
Arpita Chakraborty

KMC Manipal

May the divine blessings of the goddess heal the world soon

Natasha Aquinas


Day 21 of self quarantine: Tried making ‘white sauce pasta’ and succeeded!! 🤩 This quarantine has got me cooking and trying new dishes 👩🏽‍🍳 Also, rekindling my love for photography 📷 Definitely carrying this to my non-quarantine, busy life

Sanjana Chitturi


Sanjana Chitturi


Sushant Prabhu


Shrinethraa Senthil Kumar


Anuja Sarkar


The world around us currently

Anuja Sarkar


In House Cafe during Lockdown

Omkar Patil


Sarah Hussain


Akash S S


Every droplet has it's own time to fall down

Sowmya Johorey


Gluten free mini gateaux (cakes) made with coconut flour and topped with chocolate shavings and some chocolate chunks for a chocolate lover

Shriti Chandra


Debarun Ghosh


Aksa Hasan Ali Syed

MAHE Dubai

Pradyumna Mogre


Sowmya Johorey


Kinjal Zinzuwadia

MAHE Dubai

Shreyansh Sharma


MM Varun Kumar




Never Be Alone_Final.mp4

Vidya KS

MAHE Dubai

dance video.mp4

Sravani Tenneti

MAHE Dubai

rewrite final video.mp4

Jahanvi Antil

KMC Manipal

Priyadarshini Rajendran

MIT Manipal

Aditya Deep



Akash S S


Sometimes colors gives us best therapy

Sonia Sali


Whoever said quarantine days were boring! For eleven long stood this tree outside my window but it was only 21 days into the lockdown when I realized it wasn't just a tree after all, it knew my life better than I did and yeah all these years it tried speaking to me yet I was caught up with the business of the day! Well that's what it said and by the way we are friends now, so I clicked a picture to mark the beginnings of our friendship

Kaushik Bhat


Lockdown? What is that?

Amogh Shetty


Amogh Shetty


Gaurav Chandrashekhar Hajare


Reshma Sett


Kamakshi Tholia

MU Jaipur

Handmade bookmarks

Nilesh Raj


Sometimes colors gives us best therapy

Vedashree Vidnyan Relkar


A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings

Riya Kashyap

MU Jaipur

The magic of Nature is always with colours

Anuja Sarkar


Hafsa Mehreen

MAHE Dubai

Tanya Gupte


Deepika S


Uncertain times, uncertain lives, the only certain is our bandwidth

Saksham Parolia


Soliloquy in Introspect

Sherrin Ann George

MAHE Dubai

K Rajeswar


Gaurav Hajare


Mini Shail Chhabra


Akshaj Verma

Manipal Institute of Technology

Aman Khurana


K Shasmitha Vani


better astero

Nikhil Varghese Kurian


Mini Shail Chhabra


The thick black clouds of coronavirus have enveloped every part of the world, spreading its aura of terror. And until we wait for the clouds to clear and the bright yellow sun rays to touch our lives, we must look for the silver lining. In this case, there is alot of positivity around us, despite the panic and loss through COVID-19. From dolphins swimming across waters, people coming together to sing, families spending quality time together at the comfort of their homes and nature recuperating from the clutches of pollution. Earth is repairing,#EarthIsHealing

Dr. Pesona Grace Lucksom


Sonia Sali


Sew your thoughts, the dead skills and your lost self into a beautiful embroidery once again on the garments of your Life

Anirudh Virdi


Aakansha Agarwal

MAHE Dubai

Febin Thomas

MAHE Dubai

Kashish Kalra

MAHE Dubai

Noble Prince


Hypostatizing the principles of the essence - SPEED, FLOW & DEPTH. Time, Space, Fluids, Life the key elements of everything around us abide by these.One just has to have 'ice on a stick' and let the nature do it's thing, because the repercussions of the disturbances are unimaginable

Ishani Joshi

MAHE Dubai

Pandemic Providing a Way of Life

Arushi Kumat, Manipal Institute of Communication

You know it’s a call for emergency when the Indian Railways have come to standstill. What even wars could not do, a virus has done it. The world has come to a stop. Taking more than 47,000 lives worldwide, the pandemic has gotten the worst out of all of us. Everyone has spoken of its ill effects. Is there a silver lining to it? I think this to myself as I sit by my balcony hearing the chirping of the birds, the sound I haven’t heard in the longest time. The same place where once I heard the cacophony of cars and bikes, today I hear sparrows and its likes. Was this a break we all needed? Is this a sign that we were all going too fast?

Call me ignorant but I can’t help but look at these unintended sides of the pandemic. With so much of negativity all around me, these are the aspects I’d want to focus on. Climate change was the biggest risk the world faced before the pandemic took over. However, was it taken seriously? Not to the extent it should have been. Today, the roads are less congested, the air is cleaner, and the sky is clearer. There has been a cut by 50% in the pollution contributed by the cars. In a week, New Delhi who has been the face of the grave issue of air contamination saw a sudden dip by 71% in the particulate matter. Waters in Venice have become as clear to make the fish visible. The consumption of crude oil products has rapidly decreased. Did we need a pandemic to battle another issue? Time to think. Can we continue this lifestyle for a better tomorrow?

Due to a complete lockdown all companies have given employees work from home. With physical meeting turning into mails, travels for work becoming video conferencing and being at the comfort of home, productivity is definitely increased. It has eliminated the travel which in a city like Mumbai took away the majority time giving more time to give to the actual work.

Is it something we can make the way of life?

As I sit for a hot home cooked meal with my family, I think of the last time we sat together for the meal. Sharing all three meals together, with radio in the background and discussions quickly changing from current scenario to old memories, I smile as this surely will be a cherished time amidst all the other news. I cook a meal with my mom, wash utensils with my dad and laugh through all the menial chores which we had never even given a look to. Every night we indulge in some card games forgetting all the worries of the world.

The world has come together to battle coronavirus forgetting all the caste, creed and religion.

Humankind has prevailed all the other differences.

Is this virus showing us new and better ways to live?

Can we all stop for a minute and just think of the positive the pandemic has taught us? I pray for this pandemic to be over soon but also pray that the teachings stay with us and we continue long after the world has recovered from it.

Evolving Education

Ayush Ranglani, Manipal Institute of Technology

It is praiseworthy that society today, setting aside its many flaws, gives education much importance. Almost every parent today, anywhere from a daily-wage labourer to a lavish entrepreneur desires the best education for their children. However, the current education scenario is far from flawless. As such, if we wish to evolve education in the near future, we must consult the ones subject to this process; the students. Being a student myself, following is an account of the areas of today’s education system that need critical improvement from our vantage point.

The biggest flaw in today’s system is the fact that its commercialisation has made education too examination-focused. So much so that the very motive of education, its essence has been forgotten. Learners no longer learn to enhance their knowledge, but to secure the best grade. Grading by itself is an essential mechanism, in that it provides quantitative feedback on learners’ performance. But the way this feedback is perceived and processed by the ones affected makes a world of difference. Indeed, it has. Let us rewind the history of grading for a minute. The concept of grading initially existed in institutions besides education. It had been used as a tool in the industry to (a) assess workers’ performance and (b) ascertain fair remuneration in accordance. Later when grading was bridged over to education, there was a major tweak in its purpose. While part (a) of the purpose was bridged over intact, part (b) was simply omitted because students are just not remunerated for their academic efforts. Here, it was meant to provide a tangible measure of the students’ academic performance. And what were the students to do with this feedback? If the feedback was bad, then students were to take their learning more seriously. If the feedback was good, they were already doing good. There weren’t meant to be any repercussions of grading. Either way, it was intended for the students’ own benefit, in that they could have greater awareness of their level of skill and knowledge.

It’s established that in case of education, grading was to be merely a means to gauge how well students were learning. In other words, the grades were meant to be indicative of the learning. Not the other way around, as is the case today where the process of learning has grown to become rather ‘fluttered’ by the hype of grading. Sadly in this age, students are raised to look out for academic recognition. They are subjects to a system that doesn’t value knowledge or skill as much as grades. And the unavoidable impact is that learners’ identities have come to be intertwined with the grades they get. Students don’t care much if they don’t learn something of real value, instead they care about the number that is produced at the end of the examination. This in turn has created a sense of destructive competition where learners derive their sense of self-worth from their grades. With such hierarchical divide amongst students, even the learner at the top of the pyramid might not accomplish much on the knowledge front, and wasn’t that the whole point anyway? Grades that were invented as an accomplice to the process of education have indeed consumed it altogether.

So when I think about the future of education, rather than cosmetic technical tweaks/enhancements in the process which would add incremental value, I would suggest a major overhaul of the very fundamental principles of the whole process moving forward. The way to bring about such a change would entail certain changes in our current approach.

One. The classroom paradigm that currently exists works fine, because it instills in students a certain sense of sincerity which is pivotal. However, enhancements need to be made to our methods of classroom teaching. The manner in which the knowledge is imparted stems from the teacher’s ability to communicate with students. I’d like to lay emphasis on the word ‘students’ here. The situation is different when the teacher is interacting with one of their peers.

Two research scholars can easily have complex discussions with each other with minimal expression and even less ambiguity, because they’re simply at the same wavelength with regard to the subject. However, when that scholar is having similar discussions with students, who are on a lower wavelength, the ability of the teacher to communicate really takes the front seat. Since the students are not scholars like their teachers with regard to a subject, it is imperative that the teacher possess the necessary expressional skills to translate the subject matter into a form legible to the students. Given the current level of difficulty of the subject matter taught at most educational institutions, I’d go on to say that skills of communication might weigh even heavier than expertise in the actual subject matter (Not to diminish the importance of the expertise, but to critically emphasise the importance of successful communication). I personally feel that the subject matter mostly taught to students in college today is not too difficult to grasp at all. As such, who we need as our teachers today are people who have sufficient knowledge (not necessarily excessive) of the subject matter to be taught, but more importantly can communicate flawlessly with us rather than teachers who are overqualified in their respective discipline but lack the skill to communicate it to us and make us understand well from the ground up.

Two. Einstein pointed out that the best way to learn is the practice of being able to teach what you learnt to a person with the same level of knowledge as one you started out with. Teaching is an art of composition by itself. While the subject matter is centrally established and untampered, it’s the composition of that subject matter into forms interpretable to students where the skill of the teacher lies. Thus, we need to make our education more composition based. The examinations that we have today are based on rather standard and objective questions, and the answers to such questions are just as predictable as the questions. These are then subject to grading in a rather binary fashion of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. There is no creativity involved in answering such questions. What this is doing is telling the students that the best approach for education is memorisation of accepted standard answers. This isn’t helping anything besides our memory. In fact, another grave outcome of this is that it encourages those students who are in the practice of memorising without understanding the subject matter, and incentivises other students who might be engaged in the right learning practices to pursue this corrupt path of memorisation. This practice is corrupt in that it is exploiting a loophole in the education system of today but since it produces a good number at the end, it has become very popular.

In place of traditional pen-paper examinations, which frankly test students’ dexterity and memory rather than knowledge and understanding, we need to base our grading system more on composition. Questions need to be more open-ended, and answers to them, more like expressive pieces of composition, so that students get a true and free opportunity to present what they’ve actually taken away from their learning. This takes us back to Einstein’s saying. Thus, the questioning process needs to be made more qualitative and not quantitative.

It is important to note and even appreciate that essay based questions are indeed practiced in some areas today, but this needs to be made a far more popular approach. Colleges abroad lay special emphasis on essay-based questions as part of their admission processes, because that is a way to bring out the true capability of the aspiring students without the inhibition of specific and objective question-asking. Our curriculum needs to adopt similar practices as well.

What I recommend is to divide our curriculum into two broad and well-defined exhaustive distinctions vis-a-vis objective and subjective curricula. For the purpose of illustration, let us consider college education. The current system of objective/standard question-asking exams needs to be set aside as one part of the curriculum; the ‘objective’ part. Let us assign a down-scaled percentage to this, say 40% of the overall grade. The remaining 60% is what will comprise the subjective curriculum. Some of the ideas I personally have for the subjective curriculum are as follows:

i) The assignments which we have in colleges as part of the “continuous learning” practice can be made essay-based, where students are given prompts and besides their knowledge of the subject, their ability to apply it to practical scenarios will be tested, which is the whole point of acquiring knowledge anyway. These assignments would require investigative and research-hungry efforts, and the ability to communicate them to others either verbally or on paper, which obviously would enhance education more than memorisation ever could.

ii) Students must also be given a verbal platform to demonstrate their learnings to others. For good reason, out in the real world, we have job ‘interviews’ rather than job ‘examinations’. Here, memorisation is completely taken out of the equation. Going by Einstein’s saying, if the student is, at some stage, able to successfully teach the teacher what’s been taught, it would ascertain true learning. We need to incorporate in the curriculum of every course, peer-focused review seminars and teacher-based seminars, and the peer-based seminars must include evaluation based not only on delivery, but also the quality of questions asked and the answers given.

iii) Coming to the other observation pointed out previously. In place of the popular employability criteria for teachers (which demand minimum requisite duration of study and research and over-the-top mastery in the respective discipline), greater significance should be given to certain ‘teaching’ certifications. Teaching certifications should become an industry-wide standard and the field of teaching must deem the same as a more important qualification for an aspiring teacher, since without the ability to communicate their wisdom to their students effectively, there’s no point. This would increase the value and importance of teaching skills in the education industry.

This would definitely be a start to a journey to an education system in the future which is superior in terms of how enriching the learning is. It is often said that the best way is to “go back to the basics”. That’s just what I’ve tried to demonstrate. Going back to the true purpose of education before it was contaminated by the commercialisation. This account doesn’t necessarily represent the futuristic technical enhancements in the practice, but is more to do with the rudimentary rethink that needs to be kept in mind all the while the natural technical inevitably enhancements take place.

K.D. Diya Kaveramma, Manipal Institute of Communication

With every new day comes the whisper of the earth, carried to my open ears. ‘You’re free to do what you want today.’, she says. It’s surprising to hear the whisper over the bustling ambience of the house, but it’s still audible.

You see, the days may start flying past you, perhaps in twice the speed than you’re used to, before you realise that you’re the object standing still in a long exposure photograph, while the crowd passes by you. You’re the red traffic signal that demands the world stops, if not there’ll be consequences. You’re the strong gust of wind that pushes back the hurrying individual, making them stop in their tracks. But this crowd, the world that was demanded to stop, the hurrying individual? They’re all you too.

