The 2019 COVID Crisis - Now A 2020 Global Concern

The Issue

COVID-19 originated during the year of 2019, hence the 19 tag attached to it. However, the virus became a global concern during the 2020 year, so much so, that 2020 became a year that rings the bells of self quarantine. Many have gone months staying indoors, separated from loved ones, access to limited resources, financial restraints, and so much more. This situation has led to a communication crisis. Communication is not only restricted to socializing, but access to pivotal information, and maintaining a flow in our society that we depend on. This is where COVID Comm specializes in. The outlook is to resolve this communication crisis by entailing services to the public that will keep everyone linked to a multitude of resources so that nobody has to feel alone.

Keep Safe Distance, BUT Stay Linked!!

Where we are today

Our great resources include a 24/7 accessible chatbot backed by IBM technology, that will provide constant information regarding the COVID situation and more. Topics are but bot limited to up to date COVID stats, financial tips, shelter help, latest news updates, or just someone to talk to! Pair this with your favorite Alexa for on the move access so you never miss a detail. These services scrape data from the NYT server, so you are on the go with reliable live time data. Know how to tackle this COVID crisis efficiently! And don't just take our word for it! Here are working examples of our product so you can count us in:

Meet Your Personal ChatBot Assistant

Ask about the number of cases

Ask about your state specifics

Know the stats and keep safe!


Alexa Integration

By integrating our chatbot with Amazon Alexa, interacting with COVID Comm becomes a seamless conversation with all the same capabilities and information.

IBM Cloud Functions

An Alexa skill will use Watson Assistant via the Apache OpenWhisk serverless framework.

Alexa Skill Development