann en Olaf Scholz met Ursula von der Leyen. En Emmanuel Macron? Die besloot de oorlog en crises in Europa live op televisie uit te leggen als Dr. Clavan himself, inclusief wereldkaart. Is dat hoe je als leider anno 2022 een crisis uitlegt?

Over leiderschap in crisistijd praten we met Femke van Esch, hoogleraar European Governance en leiderschap van de EU aan het Departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht. En met Theresa Kuhn, hoogleraar Europese Studies aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Met speciale aandacht ook voor Alexander de Croo, Andrzej Duda, Sebastian Kurz / Karl Nehammer en...Jimmy Carter.

June 2022
The first COVIDEU project workshop in Amsterdam

On June 13th and 14th, 2022, our whole COVIDEU team gathered for our first annual project workshop, held at the University of Amsterdam.

The wonderful city of Amsterdam was the venue of our first annual COVIDEU Workshop. During the two days of the workshop, our five teams (Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Warsaw) worked together to discuss and present our work so far, next steps, as well as providing a space for our Junior Team to present their ongoing work.

After the welcome session by our Amsterdam team, every PI presented the state of their Work Package, the advances made so far, papers in progress and future necessary steps to take. The first day was dedicated to discussing pillars 1 and 2, policy responses and political actors, after which the team went out to dinner and drinks to enjoy Amsterdam's atmosphere. The second day was devoted to discuss pillar 3, the media. Finally, each of our junior team members Asli, Lisa and Irene, presented their own research and received mindful feedback from our senior members.

We also used the time together to decide the location for our next annual workshop: Barcelona!

December 2021

Podcast (Polish): #75 How to study the impact of fake news on public sentiment? with Prof. Dr. Michal Krawczyk

Infodemia, due to the ever-increasing number of fake news stories spreading across the web with incredible speed, continues to flourish. The increasing amount of fake news in turn affects public sentiment. Can this impact be measured?

Whether the pandemic and infodemic have influenced our moods and opinions on vaccines and the European Union, and whether it is possible to study this at all is discussed by Prof. Michał Krawczyk from the Faculty of Economics Studies of the University of Warsaw, talking about an international research project funded by VolkswagenStiftung, and on the occasion of Dr. Justyna Pokojska’s questions about:

  • the source of the idea for the mood survey,

  • the reasons why it is important to study this issue,

  • countries which, apart from Poland, are taking part in the project,

  • the influence of the media in creating our sentiments on key issues,

  • investigating fake news related to the European Union,

  • the assumptions behind the field experiments envisaged in the project,

  • potential study participants,

  • predictions about its outcome.

#75 How to study the impact of fake news on public sentiment? - DELab University of Warsaw (

COVIDEU Calender

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