You wake up now in quarantine and you realise that you finally have time to meet yourself. So why not let your mind stop you in your tracks? Why not let it interview you? How are you today? What would you like to do? What are your favourite memories? Feels nice to be put first, doesn’t it?

In this period of time, as much as I do think of the world, I find that I’m thinking about myself a lot more. All those times someone’s asked me to tell them about myself, maybe I can finally take this time to form my answer now. Let’s start with what my name is, and pick up from there, shall we?

All my life, I’ve spent my time painting portraits of others, telling stories of their lives. ‘But now, it’s time to start telling your own story.’, she whispers to me.

So here I am, writing my own story. Taking all this free time to get to know myself; because to be truly happy is to know who you are and be truly happy with yourself. So while the world is on pause, I’m going to let my mind run free. And this time, it’s not just a short sprint. This time, it’s going to run a marathon.

Who knows what treasures are bound to be dug up? What new desires are to be found? All I know is that this is an important process, one that needs to become an addiction. This isn’t just some side hobby I’m picking up. This is a new life. A new outlook.

Everybody deserves to learn about themselves. Just because it’s not a part of our syllabus, doesn’t mean it’s not important. And in this ever hungry, merciless world, this is what I’d like to see continue even after the pandemic dies down. Right now, we might but only be planting the seed, but this seed deserves to be nurtured and grown for the rest of our lives. So take a moment, take a breath, close your eyes and think, if you were to meet yourself, what would you see?

Because, as it turns out, mine isn’t the only ear Mother Earth was whispering into. In fact, it turns out that it wasn’t a whisper at all. It was a roar.

Koyna Nath, Manipal Institute of Technology

As soon as the lockdown for COVID-19 was announced, we as students were happy as we were getting a break from classes and studies but sad because we aren’t allowed to go out. No vacations, not meeting our friends, following strict rules, etc. Every day we keep complaining how people can live inside the house doing nothing at all and what can even be done inside anyways. But this lockdown made us realize how women who are just housewives feel when their children are away from them and their husbands are off to work.

My mom is a housewife. I’ve always seen her being busy with household chores and when she’s free she used to spend time with me and my sister. When my sister left for college, all she had was me as dad goes to office and return direct in the evening. I was always busy with school and college and she was as well, taking care of me and monitoring me. When I started studying in college, I used to ask her sometimes when dad used to be on tours, about hoe she used to pass time even if the wifi was down. All she could answer was about how she tried to go to sleep all alone early or just stare at a blank wall because she had no one to spend time with. I still cry when I think about this.

When I came back to my home, I keep complaining how sad it is to just stay in for so many days, how suffocating it is, etc. But then, I looked at my mom and I thought, “How does this woman even without complaining stay alone the whole day without even stepping out of the house? Isn’t it suffocating for her?’ .I wanted to ask her this but every time I went to talk to her, she starts gossiping with me about her favourite recent facebook post, her interests, what she wants me to do and every sort of gossips. We laugh a lot and this was the best laugh I’ve ever had after years.

When dad returns home I see the whole house light up. I could see how much he misses us and how happy he was when I came back from airport even though we were told to keep distance from each other. I do not know about what I started loving, how intense my love towards passion is, what is happening around the world and how I feel for the situation. This much I can say that I have finally realized what my world is. My mom, my dad, my sister- my whole family is the world to me. And this pandemic lockdown got me closer to them and made me realize things that maybe I wouldn’t have ever realized anytime soon.

The world around us is surely changing- getting pollution free. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that our own family is the word to us because without them, we won’t be anyone. And each and every one of us has developed a different sort of deep love towards every member of our family.

Education in the Future

Priyadarshini Rajendran, Manipal Institute of Technology

“Priya, I see you’re busy with something else at the moment.”

“No miss!” She hastily turns on her audio and minimizes the tab on the side. 30-second attention-tracking will be the bane of her. She facepalms and turns to solving the math question assigned and inputs the answer. The teacher on the other end can check who has answered correctly and the stats of the class, plotted on to a graph with everyday progress alongside her goal for the month.

The next class begins 10 minutes after math. Art is handled a lot easier. Her teacher accepts both digital submissions and photos of the art on paper. The students have a live-chat with the teacher about color and shading and she shows them how to move the paint around on the easel, bringing to life the empty city out of the window. People who haven’t chosen art can go for drama classes, and these often involve videos of plays performed in New York or Mumbai, the teacher pointing out nuances and intricacies. He shows them how to mold their own face, express emotions by dance, and submissions include monologues or plays conducted with family members.

Engineering subjects are taught with related animations- the teacher writes equations on a tablet and explains on the side. Students can discuss doubts over call, and drop texts regarding assignments. Simulations can be screen-shared and the teacher grades each based on the output generated. End of the year projects include making circuits from scratch, to help solve little problems faced in the house, and hackathons are aplenty, to discuss the ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic and generate solutions for the same. The television also has prominent educators pitching in with live broadcasts of their experiments and teaching.

Her day is packed but she finally has Physical Exercise to look forward to. The most fun class out of them all, the students compete with each other to finish push-ups faster, or complete a 100 reps of crunches. The teacher watches them all and points out mistakes and shows them simple ways to relax in the end.

The workday for the student has come to an end, but not before she checks her calendar and keeps up with the daily goals set by her mentor.

If anything, the coronavirus that has forced us all to stay at home has given education a much-needed boost to inculcate technology and teaching-aids thoroughly. The 4G/5G revolutions have helped millions of students around the world to access knowledge, anywhere, anytime. Apps and websites and broadcasts that used to be a secondary supplement, have become indispensable. Teachers suddenly have had to understand the technology they put off from using in classrooms, and students that slack have found themselves in a bind with intelligent solutions that track their attention. Learning is on the way to becoming a truly all-encompassing lifestyle, and no matter what you’re interested in learning, there’s a dedicated teacher ready to help you out.

Online certifications might become an everyday norm, a pre-requisite in your CV. Hobby classes can be attended on the side, and useful skills can be shared with anyone who wishes to join. Educational innovations are coming in from all sides, whether from private organizations offering courses that can help you join them, or the public sector joining hands with other professionals to unleash a number of expert-certified paths over the Cloud. Creative problem-solving will be appreciated more, and rote learning will be abolished as every student turns to their strengths to up their grade. Learning curves will be plotted daily and a grade could be established even on your most important IDs- a way for employers to glean how well you learn. Fees for most university courses are reduced, and students are breathing a sigh with their loan burdens reduced. The learning environment may have shifted, for the most part, to the digital space, and helpful, conducive conversations are had with fellow students over con-calls about projects. Group assignments can’t be made the norm now, so no slackers can hitchhike on the backs of hardworking students. Entire libraries are being shifted online, with nominal fee. Graduation ceremonies are celebrated virtually and students clink glasses over Video-calls.

The need to be online for everything might steadily create a digital divide, a sort of class disparity when people can’t afford what they want to access, and any government has to be able to provide for these situations too. Bringing an entire nation online and making learning accessible is probably not that far into the future; after all, did we envision the day when we could not step out for anything?

The future of learning is here, and we have to embrace it.

Sarah Hussain, Manipal Centre for Humanities

I lie awake on these empty and lonely nights, and I am far from being metaphorical when I dwell upon the crevices of mind, gathering my thoughts. Ever since the footprints receded on the edge of mountains and on the concrete streets, I have been wondering during the silent chaos of the world, what does the world look like without the noise, the crimes and all the other storms always at charge to crush the spirit of nature and its laws – from the narrowest alleys to the highest waterfalls? For the first time in the longest period of time, there is an uprising, but not of the political kind rather of the curious heart. Are all the greys still grey? Does the Earth emerge from its weariness and flourish like the plums of beauty like the picturesque of Wordsworth’s poems? The rays of thin, warm sunrise fall across my bed and I crawl over to the window. The world that is reflected back to me wanders farther than the eagles on the coconut trees and six different types of flowers on the terrace. I let myself wander, my soul crossing the threshold that is my body. The silence is strange and unnerving, used to the frenzy and deafening sound of horns, I surprise myself by expecting to hear a distant horn of the train calling the travellers onboard the journey of fate but the disappointing silence gushing over me like harsh waves. The silence is disappointing yet warm, a medicine to my restless cognizance – its arms are elongated wrapping around me with its velvety texture caressing my body. In this silence, the sounds that went overlooked bestow themselves upon me. The chirping of the birds, the harmless drizzle of the rain, sounds that are raw but also sweet. I fathom that the essence of these have replaced the usual turmoil I have grown accustomed to.

In this thread of music lies the wake-up call. A wake-up call against anarchy and crimes. These birds, the continuous flow of the stream, the animals that have found a home in Earth once again, in this expanse of nothingness – a satisfaction in being free. They somersault their way through the skies and lands amidst the yellow-blue of this nothingness instead of the grey. The pandemic has altered the version of life that I was living in by altering the meaning of life. This is the birth of togetherness in this diversity. The hunger and thirst for unsettlement has transformed into a positive outlook for uncertainty. This is the life that is now, I am here and what can I do about it? Nothing. There is disconcerting comfort in knowing that for once, the pandemonium that the mankind is, can alter the timeline of the future by laying back and letting nature play out the rules for the game of life. I am physically static and mentally afloat as I watch the world from above and in this moment that’s all I am and within the vastness of the universe, amidst the dance between silence and chaos, as Stephen Chbosky writes, in this moment, we’re infinite.

Vivek Singh, Manipal Institute of Technology

As we move to the fifth month since the outbreak of novel coronavirus, or sars-coV-2, as it is known in the scientific community, not even a single living soul on this planet can deny that their lives have not been touched, in some way by it. And I mean all the 8.7million species that share this earth have been affected by this 500nm long virus, for better or for worse is debatable, but as the most sentient being on this planet and also one of the few species for which this virus has proved to be deadly, humans have had the most riveting and eye opening experience among all the inhabitants of this blue orb. For a species in space age, at the peak of our time here on Earth, this virus has really showed us that all of our knowledge and wisdom does not always guarantee survival and that there is still a lot of things out there that our beyond our comprehension, yet.

But I am not writing this to talk about what effect this pandemic had on our species as a whole. I am here to discuss how, as an individual, this pandemic has drastically changed the way I would think about…. well…. everything, I guess. If I say it has been life changing experience for me, it would be a very huge understatement. But of all the beliefs and notions that it has changed in me, it would be the naïve and fetal ones that I had about our economy and its workings that clearly stand out.

So, before I tell you all about my new beliefs, allow me to take you through the events and my thought process that made me see the big picture in the light of this pandemic. I think I speak about all the countries when I say that this pandemic has not been too kind on our respective economies and the world economy in general. That is evident as most of the businesses rely on some kind of movement, around and about their center of commerce, this could be delivering their produced goods or services or procuring raw materials to produce the goods and services in the first place, this pandemic has surely put a halt to vital processes that support our businesses. Consequently billions of people around the world got laid off their jobs and millions of companies succumbed to saving and recycling their resources as they prepare for a global recession that will evidently follow this pandemic. In some parts of the world, countries are already dealing with both the pandemic and a recession with no hope of relief anywhere near the horizon.

So, are there any economical outlets that are still performing unbothered as if unaffected by this pandemic? The answer, and you should not be surprised here, is yes. As most of the affected countries imposed lockdowns and some of them took even stricter measures like imposing a nationwide curfew, to minimize our movements, we were imposed to stay at our homes and only go out to purchase things that are of absolute necessity to us. I repeat, only those things that are very very basic regarding living a normal human life, were allowed to be purchased, and most of us stock piled these things in case the storm gets worse. These included, food, obviously first and foremost, followed by bathing products, diapers and other maintenances for newborns, and necessary medical supplies. Everything else was put on a hold. Naturally these essential objects did not see any major loss or halt in their distribution and hence in their profitability. Even as people lost their employment they were still forced to buy these essentials as their wallets grew thinner. So it is evident that this part of the economy functioned in a very regular manner in order to ensure that everyone gets their most essential needs met in this time of crisis. But then why did the economy still came tumbling down, why did not the economy of essential become the load bearer to stop this huge snowball of recession that the pandemic made.

The answer to all these questions and the ones you asked in your questionnaire, what things do I noticed during this pandemic? What things I would like to see continue? etc, etc can be boiled down to this simple train of thought that leaves you shaken to you core. The reason why the recession came in spite of our basics needs still being fulfilled is that this demand of basic amenities forms a very very minute part of our huge economy that employs, feeds, caters to every human soul out there. The reason our economies failed is simple, most of our economy thrives on the basis of selling us a product that we never had a need for. And so when we were forced to succumb to our very basic needs these companies and conglomerates that make us chase after a new car, a new house, new jewelry, the economy that sells us a faster and better lifestyle, had nothing to sell us in the time of need and demand.

Hence, there lies your answer as to what things I would like to continue, what aspects of this forced life I would like to see integrated in my future. I want everyone to realize what this pandemic has shown me, that 22 yrs of false advertising, combined with desperation of having better income, better lifestyle, faster cars ,bigger houses, better jobs, better social life, better online presence, better mobile phones, than my colleagues and fellow human beings had put me in a wild goose chase that I spent most of my life, trying to stay on top of, when it was never really needed. All the money and time I wasted over absurd things like “is iphone x better or should I buy iphone x pro” was really stupid and doltish.

But the sad fact still remains , as soon as this pandemic is over and everything is back to normal, all of us would go back to being lured by these companies in buying products that we do not actually need. We would again let the absurd and dispensable lifestyle define us as we work hard behind our computers, in our cubicles just so we can buy the latest playstation , or the most expensive pair of shoes when our current ones work just as fine.

Again I am not telling that the current lifestyle, under pandemic, is a completely acceptable one, but this pandemic sure has drawn a clear, thick line between things that seem to help us live but actually do not, and things that we actually need to live. But it has never been about just living, has it? Ever since we made fire and then weapons and tools for hunting and gathering and then agriculture, we have buried the problem of survival in very deep corners of our mind, as we sit in our warm living rooms now while machines do all the hard work for us. But every now and then, especially in times like these, we are thrown back into the game of survival, where how many social platforms you are present on has absolutely no value. We have to realize that this will not be the last time in our lives that we are forced towards a simpler lifestyle as we continue living on a dying planet.

So, what I am trying to get at is that we need to make the basic, essential part of our economy stronger, it should be stronger if as a species we have any sanity left, we need to find our livelihoods in these sectors that support life, these sectors of food, clothing, medicine, that will still hold no matter what crisis comes, instead of becoming a part of this highly sophisticated and at the same time unnecessary pursuit of comfort and fame and social acceptance. This pandemic has shown that a simple, restrictive, controlled lifestyle is not as uncomfortable as we would think it would be and our urges to buy unnecessary things in life are just that, urges. But hey, its free shipping, so go ahead I guess!

