About & Contact Info

This page began as a google document, found here: http://bit.ly/UPCEA_COVID19

Once that page became a bit unmanageable in terms of organization all information was transitioned to this site.

To suggest changes or updates, contact juranis at upcea <dot> edu.

UPCEA is the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education. For more than 100 years, UPCEA has served most of the leading public and private colleges and universities in North America. Founded in 1915, the association serves its members with innovative conferences and specialty seminars, research and benchmarking information, professional networking opportunities and timely publications. Based in Washington, D.C., UPCEA also builds greater awareness of the vital link between contemporary learners and public policy issues.

UPCEA members have broad portfolios that include professional education, continuing education, online education as well as conferencing, events, study away programs, etc. Our members are, and should be, involved in the Continuity of Operations (COOP) of institutions.

To learn more about UPCEA, visit our About Us Page.