Remote Teaching
Supporting the Continuity of Institutions
Preparing for Remote Work:
Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success which includes tutorials on BlueJeans, WebEx, and Zoom (Linked In Learning)
How to Work Remotely When Your Office Closes for Coronavirus — Or Any Time (3/10/20, EdSurge, Cali Morrison)
4 Ways You Can Give Your Remote Workforce a Sense of Togetherness (3/16/20, LinkedIn, Samantha McLaren)
17 Desk Stretches That'll (Almost) Replace Going to the Gym (n.d., The Muse, Kat Moon)
The Tech Headaches of Working From Home and How to Remedy Them (3/18/20, NY Times, Brian X. Chen)
Pandemic Implications for Human Resources:
College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources
A list of guides for transitioning f2f courses to online delivery
Daniel Stanford's Crowd-Sourced List of Institutional Continuity Plans, Guidelines, and Resources
Videoconferencing Alternatives: How Low-Bandwidth Teaching Will Save Us All (3/16/20, DePaul University Center for Teaching and Learning, Daniel Stanford)
COMMUNITY: The Chronicle's Facebook Group - Higher Ed and the Coronavirus
Student Readiness/Access/Support:
Students' Readiness to Adopt Fully Online Learning (3/12/20, EDUCAUSE, by D. Christopher Brooks and Susan Grajek)
Comcast offering 'Internet Essentials' package free for low-income customers for 60 days (WXYZ Detroit, 3/13/20)
College culture and COVID-19 response (3/13/20, Community College Daily, Steve Robinson)
Keeping Students Engaged in a Transition to Online Learning - Mar 20, 2020 1:00 PM, Bettyjo Bouchey
ACCESSIBLE TEACHING IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 (3/10/20, Mapping Access Blog, Aimi Hamraie)
Managing COVID-19 Disruption: Online Accessibility and Anti-Discrimination in Schools (3/18/20, CooleyED, Nancy Anderson & Paul Thompson
Don’t Be a Barrier: Be Accessible NOW - Guidance from the National Federation of the Blind, includes link to Creating Nonvisually Accessible Documents (3/16/20, NFB Blog, Stephanie Flynt)
Performance-based Instruction:
How Do You Teach Art, Music and PE Online? In China, They’re Figuring It Out. (3/10/20, EdSurge, by Siyi Zhang)
Resources for moving dance-based pedagogy online (3/9/20, Dance Studies Association)
The dance community archiving their collective moment of virtual education
STEM Instruction:
A file of online chemistry & biochemistry animations, videos, simulations & demos (with active links) (3/11/20, Stacey Lowery Bretz website)
Museum and Library Resources:
NEW 3/26 - National Emergency Library to Provide Digitized Books to Students and the Public (3/24/20, Internet Archive, Chris Freeland) - Press release with more details here
Open Culture for access to free cultural and educational media on the web.
The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections produced by MCN.
US Academic Library Response to COVID19 Survey (crowd-sourced document)
Quick Transitions to Online Remote Teaching:
One thing to bear in mind, students may lose connectivity if your campus closes. Students may not have access to laptops or desktops or not have internet access. Any technology used to support instructional continuity must be mobile friendly.
From UPCEA's Partners:
From Other Sources:
COMMUNITY: Keep Teaching Resources for Higher Ed (Community lead by Katie Linder, Laura Widenor, and Trian McCarty)
Culture Shock: Teaching Online in a Pinch (3/17/20, EDUCAUSE, Bonnie Budd)
Tips for teaching online in a pinch - crowdsourced document.
Online Learning: Some Notes for Going Online Midsemester (3/12/20, EDUCAUSE, James Quirk)
So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online (3/11/2020, IHE, authored by Stephanie Moore and Charles Hodges)
Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start (3/9/2020, Chronicle, authored by Michelle Miller)
How to Make Your Online Pivot Less Brutal (3/12/20, Chronicle, Kevin Gannon)
Prepare to Move Online (in a Hurry) (3/10/2020, IHE, authored by Nathan Greeno)
Links to free or easily available tools for instructional continuity (if your institution has virtually no centralized ed tech resources)- Quick Tech Guide (Crowdsourced)
OLC Webinar Recordings:
(Recording available) Making the Shift to Online Learning: Emergency Preparedness & Instructional Continuity – March 6, 2020
(Recording available) Using Live, Online Sessions to Support Continuity of Instruction – March 9, 2020
Managing COVID-19 Disruption: FERPA (3/13/20, CooleyED, Matt Johnson)
Managing COVID-19 Disruption: Online Accessibility and Anti-Discrimination in Schools (3/18/20, CooleyED, Nancy Anderson & Paul Thompson
Veterans Administration: Distance Learning and Housing Allowances for Veterans enrolled in f2f that transition to online remote teaching (3/17/20 Update, WCET Frontiers Blog, Lindsey Rae Downs)
Accreditation, Continuity of Operations, and COVID-19 (3/12/20, WCET Frontiers, Van Davis)
Virtual Events (transitioning conferences and large gatherings)
Virtual Events Resources (n.d. Tagoras Learning)
Enterprise-level/Institutional Considerations (Previous Lessons Learned):
The Coronavirus and Class Broadcasts (3/3/30, EDUCAUSE Review, by Perry Samson)
Colleges Planned to Move to Online for Snow Days. Now Some Are Closed Indefinitely. (3/13/20, EdSurge, Jeffrey Young)
Lessons from Katrina:
What Katrina Taught Us About Online Delivery (3/11/2020, IHE, penned by Ray Schroeder)
Lorenzo, G. (2008). The Sloan Semester. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12(2). Retrieved from
How to Lead in a Crisis: Disaster advice from my time as president of Tulane University during Hurricane Katrina (3/16/20, Chronicle, Scott Cowen)
Reflecting while Pivoting:
Covid-19 Boost to Online Learning May Backfire (3/12/20, EducationNext, Michael B. Horn)
Why Coronavirus Looks Like a ‘Black Swan’ Moment for Higher Ed (3/11/20, Chronicle, Goldie Blumenstyk)