Ankit Joshi, Manipal Institute of Technology

I know corona has claimed a lot of lives and no not the alcohol, well kind of that also….But the virus Corona.

The corona pandemic which has become more like “Gharona pandemic” , has definitely got its own pro’s and con’s. what could be pro’s n con’s of a major health pandemic you ask…?, well it all depends upon perspective you know, I happen to be an observant person you see , a little something about me. And so far I want to discuss some hilarious yet some personal anecdotes with the audience. Well for starters the Dalgona Coffee trend which I am sure has left even Starbucks and other coffee outlets scratching there heads, or a new menu item which might come after lockdown…?.

Moving on to the guaranteed Grammy winning composition of “Go Corono Go” music video, I am pretty sure after listening to it even once ,’Corona’ might actually reconsider going back. Well jokes apart , but who all were actually smiling and smirking or low key feeling bad looking at all those viral videos of violators getting the deserving “Lathi treatment”. And how many of you actually tried escaping the cops yourself?... I know some of you brave souls would have done that for sure.

But rest assure one thing that is in good shape is the environment , which finally got a break from all the human activities. What our government couldn’t do was done by the virus. This virus has no doubt got many people together , many nations together and just showcases how much we can achieve it things were actually always this peaceful for surely not something we learn or do from situations like these, we have finally realized to value every human being irrespective of there stature, caste or race and yes I am talking about the all the workers out there on the streets. As they say tough times show the real side of a person. We all are in this together.

Certain things I would like to say to all out there is that don’t give up, as tough times come and go but just saying that wouldn’t make it happen so stay back at home and be safe. If not for yourself but for others because they are already a lot of labour class out there in desperate need. But when I hear about some great acts done even by these people like going out of the way and still contributing makes me believe that there is humanity after all. And for those who go around recording there acts of kindness please just don’t do it for the sake of doing, because as they say this is something out of will and with the motive of providing help to those in need.

But another bright side is the level of creativity people have shown just by sitting at home , coming up with ideas to help out our brave medical staffers out there away from their families and risking there lives to save ours. And also to all the people out there in uniforms and other sanitation workers. Hats off to these people for their contributions as well.

And for those sitting at home trying to become low key masterchefs and fitness trainers good job guys insuring helping others make the best out of what they have at the comforts of our homes and what we can do satisfy our needs in these times. And for students sitting wondering what in the world is going to happen with us when we back, lets pray for the best.

Time - A Silent God

Anurag Joy, Manipal Institute of Technology

Time, an inceptional phenomena followed throughout human mankind. We have become so accustomed, it is perceived that we worship time as a religion/belief. Time itself, another catastrophe created by us, is taken as a relative measure in everything we do. Be it work, sleep, leisure, etc, we are compelled to bow down before time and adjust ourselves to it's mercy. Inadvertently, we regard time as a deity but in reality, do we realise the significance of time as a whole? Or do we keep blindly believing the knowledge our ancestors have passed down upon us?

A lot of questions, theories, assumptions and yet here we are still at the same bracket heading nowhere.

The concept of deja vu is common to all. Deja vu- The event of a sense of familiarity with a specific environment, location which gives the idea that you have lived this part already before, gets everyone doubting and looking for answers.

The parallel universe theory, although far-fetched, gives some explanation as to how it occurs. But it hasn't been proven yet. This gives rise to another idea, the idea of time travel, which again hasn't developed at this age but possible nonetheless.

But it could also be personified in another way. Consider the timeline to be a straight line with the left being the past and the right being the future. Where we are right now, is the present somewhere along the centre of the line.

Now our conception of time is we move from the left to right, from the past to the future. But what if that's again another misconception?

What if the timeline was considered to be a circle, where we at some point or the other, converge back to the start and the future is in reality nothing but the past. And somewhere along the diameter, we find ourselves at the same place or environment giving a sense of deja vu, because we have unknowingly already either lived the moment or would be experiencing it in the near future.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we all have been following 'A Silent God' from the beginning, again another measure of time itself. Atheists, a sensitive topic, bring out theories as to why they do not believe in God. But even these are obligated to follow the fourth dimension of what we call time.

And so as there are many beliefs, time is a common enemy we face and worship at the same time throughout our lives.

No human is capable of changing the timeline as even a tiny change in the script would signal drastic consequences in the future.

Lastly, We are nothing but tiny individual fragments across the face of earth, getting differentiated and eventually wiped out by time, all we have is an unavoidable dimension controlling our lives from our first breath to the last...

The World Around Us

Sarah Hussain, Manipal Centre for Humanities

I lie awake on these empty and lonely nights, and I am far from being metaphorical when I dwell upon the crevices of mind, gathering my thoughts. Ever since the footprints receded on the edge of mountains and on the concrete streets, I have been wondering during the silent chaos of the world, what does the world look like without the noise, the crimes and all the other storms always at charge to crush the spirit of nature and its laws – from the narrowest alleys to the highest waterfalls? For the first time in the longest period of time, there is an uprising, but not of the political kind rather of the curious heart. Are all the greys still grey? Does the Earth emerge from its weariness and flourish like the plums of beauty like the picturesque of Wordsworth’s poems? The rays of thin, warm sunrise fall across my bed and I crawl over to the window. The world that is reflected back to me wanders farther than the eagles on the coconut trees and six different types of flowers on the terrace. I let myself wander, my soul crossing the threshold that is my body. The silence is strange and unnerving, used to the frenzy and deafening sound of horns, I surprise myself by expecting to hear a distant horn of the train calling the travellers onboard the journey of fate but the disappointing silence gushing over me like harsh waves. The silence is disappointing yet warm, a medicine to my restless cognizance – its arms are elongated wrapping around me with its velvety texture caressing my body. In this silence, the sounds that went overlooked bestow themselves upon me. The chirping of the birds, the harmless drizzle of the rain, sounds that are raw but also sweet. I fathom that the essence of these have replaced the usual turmoil I have grown accustomed to.

In this thread of music lies the wake-up call. A wake-up call against anarchy and crimes. These birds, the continuous flow of the stream, the animals that have found a home in Earth once again, in this expanse of nothingness – a satisfaction in being free. They somersault their way through the skies and lands amidst the yellow-blue of this nothingness instead of the grey. The pandemic has altered the version of life that I was living in by altering the meaning of life. This is the birth of togetherness in this diversity. The hunger and thirst for unsettlement has transformed into a positive outlook for uncertainty. This is the life that is now, I am here and what can I do about it? Nothing. There is disconcerting comfort in knowing that for once, the pandemonium that the mankind is, can alter the timeline of the future by laying back and letting nature play out the rules for the game of life. I am physically static and mentally afloat as I watch the world from above and in this moment that’s all I am and within the vastness of the universe, amidst the dance between silence and chaos, as Stephen Chbosky writes, in this moment, we’re infinite.

Covid-19: An Awakening

Shaikat Mukherjee, Manipal University Jaipur

I, confined to the safety of my home see nature bringing the supremo of the ecological pyramid to its knees. With an iron hand, nature seems to have rebuke mankind. As the world stands still, quiet, tamed, the feeling is almost like silently being shouted at “enough is enough. Take a backseat”. My present situation has made me look at life from a new perspective. This is the first time I have noticed how the morning and evening sun coloured my bedroom wall in different shades. I am suddenly admiring the craftsmanship of an old chest drawer which had been relegated as a useless piece of junk. My mother smiles while sleeping, I discovered. While I inspect my mother’s garden and potted plants I incredulously wonder when did I do that last time. It was never. My friends and I were born into a world of pace and noise. We are synonymous with the word “go”. The sudden pause has been earth-shattering or rather life-defining rhetorically speaking. The empty silent streets are deafening. Then the call of the cuckoo bird before dusk almost brings a smile to the lips that all is not lost for the homo sapiens.

Corona has been a rude shock for us. The mounting number of casualties is heart-wrenching. We are slowly reminded life is precious. It has to be cherished nurtured and guarded. After all, what is wealth without health? Our interconnected and digitized world has also paved a way for a drastic change in the education sector. This epidemic has forced educational institutions to switch to learning online. Education is shifting less towards teaching and more towards learning. Self-paced online courses are helping students educate themselves and teachers are using the latest tools available to successfully deliver content to their students. Education from the comfort of your home has already been around for a while, but the current pandemic has in a way forced or rather incite millions of students to switch to learning online. The fact that education will be completely digitalized soon is incontestable. Personalized learning is soon going to be a "thing". Starting from school, students will be able to study what they want and whenever they want. Project-based learning will be given utmost importance. The future of education involves using Data Science and Machine Learning tools for individual-based learning approach. Imparting quality education, considering an individual's strength and shortcomings will help create better professionals and drive our world to a better, safer, and sustainable future.

As the world stays cocooned at home making every day brighter, fresher, purer and greener mankind can look forward to redeeming its mistakes. We can look forward to being a little less selfish, more giving, more humane. The pandemic has taught us we are equal in eyes of nature be fury or forbearance. The humans' world over will do better by embracing nature and not fighting it.

Quarantined yet not

Sonia Sali, Manipal Centre for Humanities

The world suddenly came to a dreadful standstill! The cars stopped moving on the roads, the swarms of people were gone, the excited, giggling children were suddenly gone, packed up at homes and bundled up in blankets, washing them up with sanitizers and putting out all their desires to even lay a foot outside the door. What just happened? Where are all the noisy, nosey people gone? Well I do miss the endless chatter of people in my ears and the smoky, black clouds. The air all around feels tense; the streets are deserted and deadly looking. I wonder where all the people have gone off to, why all the nosey swarms of people suddenly took to their homes, no longer interested in any of what's up in the society. I don't hear the little children playing all day, the vehicles screeching, the buzz of people and the endless business of the day; it feels like living in a ghost town. Why it feels dreadful, it's all filled in my heart and filled to the brim and overflowing out and all over me! Amidst the tension, the pain, the death of humanity in numbers so vast and innumerable as if suddenly humans became mosquitoes in the hands of the Gods because they got too noisy, irksome and outsmarted the patience of the heavens, the Gods decided to slap, kill and bury all at once so the disturbance is reduced. I don't know! I hear of people dying, the newspapers filled with deaths in every page, paragraph, line and every word, threatening the readers- "You can be next. Beware" True it's painful, disturbing and heart rending but if God's diary had the virus in 2020 then the virus would definitely wisp around in great majesty and power for it was sent from a greater power!

So yesterday I had no other choice so I looked out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of somebody on the streets but none, nobody, not even the dogs were out so I looked on and hey this tree outside my window looked friendly, it wavered its branches as if to say hello and swayed to the music of the wind as if excited at my very presence. So yeah hello, it’s been eleven years since this tree stood outside my window and never had I taken a chance to even look at it and admire.

The lockdown did lock us up at home but it also did awaken us to the outside world, to the little things of nature that we have always missed out amidst our busy lifestyle. The sun is no longer an object that goes hardly noticed but a glaring ball of sun that is outside our windows every morning and you and me have been given all the time in the world to look at it with all patience and feel the early morning warmth, the stars in the sky are no longer distant and objects that are never even noticed before bedtime. Well, now the quarantine has invited all of us to look out into the sky, embrace the night and gaze deeply into the starry sky and dream.

Remember the days when you quite often complained that your work has piled up double the height than yesterday and you no longer have time to sit down and talk or even just spend dinnertime with your family at the table. Well you are in luck and your stars have favoured you and you have been given time like the waters in the ocean to sing, dance, cook, talk and play with your kids and family. Whoever said the lockdown was boring?

This is just the universe’s way of bringing you back, rejuvenating yourself and filling yourself with energy and vigour. Though you are locked down and bound to be staying inside the four walls of your house remember before you even think of exploring the world outside, you have a huge world to be explored right within your homes and within the walls of your

mind. Look around, talk, laugh, come together as a family and though you are quarantined make some memories.

I am sure you have a kitchen- get up, make a dish before anyone comes in……..Hurry!.........Make the best use of the lockdown

Haven’t you budged yet?

Panic in the walls of my heart

Sonia Sali, Manipal Centre for Humanities

I don't know but it feels deadly with each passing day and my heart breaks, crumbling down hundreds and hundreds of towers within me!! Amidst this endless confusion, chaos and countless number of deaths and the epidemic spreading far and wide in the country and beyond I somehow feel chaos and dolor in the grounds of my mind, fear somehow sinking deep through every single crack on the grounds of my mind and heart. I hear reports of people dying, new cases of people affected by a strange sickness that's been eating up the globe, swallowing every life and breath on its way. Good old days are far behind, the soar, gross sickness making way to tears, panic and fear I wonder how long we will live these days, bear the pain of loss and the death of humankind both far away and close by. I feel a lump in my throat and a heaviness in my heart, the air all around is sick, painful and full of panic it is very evident by the very looks of hurrying swarms of people refusing even to look up, greet or smile for the very fear of transfer of germs, catching a cold, sneezing endlessly, falling sick, ending up in neat white hospital beds and finally being termed as " one more case of Covid-19".

I feel the fear in the ambience around me and somehow I hear of only people being broken, families breaking apart, sickness conquering countries and lands and nothing at all about a new-born born in the neighbourhood, an uncle come from abroad or the success of an industry. Nothing. Just about this disease reaching people all over the globe and slowly eating up lives and peace all at one go!

Dr. Pesona Grace Lucksom, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences

I stand at the balcony of my house and look up at the night sky. Like previous nights, I see the twinkling stars and the moon, but tonight I can feel them looking down and mocking humanity. Time stands still and it only seems yesterday that I stood there looking at the sky with pride and superiority.

What has happened to the world around me? I feel that the earth has stopped rotating. I can hear no more laughter on the roads, no more people greeting each other, there is but only fear in the hearts of invincible humans. I can see hatred in their eyes, hatred even towards the ones who are ready to sacrifice their lives to save another. I was created a human being to rule over the earth but why have I lost the authority? Is it because I misused my knowledge to be as wise as my creator? I have tamed the mightiest of the animals but today I stand defeated by an organism, so tiny, that my eyes cannot see. I was the one to put the strongest animal into a cage whilst today the tiny virus has put me within the walls of my room. I can hear the cries of the beloved and the moans of the suffering. Such is my plight that I cannot hold their hands and share their pain. The world has turned upside down and yet I still call myself a superior being. I stand at my balcony wondering when the world will be set free again. I look into the vast space above me and wonder when I’ll get to see my family, have a happy meal together and plan a trip to the end of the earth. As I stand at the balcony staring at the sky, I can hear a bird singing a melancholy song. The song narrates the story of a human who dreamt of better tomorrow but greed turned his visions into a nightmare. I can feel a breeze pushing my hair and whispering into my ears "nature needs to breathe”. In the clear breeze that touches my skin, I can feel the birds chirping, the animals running wild with joy, the flowers blooming and the trees swaying in the wind. Being the ruler of the earth have I forgotten about the wellbeing of the other creations? Have I been selfish to think that the world belongs only to me? I can hear the nature whisper “live and let live”. I can see the light in the horizon. The day is here and calling me to put up a fight for humanity. I am going to wear my white coat, put my stethoscope around my neck and meet my enemy at the hospital door, for I need to show that humans still rule. Yet, I will never forget the lesson learnt, that we share the world and our wisdom is for being a better creation and not for competing with the creator.

Biswadeep Sarkar, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology

It would take a million life-times for humans to come to any coherent conclusion about what the world around us is about. Despite being the superior race we aren’t hardwired to comprehend whatever there is to see – it’s a culmination of everything that every living being witnesses, and understands about nature. It is beyond any single creature to completely fathom the secrets of the stars, the pastel hues of the twilight sky, the mating call of the robin and the patterns of autumn leaves. We’ve been given the freedom to explore every nook and cranny within the limits of our capabilities, but eventually everything seems fruitless, when the bigger picture is considered. We are in a dynamic state of existence, and nothing is steady. Whatever we see, whatever we feel, touch and observe, changes in the blink of an eye. And that change is what we ultimately accept, about everything around us.

From the cradle to grave, we are constantly a part of both tangibility and abstraction. The events we perceive are often different from what they actually is, and it entirely depends on our ability to analyze things. The world around us is an open forum - perceptions vary on the basis of observations. One might find solace in a waterfall, complete with a rainbow at the plunge pool and a fresh gale of water drops hitting the face. This might be perceived in an entirely opposite manner by someone who is terrified of water and heights and considers waterfalls one of the deadliest of nature’s creations. The bottom line remains that our surroundings have different meanings, and cannot be fathomed into one, single idea.

At a glance, when we look around, we see lots of things, ranging from human beings, to trees, to buildings and animals. Our circumference of inspection is only limited to our own point of view. A possibility of millions of similar circles is there, of every individual with observing power. Each of them culminates to form the bigger picture, which we refer to as our ‘world’. Our own point of view can be considered constant, however transient it is in the longer course of time. But when put together, they become the entirety of existence, a clash of ideas and opinions, and hence strengthening the concept of a dynamic world view. Fragments of images of what the world can be have been passed down for generations, helping us to form a concrete profile of the society we live in, in addition to our own observations. Books and various other sources of information can provide us with a necessary insight to what things are like which are not in our immediate sight of view.

The theory of dynamicity and transience, thus established, one would argue that however powerless we are, we are doing a terrible job at maintaining the balance of the nature. Indiscriminate exploitation of resources has led to an alarming declination of the quality of our lifestyle. The world was created as a safe haven for all living beings, providing us with the bare necessities and scopes for more. We, as irresponsible children of our benevolent Mother, have taken things for granted and started down the path of destruction. Every rose has its thorn, like they say.

Taking into account the prominent balance of the universe, with every leaf getting crushed underneath, a new dandelion blooms. The consequences of our actions are nothing but Nature trying to heal herself, which again, falls into the scene of dynamicity. A cosmic barter system in terms of natural occurrences forms the basis of life on this planet. The world around is beautiful – it has its darkest sides, and equally brightest ones. It adapts to changes, and resists them too. A collective cognizance of every event, every tangible aspect and every feeling constructs the world around us, making us its guardians, as well as the destructors, with the choice lying in our own hands.

Arti Kamath, Manipal University Jaipur

The year 2020 was the beginning of a new decade. The world celebrated its arrival leaving behind all the goods and evil of the past. But nature had other plans. Nature had hit the reset button. Ever since the beginning of mankind, humans have been continuously using nature for their greed more than their needs. Now, the tables have turned. We are the culprits of mother earth. The current situation all over the world displays a parallel between the way we treated our surroundings, wildlife, flora, and fauna.

Trapped within our houses termed as ‘quarantined’, we look outside and dream of living with freedom just like we make animals feel all their lives. We have food and all the comforts of life in our homes yet want to go outside. Think of the way we trap wildlife in animal sanctuaries and zoos giving them all the basic amenities assuming it’s enough for living a happy life.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 was a breather for nature. The cure has not been found and as of now is our immunity. Similarly, the damage that we have caused to our planet can be reversed by its immunity against the pollution and human interventions with nature.

Picture this. You are living with your close ones and spending time with them. You have all the time in the world to give time to yourself and your hobbies. You can now analyze your life, reflect upon your mistakes and heal from the negativity that you had been carrying as a burden all your life. You can take a break from the hectic life and design your goals. Seems beautiful.

Still, we are not happy when we have been given the time that we had been craving for. Maybe worrying has become our habit. We are always complaining. Now it’s the right time to slow down. Maybe you can wake up a little late to the sound of birds (Yes, no pollutions had brought those tiny lovelies back), make your favorite breakfast, tidy up your working space, get started with writing the first chapter of the book you always wanted to write and have a meal with your family chilling to Netflix.

Think of all the positive aspects. The pollution has drastically reduced, the crime rates have dropped, we no longer must worry about tomorrow because we are safe and sound at home. No crazy deadlines, no traffic or an unhealthy lifestyle. We all have got the vacation we unconsciously asked for at some point in our life.

Nature has restored itself to factory settings. We just have to press the pause button for a little while, sit back and watch our actions being undone one at a time. When all this gets over and we go back to our fast-paced lives, I am sure for once we will think this time and cherish the moments when we had nothing to do but did everything that meant to us. So just pause the present, rewind to the past and live life in a slow-motion, living life in its true sense.

A Chance to Rewrite the Stars

Joanna Rodrigues, Manipal Academy of Higher Education - Dubai

It was not until quarantine did we realise how it felt to be restrained. Menial tasks which we performed have now become subject to government approval. While in the beginning all of this may have caused havoc, with the passage of time I’ve began to come to terms with it. And there are so many things that have to come to my notice now, that were once absorbed by my ignorance.

Do not get me wrong, during the initial period everything seemed exceedingly overwhelming and confusing. Just like for everyone else around the world, staying at home while our world was falling apart did not exactly make me feel good. But the next few days made me realise that we were in this together. Social media played a vital role, especially for us students. Through this platform we were able to express ourselves even if it were through the language of memes, prove our solidarity with people all around the globe, and this equipped me with a sense of relief.

I admit I am privileged to stay within the comfort of my home along with my family during this crisis. And it wouldn’t come as a surprise if I said we’ve never bonded more. Instead of baking cookies every Christmas season, that has become our weekly treat now. Our monthly visits to movie theatres have turned into movie nights every weekend. And I could not be gladder. While we do indulge in fun activities, we choose to spend most of our time talking, something our busy lives didn’t let us comply with. Speaking does wonders in such a crisis, aids with anxiety, stress and fear and I don’t hesitate to do it with my family or friends.

As we know staying at home will definitely help in flattening the curve, its effects also reverberate throughout our biodiversity. Countries have never seen clearer skies in decades, citizens not breathed fresher air and our wildlife is thriving, finally able to see better days. Before the pandemic, climate change was our utmost concern and in spite of hearing nature’s desperate calls we chose not to pay heed. And our ignorance aided in increasing the damage. Now that we’ve witnessed it all I hope this crisis will leave a positive impact making us realise that we are in fact a part of nature and need to coexist in order to survive. We might be at the apex of the food chain but we must realise that we are just a mere constituent of it. And not let our greed win over basic humanity. With today’s technological advancements it is obviously not necessary for us to implement lockdowns in order to curb climate change. There are tons of sustainable options which if we adopt, we can make just as much of a difference. And wouldn’t it just make us human if we allowed every living being a fair chance at life?

The lockdown has also given me ample time to find out how poorly biomedical research is funded and encouraged. Is there a way we could have predicted such an unprecedented outbreak? It is might be difficult to answer that. But if there was extensive research conducted we could have been in a better place.

Our fight is still on and will not cease. While I wake up each day with a worry for those suffering, I cannot forget our warriors who are fighting this battle head on for us. Their service to us at such a crucial time is the epitome of humanity. Essential workers whose work is claimed to be underrated are now at the forefront, jeopardising their own lives. A sense of respect should be credited towards all professions irrespective of their titles. We also owe it to the nurses, doctors and government officials who are working relentlessly to keep us safe.

Although victory at this point in time is uncertain but just like mankind has made it through various battles we will as well get through it, always stopping to help one another. Let us not forget the positive outcomes of this pandemic and continue to live a better version of us for ourselves but most importantly for the ones around us

Time a healer

Pradyumna Mogre, Manipal Institute of Technology

Time is a healer Has anyone ever advised you to "please give it time," when you express the stressful which you are going through? I figured so. While this suggestion is realistic and has got a broader meaning, the way the heart functions is just not.

Time flies. Time passes. All of the sudden, it’s been one year, since you broke up and you’re still suffering. Maybe the pain has lessened or shifted. But the wound on your heart is still there and won’t heal so easily. Or maybe you’ve done an incredible job at distracting yourself, by indulging yourself into some other activities like hitting a gym, morning walks or learning an art or language or pursuing your hobby. But it’s still there deep down.

Your pain does not just diminish because you’re one year older and your life looks good on paper at least professionally. Some of us still walk out from arena, when somebody starts speaking about our previous mistakes. Some of us, just spill beans by finding someone new and move on. While some of us spiraling every single day.

Outside of going with the gestures, letting seasons come and go, and convincing yourself you’re all good, the true path to healing is to feel the worst feeling. Think about at least one or two instances where the person who hurt you the most, made you feel small, rejected, like being yourself was not enough. Whether the hurt was a result of, how an ending was handled or one small comment, they made that’s stuck you for years, it all matters if it matters to you.

If we think harder and even realize, you are the person who hurt yourself the most, don’t be ashamed of the thing. Now instead of binging that new Netflix series, reaching for that glass of wine, or scrolling through Instagram, you need to think about those 1–2 moments, you’ve conjured up. Specifically, you need to feel how you felt in those moments. Finally, you’re done with that. All your worst fears are gone.

If you’re thinking…“Why on earth would I do that? I’m happy! I don’t want to feel that worst feeling.”

What I’ll say to that is, it’s very different to consciously know that something terrible happened to you and your response to that feeling is a terrible thing. Now close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Put your hand on your heart. And feel that damn thing. Take yourself back to that moment. To the moment you’ve been avoiding. Do this daily. Do this until you’re able to feel compassion for this old version of yourself in your whole body.

Traumatic memories live in the brain’s unconscious part. This means that they can manifest in your life in ways that are not super obvious if you don’t work through them. By moving through your pain and shifting your energy, it can no longer hold you back. Sometimes we do not need the closure, that we think we need from another person. We just need to reconcile our feelings about them on our own. Even if it takes you a lot of time to feel what you need to feel, at least you’ll be putting that time to use.

Lastly, “ All’s well is that end’s well”.

Aakansha Agarwal, MAHE Dubai

Do we really know the world around us? Well, every person will have a different perception on this. Some will say world is out there full of opportunities, it is the media which projects what is happening in the world and so on. According to me however, the world is what you make out of it. So, I can either write about the world, its economics, everything going wrong in in it, or I can write about what the world is around me. We all know about the crisis the world is going through at the moment due to which life has come to a standstill, world has come to a temporary halt. So, rather than writing about every negative fact what we already know, I would rather write about what my world has been in this lockdown and how it is helping me evolve!

This lockdown has given us all the time to reflect upon ourselves. This pause in our busy life was all what was required to miss that we already had. My lockdown is nothing different from any other young adult who is now learning adulting. And by adulting I mean doing those small household chores on their own which sounds small but trust me they aren’t. Amidst this Covid-19 fear where we all are scared and petrified, we all needed this time out. I think only the reason for the pause is inappropriate but not the cause.

I have been in this lockdown for almost a month now in Dubai all alone.! Yes, many of you would be wondering isn’t it great to be all alone, not to worry about anyone else or get irritated. It is maybe but being away from your family in a crisis like this not knowing when you can meet them next, is unsettling. I will not say I am stuck at home because I am not, I am comfortable in my house while there is an enough amount of population who are dealing without food or shelter. Thus, this time in my house has taught me a lot of things which I think I can share (though they are personal). I learnt how to cook because this lockdown will not allow my cook to come and make some warm nice meals for me. Initially I managed with junk food and noodles, with a tacit realization that this can’t go on! But until when right! But being alone also gave me a lot of perspective as I always thought I am a people’s person. I thought I always needed people (my friends or family) around me to keep me uplifted and happy. I always resented the thought of being alone at any point of time but here it is. This curfew made me be all on my own and made me realize that I am self-sufficient, that I am the liveliness of the room. Slowly yet steadily, I started enjoying my own company. Not to sound too dramatic but all the voices in my head which were jumbled before when I used to juggle my life between college, office, friends and a family which lived really far, they all started to become clearer. I have now learned to enjoy or rather value this time where I think I am exploring myself. I still Netflix and chill but at the same time I am in love with the free time I get when I read my favorite mystery novel and I get engrossed in it while sipping hot tea in. my balcony. I remember last when I was so committed to my books was when I was a teenager. When it was a busy life, I used to try to find time for exercise but now I have all the time in the world. All these things which were lost somewhere inside of me because of the race I have been competing since life happened, have suddenly now surfaced and are giving me my personality back if I can call that. I can say I am praying and hoping for the world, but this is what my world has been around me. There are doctors, cleaning staff, police officers doing their job out there, but we can stay indoors to help them and to help ourselves.

Education System – Now and Then

Pradyumna Mogre, Manipal Institute of Technology

Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.

Our education system, is considered to be one of the best since the days of yore. Dating back to the Vedic period , where all students were taught by their teachers. The students used to learn and give gurudakshina in order to fulfill what their teachers asked. Apart from that we can take instances, of how the ancient education culture was. The age-old residential learning, that a student learns well, when he is away from home and learns to adjust himself with the environment, making him flexible as well as well-versed with crisis handling in his own terms.

From last decade, the public is well versed with technology and has been educating its next generations in Private Universities as they are well equipped with modern resources, even as the students face the stiff competition due to reservations, which creates more peer pressure on our next generation kids at a very young age for cracking Entrances like JEE (Mains and Advanced), AIPMT and AFMC.

Engineering has become a lifeline for all youths of current generation. If there are 10 million jobs in India, then the applicants for those 10 million jobs will be 40 million applicants, this is the current trend in India. Now in last decade we had seen every small area around a district place, that was getting converted to a new engineering college. Building engineering colleges, has become now a household businesses. As per Bloomberg reports, some of these colleges had been shut due to not meeting of certain standards set by All India Council for Technical education (AICTE) and National Board of Accreditation(NBA) because of failure to meet certain standards set by AICTE and NBA.

The government funded institutes have begun digitizing the classrooms and offering some of the great courses like Micro-Masters Programme on Massive Open Online Course websites like Edx and Coursera (Professional Certifications and Specializations). The Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) had even started National Programme of Technology Enhancement and Learning (NPTEL), like MOOCs. Thus, catering some of the industrial requirements which are not achievable in a 4-year classroom programme.

The education has become reachable to every human on earth, through these online platforms and streaming platform of the Google, YouTube. People are now keen on learning online than classroom sessions, as it is flexible and they can do it whenever they are free and idle.

There is more flexibility, as you can showcase your achievement with certificates from MOOCs after you complete them. While whatever you learn from YouTube is valid only if you are well-versed and keen on experimenting, as there are no certifications provided for learning from YouTube video.

The evaluation for these type of courses, are more of student friendly and covers up all objectives of learning and mastering the skillset. There are peer assessments for all students, so that they can improve upon taking reviews from all and suggest all of the other peers. Students learn to evaluate the assessments from their aspect and also learn many examples while doing so. These are some knowledge sharing strategies.

The Outcome Based education has become a new trend, in late 90s. In India, it was started in IITs and NITs. Now it is being widely followed in one of the best institutes of India that are emerging as some of the eminent institutions offering some of the best teaching and molding of the minds apart from Central Government run Institutes.

We have seen many transformations in the way the education is being delivered at all levels. The digitization of classrooms at school level, Graduation and Post-Graduation level. The Outcome based learning, which tests only the desired qualities and certain domain knowledge with skills acquired during learning process of thelearner makes it easier for evaluating a student rather than making him study complete book for one year. This system hails good, as student learns things important from academic as well as industrial aspect. Student completely grasp about subject not learning things perfectly what he is meant for. Thus, this kind of strategic learning has made students feel less burdened.

MOOCs offered online are also removing barriers for students who want to learn. Edx is providing aid for verified track. Not only catering students but also Professionals learn some new things, which may be a value-added advantage to boost up their career path with a lean learning curve throughout their careers. Even the value of the courses is high only we know how we know to present ourselves at workplace.

Education system is developed to such an extent that we get results in hours rather than days it used to take. Apart from results, the current education system in India is still an obsolete as only few premier institutes have that industrial teaching learning inventing strategy rather many of them still lack and do not meet certain objectives in imparting the subjects to an extent that student develops something new out of what is being taught. Still in Indian Education system, thinking out of box is not yet completely inculcated. This has made India to brain-drain some of it’s brilliant minds, leading to many Graduates undertaking higher studies in either United States or some other European union nation and settling up their, building up their lucrative careers.

Knowledge is power, but we must also know that we need to utilize the power in enlightening the world. Only grasping or mugging up the things just for a degree sake, are termed as waste of time, in one’s career. Students, Experts and Professionals must be aware, afterall if we don’t know where do we apply principles and theory, whatever the knowledge we gained is just an archive.

Society earlier and now are different. There used to be limitations in utilizing technology. Now, the society has transformed. Our society is dynamic and changing every day. Every now and then, in world we see a new smart phone, which pops up in a month or two. We are just giving the best every day for betterment of our fellow beings.

The nature has given its organisms to fight the external conquest, using the technology to safeguard its own species. We must be aware that; we must use the knowledge must be used for betterment of the earth, not for destructing it by overusing the resources. Human beings have done this. For example rapid industrialization, has led to global warming.

Covid-19 is also a manmade biological weapon, which has killed over lakhs of people around the world, forcing them to be in lockdown. This has led to earth’s ozone recovery as well as some of the biosphere reserves.

Educating yourself, you drive away the darkness of the world and illuminate it with your perceptions and thoughts, which may/may not yield us, but will help realize our needs one day that’s for sure, at least for the human civilization

Love – An unbelievable experience

Pradyumna Mogre, Manipal Institute of Technology

Life is beautiful with family and friends. Family makes you forget all the bad memories and friends make you forget yourself and the worst of the nightmares. Friends are awesome and make us forget all our sorrows and always give us hand in hand in our toughest times. Friends are just a therapy for one, if one is losing balance in their lives as well as make us understand what we are going through is natural and we need to be positive throughout the life and handle it well with guts.

Love is just the best feeling in the world to have ever experienced. Its not that we had fallen in love. Some start loving from strangers while some start it friendship and rarely from enmity. It somehow begins like another friendship. Just we are casual friends we are not compatible with each other ; we fight a lot. These are some of the lies which we tell it to all around us and usually we had already fallen for each other, at a very early stage. The self-denial always makes us feel that what we have to be but we aren’t that till the moment we realize the importance of that person in our lives.

Love is that feeling, which blooms like a rose, filled around with so many thorns. The thorns being the distancing means between two people. The thorns always make some of the relationship better and better at some stage while it is a test which makes every couple, their bonds become stronger and stronger day by day.

Love never degrades is a myth. At some point of time in one’s life that awesome feeling dies off. Love doesn’t die, it fades with time. If people were perfect with each other, they would have lived a blissful life. Marital bliss is not in having a perfect partner, where you try doing things pleasing to that particular person. The life is blissful, when we pair a perfection with an imperfection. Like pure silicon or Germanium is just semi-conducting. If we just add some defects and alter it’s composition, we get better current. In life, this current is nothing but Perceptions.

Differences are always high when there are imperfections. These are just individualistic perceptions. Actually both of them are marching towards same goal but their ways are different. Life is to be filled with different colors. If you love one thing and your partner does the same there is no variety. It is monotony. At the end of the day, post marriage this monotony fades away and becomes adjustment between the two individuals.

Differences are good but not extremely as they can lead to disturbances in both partner’s space and lives. It’s good you dope an intrinsic semi-conductor. If you dope it extremely, the originality fades away. Logically, please don’t lose yourself in search and making the things look perfect for your partner. Life becomes different as a result of such transformation and you lose your individualistic character or “traits”.

Love is colorful, it is love that accommodates these perceptions and has got a respect to an extent. The extent is till the individual doesn’t cross the line. We hear memes like, Bulaati hai, jaane ka nahi. In that fashion, it is like there will be arguments, but you should not cross the limits, even if your partner does it. You need to be calming or mind soothing that person so that the individual doesn’t face that kind of hardship to cross his limits.

Love teaches an individual everything and every quality that one needs to lead one’s life. Love is like a coin with two sides. There are positives as well as negatives. Negatives like anger, possessiveness, stress, loss of self-esteem. Positives like responsibility, trust, caring, togetherness, truthfulness and many more.

As we say, as you sow, so you reap. Truthfulness is the basis for everything to stand stable for many things for many years. Time and tide saves none . If your truthful to your partner from friendship or be it an arch rivalry, you seem to be keeping up the trust and faith that they instilled in you as a partner forever. Else please don’t curse that individual for all the sorrows. One mistake and you’re gone. In love and relationship nothing counts except being truthful to each other.

Love has lost it’s meaning these days. Love starts with a crush feeling and it goes on the roller-coaster ride of truth and lie. As we know, being truthful even if the things won’t work out, you save that link for future and could move on happily.

Love has become a commodity these days. People are so high that they sell and even trade-off their parents for that person. Individuals had forgot the shear blood which once they had in their mom’s womb and were taken care by their fathers, who cared them to an extent that there was no scratch on them through any means. Life is meaningless, if you forget your roots of love. Without roots, no tree or not even a small plant grows and people are forgetting, for the sake that to get one you need to sacrifice one.

Love is all about loving an individual by his smart traits combined with some small fights with a feeling of anger as well as cooling that person’s anger with pleasant surprises and gifts, not to please but to show that what matters more is their smile not at the cost of forgetting the roots.

Lastly, When I saw her in the premises, it was like oasis in the desert. I loved that moment. I still had not forgot those innocent eyes, which took away my heart in seconds. I still remember that heart, which still keeps me till the day as brother and I came away from the sight, after 18 months.

Life gave me second chance, but I don’t want to take that chance at my door. Fear is not what people say it’s all about not messing with my wounded heart once again, only to get backstabbed with those feelings and words, which have a broader meaning in one’s life.

It’s that, you had parted ways long back, but that agony is ever-lasting. The pain, it’s the worst one. It’s just that I’m a living dead, craving for nothing. I’m unable to move on. The reason being, the way you scolded and the way you made me bold. I cannot imagine anyone else in that place.

As they say “Love never dies

World on a reset mode

Vineeth Menon, WGSHA

Reset mode? Sounds interesting right? A pandemic had to teach us how we should have led our lives. A world with no pollution , where animals have no human threat, where people spend quality time with their families, was an utopian vision until now. Earlier we were forced into such busy routines we never had time for anything . Now the irony is that we are still being forced, but to stay in our homes.

Being a predicament for us on one hand, we should learn to look into the positivity too. Our wish to stay peacefully at home while at work ,has now come true. When we step out to our balconies we are now breathing fresher air and our ears which used to only hear the city traffic music , is now experiencing the music of the air and melodious tune of birds, which is the best refreshment one could get when you wake up early in the morning. We began rediscovering ourselves with the talent we have. We see crime rates going down too. Household chores has become a family teamwork . We have learnt that unity regardless of caste, creed or sex is the best medicine to fight our threats. These good deeds should remain in us even if Covid-19 bids a good bye from our world. This proves to be a challenge for us.

Now, talking about the current challenges we are facing , we still have a unanswered question “How will be the world after Corona?” . We ourselves have to be asked for what we are suffering. Our lifestyle has put us in pain these days. Economies are going for a toss in almost all the countries around the world. What if something more threatening than Corona affects us in future? Are there any chances for the same? Aren’t some of you at least worried about an answer to these ? As humans what can we do? Instead of getting selfish can’t we be responsible to our planet on which we are living? Like how we are united against the pandemic we should be united forever. No pandemic or threat knows your skin colour, your gender or how developed you or your country is. Time has come where we need to reset our priorities and strategies. First concern should be given to our health infrastructure as our current scenario has taught us that the entire world has hardly developed in this sector. Rather than going in search of other planets that have life ,let us think of ways to secure life in our planet and avoid such threats in future. “100% Healthy Earth” should be our first priority which seems to be tough to achieve, but achievable.

Post corona world would develop a new way of life .I hope, humans shall become more humble and responsible towards themselves and their planet. Rather than blaming each other for what has happened and creating a havoc ,let us work for a sustainable life for ourselves and generations to come.

Stay home. Stay safe!!!!

Tanvi Kirtani & Sheikh Yawar, Manipal Institute of Technology

Almost identical to the snap of Thanos’ gauntlet-clad fingers, the world has suddenly come to a pause. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unforeseen changes in our everyday lives at home, at the workplace or out on the streets. The current situation also brings greater things to worry and be anxious about. It makes us feel like we’re fighting a war, preparing for a battle; The world vs the virus. As the number of cases globally has exceeded the 2.5 million mark, representatives of various countries voice that “there is no end in sight”. But, just like every dark cloud, this cloud also comes with its own silver lining.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted almost every aspect of our lives including our carbon footprint. In the past few weeks, we have learnt what it means to co-exist; that this planet does not only belong to us but also the various other beings we share it with. Is this the Earth resetting itself? A greater question to ask is whether it’s we who are helping to find the cure for the virus or is it the virus helping us find the cure to the damage we’ve caused the planet?

India has some of the most polluted cities in the world but due to the lockdown imposed on the 25th of March, many people claim to have seen the Himalayan ranges from a far for the first time in years. Similarly, the lockdown and decreased boat activity in Italy has resulted in clarity of the canal waters in Venice. This unprecedented yet pleasant change in the environmental conditions proves that global air and water quality can be improved dramatically. However, environmentalists are quick to warn us that these pleasant “side effects” might be temporary due to decrease in air, water and road activity. I think we can all agree that in the environment aspect, the Earth has been the calmest it’s been in a while. If Earthlings can continue living in a world where we keep damaging environmental activity minimal, the current change can be our head start. In simpler terms: We have to continue living this way, to continue living at all.

As of 17 April 2020, COVID-19 has affected 2,158,594 people worldwide and has taken 145,533 lives according to reports from WHO. The pandemic has truly shown that the world has no boundaries and the virus itself does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, age or religion. The world is one and we are all human beings.

It is also commendable that people all around the globe have responded well to the guidelines given by the authorities and have wholeheartedly accepted this role of being and acting like a global citizen. The world has seen epidemics, pandemics and viruses before, but it has never been as interconnected as it is now. The flow of information has never been as easy as now. Countries have never been as accountable to each other as they are currently. The citizens of South Korea are setting an example as the country is able to contain the virus and have brought it down to its knees. We are definitely going to win this battle against COVID-19 if all of us act in debt to each other and act as people of the world rather than people of a singular country but the question is are you going to be part of it and act as a global citizen or not?

School closure and work from home has been a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with children and parents being able to spend all of their time together. Besides pushing people to adopt a different way of living and working, the spread of the virus has made health officials all around the globe anxious about the mental health of billions of housebound children. But this also means that children get to spend more time with their parents and vice-versa. Families can bring structure to their children’s life through creativity and maintaining a routine. The current pandemic has resulted in loss of predictability, loss of routine and loss of exposure to space. As hustle and bustle of daily life has come to a halt, families can use this time to really connect with each other, get to know their children, share some stories with them and emphasize on the notion that the best way we can overcome these gruelling times is being a family. The lockdown really provides an opportunity for families to re-bond and build a healthy relationship with each other.

But, of course; just like a coin, every story has two sides. Not everybody is privileged enough to spend this time with their family and loved ones. Thousands of people around the world are left stranded and away from home due to the travel restrictions imposed by various countries. Being a victim to this distance is not easy but it makes you realise the importance of spending time with the people you love, that indeed distance does make the heart grow stronger. So, to everyone that has the luxury of being around your family in a crisis situation like this one: Talk to them, play board games with them, ask them how they’ve been, help them remember easier times and to everyone affected by the travel restrictions: Don’t worry, Spring will come once again and wash away the thunder and storming. Until then, just keep holding on.

With each passing day our planet is regaining its strength and everything within it is getting renewed to its default setting. The virus has acted as a cure for our planet and has provided our planet a new life. People are adopting situational changes that they once believed weren’t feasible; the world is definitely going to change after this. Furthermore we are provided with an opportunity to introspect and reshape our thinking. Leaders all around the world have to grab this opportunity with both hands and re-model their strategies in order to continue our existence on this planet. I pray that this pandemic comes to an end soon but I also yearn that its teachings persist within our society.

The education we created because of the world around us

Ankitha D Pai, Manipal Institute of Technology

As the current situation of the pandemic becomes more severe day by day our minds have started to go into a panic mode. No one anticipated this to turn out to be like this. In fact, it was a sigh of relief for a lot of us youngsters to have a break finally but of course, no one wanted it to be like this. While the world outside is restoring itself, nature, water, air, and the creatures, I thought of creating a new world for myself. Even though our real education is on a pause, education never has to stop. With the help of Coursera, I managed to learn a new programming language (Python). Two courses within a span of a month. I also have enrolled myself in another course by Verzeo-Microsoft. It just feels as if creating a new curriculum for myself. Which to be honest is great I get to learn new things and improve upon myself. At this point than a degree it is more about how many skills you have and how well can you carry out them. Education in the future for sure will be more promising and will assure people, distance and a physical place isn’t necessary for learning rather just the will to enroll yourself is. Online courses were a hit for sure but something always held people back from trying it. Now that we have all the time we need in the world, what better way to utilize it.

The world around us has become more compassionate loving and giving. We have learned to respect one another and their profession no matter what it may be. It has given us a sense of gratefulness for what we have. This is a war but a war in which our contribution is by staying inside, calm and safe. The future is for sure going to be different where humans has unlocked a special hidden feature. They have learned how to manage and make use of the restrictions to their advantage.

The things which for sure needs to be taken into the count and carry forward is the ability to work from home. It in return gives more jobs, safety, no need to invest in a property or space, and the employer is happy in their own space with their family. Another important thing which needs to be implemented is a day when the world just pauses and quarantines for themselves, for nature and the others. As much as people might be complaining about this situation, it is also one of the best things which we humans could have done for our mother earth.

In this time of wake it has actually brought us together making us review our choices and calm ourselves from the hustle of life. Given us more to time to pick up on our lost hobbies, or improve a skill. The world which comes out from quarantine won’t be the same but a better one.

Anish Unnikrishnan, Manipal Institute of Technology

A social animal's dis-comfort in being trapped inside the four walls of their house is quite evident from the insane activities they are doing presently, endangering many lives. Talking of this pandemic that has hit mankind very brutally, the entire world appears to be engrossed in one or the other kind of dilemma. On one hand, people are seen shredding tears over a myriad of deaths, and on the other the ones who are safe yet, are also wailing with no option left to feed their loved ones amid this period of unemployment. One can also differentiate this third category which doesn't have these worldly head-aches and are just engaged with themselves during this lockdown.

The world is currently experiencing a roller coaster ride, with fear in every toss and turn. The fear and anticipation of what will happen next, how to survive further and a lot more queries with no answer at the moment. Surprisingly, it isn't only the poor that is seen devastated this time as every sector related to human existence is facing a severe crunch right now. Needless to say, the ones that didn't have a roof over their heads are in a state of existential crisis. At the same time, the ones sheltered are uncertain of their future proceedings if this outspread isn't curbed soon.

Whereas, measuring the brighter sides to compensate for the harms caused, there are quite a few reasons to look forward to. The drastic decline in the pollution levels, which was a merely a dream until sometime ago, has somewhat come to reality now. Now every family sits down to dine together and cherishes those rare moments of joy which otherwise was very unlikely to happen. And for everyone out there, lack of time would no more be a potential reason for not having

completed any task, assuming this to be a positive point. You could probably be peacefully reading a book somewhere, or binge watching your favorite show on Netflix/our mythological Ramayana, or making a cup of dalgona coffee, or enjoying being a part of various challenges on social media platforms, etcetra. If doing any of activities keeps you locked inside your houses, there is probably no much harm in any of these.

This is yet another phase where humanity is being tested, and over time we have been able to overcome all the hurdles we encountered. A huge salute to all the medical practitioners and the essential service providers who are battling on the frontline to change the present scenario. It could also be considered as nature's retaliation to all the harms that humans have made it to suffer over time. At-least now, let us try to understand the severity of the situation and not make the resources scarce for the future generations.

If you too are cribbing about your online classes or something unusual happening, hang on we are all definitely together during this pandemic and the best valuable contribution each one of us can make by accepting all of these weird transformations is to just Stay Home until normalcy is regained!

The Secret Lockdown

Gayatri Prabhu, Manipal Institute of Technology

Flash back and a year ago, we were just happy go lucky humans going on about our ways, working, chatting, ranting about how bad life was. Not even in our dreams did we imagine that we would one day live like animals we enjoyed watching at the zoos as children, caged and morose. Time flew and we only seem to be living what we used to imagine of as a bad life. Maybe this doesn’t hold entirely true, because as it is said, no one or nothing can really make your life hell unless you allow them to.

What exactly went wrong? Good to ponder. How can we make it right? Good to act upon. Since the last month or so, we have been facing a lock down, a state which I thought would never be possible in my country at least and just let it go, thinking of it as yet another crisis among the many already chewing our heads away. I was wrong and soon realized that this is not a ‘yet another story’. All the news flooded with corona, covid 19 and lock down made me grow more furious at the current state of affairs. At one point of time, I became pretty sure that the end of it would result in a set of completely transformed people.

Yet my earlier belief that a physical lock down would result in a mental one as well was soon replaced by the thought that it would instead help us remove the one which we already have in our lives. Coming straight to the point, how many of us while away our time watching YouTube videos of how cats react to babies or what was so and so’s reaction to a so and so song? How many of us feel emotionally drained because we have the time to do so much yet end up doing nothing? How many of us feel empty and sick inside to a point where we start feeling guilty of no reason? If you feel any or all the above symptoms, congrats for having some company.

We had been so engrossed in our lives that we forget that there are people who love us unconditionally. We get so consumed by work that we forget work was made for us to occupy ourselves with and not that we were born to work. Now that everything is shut down for a while and physical interactions are at a minimum, it quite a good amount of time to introspect. Yes, this sounds selfish when medical healthcare workers are relentlessly serving the mankind but there is little we can do. In fact, if we channelize our interests in the right way, that little can turn out to be a lot. For example, learning the one coding skill you always wanted to and then collaborating online to develop an app to improve life of people or cooking for the those who have to sleep with aching stomachs everyday seems productive, doesn’t it?

What is the reason for feeling empty? Our lives were greatly affected by work and daily routine and now that it occupies so less of it, the sudden void that has been created is hard to fill. There is little of interest to post about on all social media. Posting when I watch T.V. or how I sit on a chair is well, too creative for me. This is rather a time when we can improve our health. Making spirituality a part of our life, we can move on to becoming better human beings. Practicing yoga and meditation can help us clean the clutter inside our minds and wash the toxins out of our bodies. This is also the time when we can go into depression, binge eat, get addicted to smartphones and engulf ourselves and those around us in a bubble of negativity. The choice is ours.

During this lockdown, even though I did not end up doing what I wanted to, I discovered a lot about my own self. I have started to love cooking and taken a keen interest in helping to prepare delicious cuisines for my family. My opinions about different activities in life have faces a paradigm shift. I have started to enjoy household chores instead of loathing them, it makes me feel more connected to my home. At the same time, I am my slowly regaining my passion for writing and reading which I seemed to have lost during my two years of preparation for competitive examinations.

Humans are but a part of this Earth,

On which billions have taken birth.

The urge to conquer has made us a foe,

Of nature for whose greatness we needed to bow.

Indeed, nature knows the best,

Its actions have consequences all around in the north, south, east and west.

Time to come to our senses,

Need to adjust our vision and see the world through different lenses.

This break is nature’s way of getting back in track. The rivers are getting cleaner, the air is getting purer, animals are roaming more freely in a world which we always claimed as ours. Nature is healing and so should we. If blessed with a family to love, home to live, good food to eat and a body to worship, be grateful and stop complaining. This lock down has made us realize the privileges we mistook as our rights. It has forced us to go deep down and try to understand the meaning of life. We are changing and if nothing else, lets’ do it for the better. Let us go on a detox, let us let go of all things we wanted to let go and come back with a purified version of ourselves.

What humans could not have done in years to protect nature, nature itself is making it possible within a few days, with only two aspects, time and patience. In fact, the benefits of lockdown seem to be far more than protection from the pandemic and such an initiative for a fortnight annually should be highly encouraged for the wellbeing of mankind and reestablishment of its harmony with nature. This pandemic came with many lessons to teach, which are of course subject to interpretations. Its not only a lesson for a war against nature, but also a realization of the war we unknowingly wage against ourselves.

Next time when we are getting stressed about work, feeling guilty for no reason, let us remember there is a life out there to be lived and cherished. Next time when we feel like watching that one more video which would only waste our time, let us remember that this is a golden opportunity to pursue our secret passion (which of course is subject to exceptions).Next time we feel like checking how many likes we got, let us check for how many minutes we actually talked to our family. Dance to the music while it lasts. Refresh, rejoice, reactivate. Realize about and claim the only thing meant to be yours, your life and be bold to turn this disaster into gold.

Alexander The Great, and his modern-day parallel

Priyadarshini Rajendran, Manipal Institute of Technology

Alexander “The Great” traversed one half of the entire globe, from Greece to India; fighting, marauding, and conquering new lands that the Grecians had only imagined in tales and travelers’ accounts. A great conquest beyond doubt, his exploits on the battlefield are well known even to this date- the way he fought local kings despite being vastly outnumbered earned him many plaudits. Modern-day cities are named after him. A smart strategist and general commander of the Macedonian phalanx, he was never one to shy away from battle, and fought in the main ranks to ensure the unity of the diverse armies he collected along his conquestorial trail.

Interestingly, one another conquest went the opposite way, originating at the other extreme of the globe, traveling so far and wide while conquering so many countries and bringing them to heel like willful children, in a modern day and age where freedoms are protected and countrymen are proud as can be. This leader has written a tale for the ages, made sure that everyone talks naught else but their conquest and the weak tremble before their might as much as the strong do.

Alexander’s father Philip, was a stout influence on the boy, and Alexander learnt much from his way of battle- within him grew the need to best his lord father when his turn to wear the mantle came. Competition was in his blood, roaring hot and stoked further by his mother’s ambitions and the legacy he wished to leave behind. He conquered lands inhabited by men of every skin color, and sought to learn their cultures and apply them to his own marching assemblage, much to the chagrin of his countrymen. His intelligence and perceptiveness were a boon in comparison to his impulsive nature, vicious tempers and his delusions of grandeur. The Romans saw him as a role model, and everyone wanted to be associated with this great son of the land. His ability to conquer and spearhead so many battles made him a supremely talented leader, and no other could hold all the lands he’d ridden upon after he was dead.

The other conquest too, was influenced by another similar in so many aspects, but has gone above and beyond the impact the previous one made (much like Alexander and Philip). This conquistador sought to make men drop down like flies though, and showed no mercy to anyone they came across. Their own country has sought to unclaim this child they have birthed, and wish not to have anyone associate this commander with their soil. Although a fair warning would have helped so many across the globe, this general sneaks in without proclaiming their intentions. This is no spear thrust to the chest and a quick death. They seek to slowly disarm their opponent, prey on their weaknesses, and leave them struggling to even breathe. The smoking remains on the battlefields of this commander are stacked high with innocents and sullied both.

Alexander’s empire covered some 5.2 million square km and he left behind a lasting legacy, creating trade channels and a cultural bridge between the East and the West. The conquered cities and swathes of land were held by Macedonian generals even 200-300 years after Alexander had perished. “Hellenization”, or the Greek influence on the Asiatic subcontinent, was seen in murals, statues, religions and even in governance. When Alexander finally stopped his conquest it was not due to his weakness- his men and comrades had mutinied and could not, or would not, face other large armies. Years of campaigning had bled them dry and they wished to return home, see their families, live out the rest of their lives in peace- it had been too long they were warring and Alexander’s charisma had seen them through so much, already. Alexander bowed down to their wishes and started back, but his return was not as successful. He died at the young age of 32, caught by a local disease or anguished by the death of a beloved friend or more sinisterly, poisoned. When asked on his deathbed whom he wished to name successor, he succinctly breathed “tôi kratistôi"—"to the strongest" and departed for the great beyond.

This other commander fells left and right, and multiplies the number of men dead overnight, like sleight of hand. Their battle phalanxes need no rest and no home beckons them except the sweet release found in a man’s chest. How will this general die? A swift thrust to the upper arm, with an injection of vaccine that is still a work in progress. And who will be bequeathed the victories and the lands that Corona has conquered? Another disease that might be even more ruthless, if we don’t learn from the blunders and the victories alike.

Tanya Singh, Manipal Institute of Technology

Here, one is taking to one's mind

venture into the darkness, you have light to find

embrace the beauties, you wish my mind

courage is what it takes

battle your fears this time or next

every time you look back, I’ll teach, you said my mind

fantasies fail, for realism on what dreams sail

a peak into this, a peak into that

one day, someday, you shall find, you said my mind

gems glitter for they crave the sparkle

don’t worry, you shine, for the little marvel

the days set, and sets the light

but remember, you have light to find, you said my mind

as if you could, whenever you fail

remind yourself you couldn't but you can, took you this trail, you said my mind

wonders are nowhere but, in your eyes,

hidden below are subtle cries

don’t succumb, don’t sly, you on you rely, you said my mind

if you were to walk, race, look it in the face

night falls, comes the unknown, fear no, you know

destined to accomplish are few, you are due, you said my mind

fall and hurt your knees, curse into the breeze

never will you stand for you not brave at all for the fall

joking ha, strength is you and always will be, you said my mind

till time dwells, you have your spells

for once gone, only the dead return

repent, enjoy the emotion, feeling into a meaning, you said my


of all the days awake and all nights slept, joy is forever

have it in you, right behind what’s holding you

learn to look past, and please look fast, you said my mind

oath to strive, make one every day to you or whoever you may

sacrifice what can, while can, for that loved

missed are chances not taken and wrecks remain broken

amend what can be, summon energy while can be, you said my mind

legends and legacies run in tales thus to inspire

totally up to thoughts to aspire, rush or dash

provoke the potential, worst happens, you crash

relieved you feel when achieved

but forgo and ahead, yet to celebrate, you said my mind

no reward bigger than discoveries, only second to mistakes

seek refuge in your hauntings

and remember, you have light to find, you said my mind

mere desires won't suffice,

once two kings, one wished to conquer the world, but dies

other couldn't, yet he did,

wisdom and valour make out of the storm

everybody here is either of the kings, choice left up to, you

said my mind

even if can't fathom the depth, dive regardless

treasures exist hidden somewhere, questions remain unanswered


answer them, be brave, be true, you said my mind

making to the destination, happy ending

may or may not make it there, but somewhere you shall make

happy or sad, beginning or end, that call you take, you said my


smiling, rest the terrors for a while

wake up to be dazzled by the light, stop searching for a while

momentary respite, won’t do bad, paucity of time despite, you

said my mind

wander to explore and learn, for the sun the moon yearn

body needs it all along, question and seek, but never be weak

get yourself cakes of all flavours and savour them all, you said

my mind

never will be afraid, assure your efforts

might not know the way, but promise to keep the sincerity


this shall pass, never say, just work and pray, you said my mind

contentment is found right before happiness

which everywhere, only for the wilful, but don’t, it’s a loop

when nothing to lose, why pause, you said my mind

cherish the memories made and long for more

be greedy, nobody will hate you for it as long as you don't

be passionate, for all you want, people might hate you for that

but not all seeds turn into a plant, you said my mind

confused there, stood here, stuck somewhere, wondering all


you're a lovely mind, you said my mind.

you said my mind.

you said my mind.

Dhruvajit Ghosh, Manipal Institute of Technology

The leaves rustled as the wind swept through the empty garden and brought everything back to a standstill. It had been like this for the past few weeks—no soul on the lawns except the occasional rodents who were mesmerized with their newfound freedom. The harsh cacophony of silence had now superseded the garden which was once filled with the sonorous screaming of the kids, rhythmic movement of people walking and the dulcet of older people praying. A dark shadow had engulfed humanity and had ostracized it to be secluded at home.

This period of confinement had stripped people of their freedom to move but made me think about how diminutive we as humans, were against the ever-gracious mother nature. I could have never expected how drastically things had changed in the past few weeks due to COVID-19 pestilence. It has been nothing less than a plot right out of the movie which has shackled all the nations and made them grapple. Yet, all is not lost, and I believe every dark cloud has a silver lining. Our affinity to help and mollify each other in this crisis and rise above with all odds with an indomitable spirit is something history has witnessed and gratified time and again.

I have realized with this lockdown enforced upon us, how prosaic our thoughts and ideas had become. It made me ponder upon how I had ceased to do what I yearned to do in my college due to the hustle and bustle of life. Since childhood, I had an inclination and fondness for reading and writing. While I occasionally wrote bits and pieces in college, my reading and dwelling in their fantasy world had abruptly come to an end and lead to me becoming mundane with pedestrian thoughts. During this lockdown, I relinquished my languidness and voraciously started exploring the wizarding world of Hogwarts, followed by the biography of Steve Jobs and his passion-filled journey of life. From this, I leapt upon the philosophical teaching of Paul Coelho in Alchemist. I remember that week had enervated me, but I had found true happiness in reclaiming the real treasure of life in those books. My mind had finally woken from its deep slumber and now running in an unrestrained manner. This positivity had changed my body mentally and physically. Now I had become more cognizant to the ways of life at home. I had given up all the unproductive and lackadaisical habits and would relentlessly try to be more sanguine in doing my work.

Moreover, writing had become my favourite quotidian work. I started maintaining a diary to write about abstract ideas and thoughts that would strike me arbitrarily during the course of the day and helped me elevate my mental well-being. Although the lockdown had made me a better human being, yet the anguish of unfortunate people writhed my heart. The lockdown had been supremely unfair to the daily wagers community, labourers, construction workers, migrant workers who toiled every day for their nourishment and daily well-being. These integral pillars of society who silently upheld the daily lives of every Indian had been affected the most. Sadly, there was nothing I could have done.

The only way I would like to remember this period of my life would be in which humanity, through harmony and togetherness stood against an invisible enemy, suffered innumerable rampant damages yet showed no signs of antagonism. Instead, brim with composure and the sacrifice and hardship of health care workers, police force and social workers defeated it and brought it down to its knees and dawned upon us a new and rejuvenated world. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Recalling Our Status on Earth

Geetanjali Jha, Manipal Institute of Communication

Fawn (baby deer): “Mom! Let’s quickly plan a summer trip. These bipeds might end up on the streets anytime soon.”

… And this is how Indians witnessed Sambar deers swaggering in the streets of Haridwar.

From the womb of dusk arises the dawn. As the Covid-19 contagion led humans to self-quarantine, it profusely relaxed the draconian curfew inflicted on the wildlife. Noida’s busiest Sector-18 spotted Nilgai strolling on the vacant road. A critically endangered Malabar civet was sighted in Kozhikode, Kerala. Racoons walking in the Central Park in New York, sea lion seen sitting on a sidewalk in Argentina, giraffes munching the city trees in South Africa, star fishes surfacing on the deserted beaches in UK, mentally assaulted zoo inmates looking cheerful and less aggressive in the absence of visitors and kangaroos exploring the streets of Adelaide – have become a regular still ecstatically sight during national lockdown. Wildlife tourism seems to have emerged as a new trend. Pretty impressive right! But the contention is: Would the star fishes be allowed to bask under the sun peacefully if humans flocked on the shores? Or would the deer be let to venture in the urbanised streets with tranquillity?

Almost after three decades, the Himalayan’s Dhauladhar mountain range can be viewed clearly from Jalandhar. Definitely, it is not the vision of the human eye that has suddenly advanced. NASA images record a sharp dip in air pollution in India. Owing to the national transportation and industrial standstill, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of 95 cities have unexpectedly improved. Similarly, in the absence of industrial effluents and pilgrim wastes, the water quality of the ‘most-polluted’ holy Ganga has been considered ‘fit for drinking’ in Har-ki-Pauri. The nature is attempting to reclaim its pristine adolescence escaping from human’s retrogressive eyes.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that “human emissions and activities” (anthropogenic) are undeniably 100% responsible for the off-limits rise in global warming, due to exponential carbon footprinting, since the inception of industrial era in 1950s. Moreover, accumulation of synthetic plastic wastes on land and in oceans threaten terrestrial and marine ecosystem recklessly. It is misfortunate to accept that we generate 300 million tonnes of plastic waste every year.

Earth provides enough to provide enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.

As rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi, mankind is creating an “exclusive universe” for itself that is egocentrically downplaying the existence of marine, flora and fauna on earth in the behest of personal interests. Our never-ending modernity-driven consumerist, transportation and industrial demands might end up turning into a miscarriage of earth’s carrying capacity.

“Ignorance is the root and stem of all evils,” said Plato. People argue that the responsibility of ecosystem preservation lies under the purview of the ruling administration. Agreed! However, brick by brick, a house is built. Unawareness to identify and accept the vulnerabilities and threat to life and livelihood of species on earth might otherwise result in a permanent ecological dis-balance and damage. Individual proactive participation is the urgent need of the hour. We call ourselves the most intellectual creatures on this planet. Hence, we need to become advanced and modernised in our behaviour and actions to actively share the contributory-load of personal consciousness for mitigating the environmental disintegration at an individual level.

Ancient Indian culture – through paintings, architecture, sculptures, religious deities and fables – have always symbolised nature and animals as an integral spirit of human’s beauty, wisdom, opulence and dignity. Generosity towards all creatures as our own; avoiding the misuse of electricity, water, greenhouse gases-releasing air-conditioners; discouraging the dependency on plastic packaging and private vehicles; evading from littering beaches and streets and encouraging afforestation – are the keys that would let no stones unturned for an ecological replenishment.

This lockdown and the ecological restoration is a more like a wake-up call for us. There can be no justifiable denying that we ‘unanimously’ owe the blame. The blame of substantiating the idiom: “What you sow is what you reap”. Climate change and environmental degradation will cause mankind extinction, if not acted upon immediately. Unfortunately, along with ourselves, we are risking the lives of a trillion innocent species.

The survival of no living being is an ounce less worthy than our own. Bashed by ignorance and conceit, we fail to accept that. There is something that we should always remember for the better: “Earth isn’t something that we own. It is something we share. Let’s behave like a guest, not like an emperor of earth.”


Noel Thomas, Manipal Institute of Technology

A peculiarly obese man lying in a hospital bed has his heartbeat punctuated by the steady rhythm of a ventilator in an ICU. He has nurses around him, who stand apart at a steady distance as the marvels of medical technology keep him alive – his heart is now a blood-level monitor, his lungs are now made of plastic and the steady beat of the doctors dropping in and out, the nurses moving to and fro and the dizzying hum of the electrical impulse – this is all the soundtrack around the final stages of his epic adventure, and it is slowly coming to an end.

The man is as good as dead, yet he is alive. He is artificially kept awake as a medical monster from Dr. Frankenstein for his relatives to look at, but they cannot get any closer than a glass wall in the ICU and certainly not in meaningful fashion. He was already well sedated in pain and despair before the hospital staff dosed him with enough to let down a breathing tube down his throat. A man that has no reason within him is no man at all, same goes for a man who has no reason to live.

He is now an animal, and not just any animal – an ironic tantrum of mother nature that turned the most dangerous predator of the planet into a vegetable, the food that his prey would eat. He is no longer a system, but a collection of systems – neural, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and all of these systems work against him now. He who decided the call for consent on every girl he sought his eyes on now has his consent violated in multiple ways by various machinations and he will never know.

The truth is that he never mattered at all, and in the end they usually never do. Part of what makes his medical entourage great is that they could always spin the unpalatable into the favorable and serve it with a garnish of caviar. The chief doctor tells his sister, “He is a fighter, has always been”, but behind closed veils he tells the nurse that the man itself is no more, his body now communicating its needs through the dials and the meters of the techno-medicocontraption.

When the time comes for him to go on to meet his maker, and he cannot consent to these decisions any more, his next of kin will decide what to do with the body. No man is allowed to stand next to the great leader, such is nature’s decision. After all, if he is not responding well, his bed can be vacated for someone who might need it more. His sister is now debriefed with the official proceedings in what follows, and there might have been a look of glee in her eyes. She looks outside at the huddled masses that proceeds in a straight line, a six-feet distance between them and all. If the virus attains suboptimal levels of mobility, he will deem the draconian measures of the regime successful, but if not, it is not like the people were to lose out on much either.

The message goes out from the terminal at the head doctor’s computer to the one at the headquarters, “The Great Leader is no more; long live the Great Leader.” She thinks she in line to the throne now, but she is wrong. The all-knowing eyes of the data mediated through the nooks and crannies of the suggestive-corrective algorithm found her to be favored candidate in line to pose some semblance of minimal order in the great nation. When it says no, the generals and her vanguard know what to do. Somewhere, the chatbots converse with each other in discrete tones of electromagnetic noise, “Look at my works, ye mighty, and despair.”


Rachita Jain & K.S.Abhiram Kashyap, Manipal Institute of Technology

Ever faced an HR interview? Well, I have.

Just before the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, I was facing a series of evaluations to land a summer internship in a reputable company. After successfully clearing the group discussion and technical rounds, it was now time for the HR interview, an interview which was supposed to be the easiest of all. Quite happy with the turn of events in my favour, I was confident enough to clear this round also and bag the internship.

I entered the room to a friendly-looking man who asked me to take a seat. And then the series of daunting questions began.

1. Describe yourself in a word

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? How do you justify them?

3. Why do you think we should give you this internship?

4. Why did you pick this company? Is it because of the value its brand name will provide you to the CV?

Each question tougher than the previous one and my calmness wavering after each consequent question, the interview ended and I walked out of the room as fast as my jittery legs would allow me. My interview went terribly bad and the results only confirmed my worst suspicions.

Soon after this incident, summer vacations were declared, giving me enough time to think deeply about the interview. Why did my interview go bad? Where did it go amiss? How should I improve so that this doesn’t happen again?

After sleepless nights and intense introspection, I realised that I couldn’t answer the questions, not because I didn’t know how to answer, but because I didn’t know the answers itself!

I didn’t know myself- it was the most shameful discovery of all.

Between completing notes and writing assignments to reaching classes on time, I absolutely disregarded my zeal to find my own passion, the essence of my being. Striving for excellence in everything, I forgot to question myself whether this really mattered. Caught up in the mundane routine of the university life, I rarely had the time, even for my hobbies.

So engrossed in the monotony of everyday tasks, I ceased to see the bigger picture, the picture of my future. It is said that “Art is a line around your thoughts” but how was I supposed to create a masterpiece when all my thoughts were haywire? How was I supposed to achieve my dream of becoming renowned if I didn’t know which hues of colours would blend in to create a uniquely endearing mess that could draw people?

Though coronavirus brought doom to this planet, it’s rampant nature gave me a blessing- the blessing of time. And since the professors were taking online classes and the country was in a state of lockdown, I was free to do whatever I wanted from the comfort of my home this time. With no proverbial Damocles’ sword hanging over my neck, I was now liberated to choose the shades of my future. For the first time in years, life felt uncertain yet unshackled.

But the quest to find the right colours wasn’t all romantic. I was lost, didn’t know where to start, had no direction; so I started indulging and investing myself in various activities, all at once. From cooking, to coding, to writing, to reading non-fiction, I was leaving no stone unturned to find my niche and aiding me were the MOOCs (Massively Online Open Courses). While I liked some of these activities, others I didn’t enjoy as much, but I learned a lot during this process- and not just the technical details, but also the metaphorical ones. The biggest lesson I learnt was to find happiness in the smallest of places. The joy of seeing the smile after giving my grandmother a glass of lemonade at noon on a hot summer day is far more gratifying than acing a difficult test that I studied for the entire night before. Trying different things at once was exceedingly enlightening. I had even overcome my greatest fear, the fear of failure. I gained confidence after crossing milestones outside my comfort zone.

Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up.” As children, we used to let our imaginations run free- while some of us wanted to become doctors, others wanted to astronauts, dancers, teachers or even political leaders. But as we grew up, the expectations of society weighed so heavily on us that it restrained, almost shackled the artist within us. We became afraid to fail because we were too soft-hearted and would do anything to escape from our parents’ disappointment. Once we grasp the fact that we are responsible for our decisions, we pass this phase and start taking life into our hands. This is my phase of taking life in my hands, and this novel epidemic brought me time to explore my options before tracing a path for myself.

While it is considered to be one of the most unfortunate incidents that has ever plagued Earth, it gave me time to rekindle the fire of creativity that our education systems have tried to kill within us. I remain optimistic that countless others along with me have taken this time out to get a hang of themselves and be better persons.

Reshma Sett, Manipal Institute of Technology

A gust of cool breeze from the window just beside my bed caressing my face making its heartful attempt to wake me up from my peaceful slumber every morning as if it wants me to enjoy every moment of this beautiful day. The dawn has just broke in and you can find a plethora of birds singing to their melodious tunes. What more can I ask from Mother Earth for a better start for my day. As the hands of clock make rapid movements there are more sounds now but unusual from what I have been listening to from years now. The sound of the conch fills in the atmosphere and reminds us of the existence of a Supreme power much above the proficiency of human beings. One can find just a handful of people wearing masks instead of the vehicles racing through the roads. No individual is in a hurry now and is enjoying their own sweet time to think beyond the hustle of the rat race they have been a part of. Ecstasy and corporal emotions have found a bona fide expression through the brush strokes of many people. Board games have yet again become an integral part of life replacing our gadgets and flashes memories of our good old summer vacations during school days. The night sky is clear enough to sit peacefully for star gazing. The abominable lull is splintered by the clatter of the heavenly showers at times and the petrichor outclasses the fugitive odour from the purring of engines. The air is cleaner, the rivers thriving and there are no fights over pollution norms. Humanity has taken over politics. The greatest powers of the world aren’t fighting for crude oil against each other but collectively against this formidable enemy. Relentless efforts are in progress to curb this escalating demon. This fear of the unknown, resonates with that sense of subtle, ever-present apprehension about the new world that climate change is shaping. Our present environment is changing irreparably, and with it the course of our history, the stories and traditions we'll pass on to our children. A systemic collapse of even bigger proportions than the current pandemic remains mostly unacknowledged. Although the mood of the population with days passing by has plummeted yet the human race should realise that even in the most extreme forms of stress there is space for growth and resilience. Social media platforms are bridging the gaps between their loved ones. How ironical it is that a virus had to come forth to make the most intelligent species on this world realise the true sense of sustainable development. It isn’t just about learning these new words quarantine, lockdown, hotspots and isolation but to deepen our thoughts to understand these and adopt practices towards a healthier environment. The world will definitely gear up on its wheels in some time but it lies in our hands to sustain it with the recent upgraded maintenance which has taken place. Life isn’t fastidious but is for sure atoned in purity.


Kashish Kalra, MAHE DUBAI

The coronavirus has halted the daily lives of billions of people all around the world keeping us all confined to our homes, anxious and fearful.

Amongst all this, there is one thing that I can’t stop thinking about, what is going to happen when all this is over? What is a post pandemic world going to look like?

We have reached a point where expecting everything to become normal just like before is quite impossible. Our world, as we know it, will never be the same again!

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world in more ways than one. Businesses are struggling to make ends meet, unemployment has reached record highs, the stock market has plummeted at an unprecedented rate, many countries have already predicted their economies falling into a deep recession and fear amongst the public is more than ever before. These are the just the early waves of shock that the coronavirus has sent across the globe and the effects of these will be felt for a long time.

We are talking about a new world where we won’t have huge gatherings, most businesses have their employees working from home, people attend virtual concerts, yoga sessions, meetings, students study in a virtual classroom all from the comfort of their homes.

A world where travel is no more a leisure activity and most of us would only travel if it is necessary and unavoidable. The idea of a dreamy tropical vacation would cease to exist.

People would stay home as much as they can. Simple activities like going to the mall aimlessly to just hangout or watch a movie are slowly becoming things of the past.

All of this and so much more will happen and is happening already because there is fear in the minds of people and eliminating that fear completely could take years.

Even if many countries are effectively able to withstand the virus, end their lockdowns and get the economy back on its feet, there is still a long way to go before positive economic growth can be seen. The primary focus would be to just repair the damage done by the pandemic and get back in business and this will not be enough to avoid a recession.

The US currently has the highest number of cases in the world and its handling of the situation has clearly shown its ill-preparedness and lack of planning for emergency situations like the current pandemic.

Coming out of this pandemic, America will no longer remain an absolute super-power instead China will win that title with its strategic foreign policies.

Another huge impact has been on the Oil industry which has seen its oil price fall to an 18-year low. The oil industry has lost a lot of its value as economic activity all around the world has been shut or reduced.

Once the coronavirus is defeated, countries are going to want to be more self-reliant than ever before, they will be looking at using renewable energy as much as possible and reducing their oil exports drastically. While this could mean huge losses for oil producing nations, this could also significantly help with climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

Thus, the world is heading into a future that is uncertain, unexpected and nothing like we’ve ever seen before!

The new Religion

Aditya Shankar Jha, Manipal Institute of Technology

From the length of your pant, to the product we buy on Flipkart and Amazon. From the street number we live in to the 2 wheeler vehicle we bought last year, we are all surrounded by DATA . You might have heard the phrase -“Data is the new currency” or even “Data is the new oil”, but these are the old school things. Data is the new Religion.

Data says that the universe consists of data flows, and the value of any phenomenon or entity is determined by its contribution to data processing. Data was born from the explosion two scientific waves. In the 150 years since Charles Darwin published on the origin of species, the lfe sciences have come to see organisms as biochemical algorithms. Data puts the two together, pointing out that exactly the same mathematics applies to both biochemical and electronic algorithms. Data therefore collapse the barrier between animals and machines.

Data is mainly divided between two subparts: computer science and biology. Of the two , biology is more important. It was the biological embracement of data that brought the two together under common umbrella. You may not agree that the organisms are algorithms and that the cows, apple, cheese and human beings are just different methods for processing data. Economists increasingly interpret the economy ,too, as a data processing system. We(laypeople) believe that the economy consists of peasants growing wheat ,workers manufacturing clothes and customers buying cars and underpants. Yet experts see the economy as a mechanism forgathering data about desires and abilities, and turning this data into decisions.

According to this free market capitalism and state controlled communism aren’t competing ideology, ethical thinking or political institution/thinking. At bottom , they are competing data processing system. CAPITALISM uses data by directly connecting all the producers and consumers to one another and allowing them to exchange information freely to make decisions.

On a much grander scale , if investors predicts increased demand for bread, they will buy shares of biotech firms that engineer more prolific wheat strains. The inflow of capital will enable the firms to speed up their research, thereby providing more wheat faster, and controlling shortage of bread. Data processing considerations also explain why capitalists favour lower taxes. Heavy taxations means that a large part of all capital accumulates in one place-the state- and consequently more and more decisions have to be made by a single processor, namely the government. In extreme cases , when the taxes are exceeding high, almost all the capital ends in government’s hand, and so the government also calls the shots. It dictates the price of bread, the locations of bakeries, and the research and development budget. In a free market, if one processor makes a wrong decision, mistakes can be catastrophic.

This is extreme situation in which all the data is processed and all the decisions are made by a single central processor and is called COMMUNISM. In a communist economy people allegedly work according to their abilities, and receive according to their needs. In order words, government takes 100% of your profits, and ,decides what you need and supply those needs. Though no country ever realised this scheme in its extreme form, the soviet union came as close as they cloud.

FINALLY, capitalism didn’t defeat communism because capitalism was more ethical, because individual liberties are sacred or because God was angry with communists. Rather , capitalism won the cold war because ‘distributed data processing works better than centralised data processing’ , at least in period of accelerating technological changes. The central committee of the Communist Party could not deal with rapidly changing the world in late 20th century. When all data is accumulated in one secret bunker, and all important decisions are taken by a group of elderly orthodox leader , you can produce nuclear bombs , you won’t get any Apple, Amazon or a Wikipedia.

Why should we worry?

Companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon , Apple, Facebook want to go much deeper than gadgets, wearables and shopping. The market of DNA testing is currently growing in leaps and bound. One of its leader is ‘23andMe’ a private company founded by Anne Wojcicki, former wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The name ’23andMe’ refers to 23 pairs of chromosomes that contain our genome, the message being that my chromosomes have a very special relationship with me. Anyone who can understand what the chromosomes are saying can tell you the things about yourself you never even suspected.

If you want to know what pay $99(which in Indian currency is around 99 * 76.10 = 7533 rupees as of now when I am writing this) and they will send you a small package with tube. You spit into the tube, seal it and send it back to their concerned address. There the DNA in your saliva is read, and you receive a result online. You get a list of potential health hazard you face and your genetic predisposition for more than 90 traits and conditions ranging from blindness to baldness. Since it is all based on statistics, the size of the company database is key to making accurate predictions. Hence the first company to build a giant genetic database will provide customer with best prediction and corner the market. US biotech companies are increasingly worried that strict privacy laws in the USA combined with Chinese disregard for individual privacy may hand China the genetics market on the plate. As India as always will remain a consumer by importing 70% technologies and goods from these two giants.

A recent study commissioned by Google’s nemesis- FACEBOOK- has indicated that already today the Facebook algorithm is a better judge of human personality than people’s friends, parents and even girlfriends. The study was conducted on 86,200 volunteers who have a Facebook account and who completed a hundred item personality questions. The Facebook algorithm predicted the volunteers answers based on monitoring their Facebook like button. The more likes the more better the predictions.

The prediction were compared with those of work colleagues , friends, family and girlfriend/boyfriend.

Amazingly the algorithm need only 10 likes in order to outperform the prediction of the work colleagues. It needed 70 likes to outperform friends and 150 likes to outperform family and 300 likes to outperform husbands/wives. In other words, if you happen to have clicked 300 likes, the Facebook algorithm can predict your opinions and desires, better than your husband or wife.

“People might abandon their own psychological judgements and rely on computer when making important life decision, such as choosing activities, career paths, or even romantic partners. It is possible that such data driven decision will improve people’s life and vice-versa”

On a more sinister note , the same study implies that in next Indian elections, Facebook , WhatsApp, Tik-Tok could know not only the political opinions of over 1 billions of Indians, but also who among them are critical to swing votes, and how these votes might swung. Facebook could tell you that in Uttarr Pradesh the race is between BJP and Congress is particularly close, Facebook could identify the 12,34,567 voters who still haven’t made up their mind , and Facebook could determine what each candidate needs to say in order to tip the balance. This was what happened in Brexit. How does Facebook obtain this priceless political data???? We provide it for free.

In 20th century our personal data is probably the most humans still have to offer, and we are giving it to the tech giants in exchange for email services and funny cats videos. Today we are moving towards digital books than printed volumes. Devices such as Amazon Kindle are able to collect data on their users while reading the book. For example, our kindle can monitor which part of the book we read fast, and which slow, on which page we took a break and on which page we abandoned the book. If kindle is upgraded to face recognition and biometric sensors, it can tell what made us laugh and what made us sad. Soon , books will read us while we are reading them. And while we quickly forget most of what we read, Amazon will never forget a thing. It will enable Amazon to recommend us a suitable book , and also to know exactly who we are and how to turn us on or off.

Wrapping up

We cannot really predict the future. All the scenario mentioned above should be understood as possibilities rather than prophecies. When we think about future, our horizons are usually constrained by present day ideologies and social system. Democracy encourages us to believe in a democratic future; capitalism does not allow us to imagine a non-capitalist alternative; and humanism makes it difficult for us to envisage a post human destiny. At most, we sometimes recycle past events and think about them as alternative futures.

Rishi Agarwal, Manipal Institute of Technology

The world around us is changing every instance now. It is very different to the world that we are used to living in. Not just the basic mannerisms of the people are changing but each day new challenges are coming up for which we were never prepared. The conventional tool cannot fight them and out of box thinking, is the need of the hour.

The eight-hour day says that twenty-four hours of the day should be spent as follow:

“eight hours of rest, eight hours of recreation and eight hours of work”.

Although the lockdown has not compromised the first two, for most of the people, the eight hours stipulated for work needs a thoughtful redistribution in this lockdown.

Many people have considered this as a break from the fast-paced city life. Things have slowed down on the outside and hasten up inside. However, the focus has shifted to a more positive paradigm. They are is focusing more on themselves, and spending much more time with the family, that was long over-due.

A family that would hardly meet for a dinner together is now not only meeting for all the three meals but also spending most of the time playing, singing and watching movies together. The daily chores have been divided among each other and each one has to do their job. This has also made us appreciate the work done by domestic helpers and homemakers who had been taken for granted until now.

It is said, “domestic work is something that is not realized until someone has not done it.

It is not an easy task yet every day these domestic helpers carry it out effortlessly. The world will see them from a different view now.

The lockdown has also made us realize that our individual problems are not the biggest. We fight and get upset over things that seem so petty now. There people who have been infected and are suffering, there are people who are stuck in various places, people suffering from disease other than Covid-19 are not getting the required treatment. People are not able to attend the funeral of close ones. Daily wageworkers have the survival of their family at stake. So many people are going through mental-health related issues. These are just to name a few. As someone said, “I can only describe life in just three words: It goes on.

However, amidst such negativity, there are also examples of positivity and hope. The google trends in its recent article shared that the phrase “How can I help?” is being searched manifold. Humans are standing for each other. People are looking out for ways to contribute to the society. People are carrying out food donation drives in places where the government cannot reach. Many have joined hands with NGOs with their contributions to help those who are in need.

In this situation of a world crisis and a world pandemic, people are strengthening themselves. They are looking for inner peace. Those who are used to getting anxious are working on staying calm. Those who are used to getting angry, are trying to be patient. People are also focusing on themselves. The paint box which had layers of dust, is being used again. The guitar that had become a showpiece, is being struck again. People who would only order food from restaurants are trying new recipes that they watched on YouTube the other night. People are reminiscing the days of travel by watching travel video of the tours they had made. In all of these, health and fitness is not behind. People are working out and also keeping a check on the amount and the quality of food they are consuming.

All in all, it is a good change which nobody would have taken out time for and in this process, Mother Earth is healing. Pollution levels have come down. Water has become clearer. Few species of the animals have come back. Although, people are eagerly waiting to step out of their houses, and restore the usual life, this period will leave a huge impact on their lifestyle. People will focus on healthier habit, proper sanitation, quality food and on spending quality time with loved ones and with themselves. Things are never perfect, but from time to time, we need to change ourselves, we need to upgrade ourselves, all for the better.