All Christians are familiar with the word blessing. One hymn even says, "Count your blessings, name them one by one." Undoubtedly, the concept of blessing expressed in this hymn is that blessing is a matter of being given a good wife, children, education, promotions, houses, and cars. According to this hymn, these are the blessings we should count one by one. More than thirty-five years ago, I sang this hymn during the last few hours of the year. I would gather some together and say, "Let us count the blessings of this past year, one by one." But the blessing according to the pure Word is much different from this. According to the Old Testament pattern of the blessing by the priest and the New Testament pattern of blessing by the Apostle, the proper blessing is to bring people into the presence of God and to bring God into them as grace, love, and fellowship that they may enjoy the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Hence, blessing is a matter of enjoying the Triune God.

Today I want to write about our blessings as we all are talented / gifted in some things. I am not an expert on this topic and thus this is only my view (and not based on scientific research or data). We should all understand what our strengths / talents are in order to become the best versions of ourselves. It is better to focus on our strengths rather than trying to become even a mediocre in something that is very difficult for us. In my opinion, focusing on weaknesses is waste of time as no one has to be good at everything. We need to choose our battles!

Count Your Blessings Mp3 Download

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I am not a Leonardo da Vinci kind of super human, but I nowadays think like a polymath and try make the most out of life. I know my strengths and try to build on those. And I also count my blessings as I am (as you are too) talented in many ways.

When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,

When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,

Count your many blessings, name them one by one,

And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?

Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?

Count your many blessings, ev'ry doubt will fly,

And you will be singing as the days go by. (Refrain)

So, amid the conflict, whether great or small,

Do not be discouraged, God is over all;

Count your many blessings, angels will attend,

Help and comfort give you to your journey's end. (Refrain)

"Count Your Blessings" is a wonderful song to sing any day of the year as a reminder of the many blessings of God, even during hardships. You will feel joy and contentment after joining in with this hymn!

"And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out." - Deuteronomy 28:1-6

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Lovely post Charli! Very important to remember this. We often take all of the amazing blessings that we have, like waking up in the morning, for granted. Every day is a blessing and sometimes we just need a little reminder.

I absolutely agree with this post and it is so encouraging and refreshing! It is so easy to let something get you down during the days, but choosing to change your mindset makes all the difference! I used to allow the smallest things to put me in a funk and then I realized that it was ruining a perfectly wonderful day, or what could be. Thanks for this outlook! I enjoyed reading and being reminded!

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I was always told to count my blessings when I was having a hard time or feeling bad for myself or trying to fall asleep. When I think of counting my blessings, I think of my faith, my family, a Christian home, nutrition, my health, and those close to me. Those are all immediate things that pop into my mind. I am always thankful for those things, but I just do not find myself thinking about them that often or thanking God enough for them.

I looked again at all the blessings that I had and still have in my life. I grew up in Christian schools; she went to big public schools where she was made fun of every day for just being herself. I have always had a healthy life; she grew up with unhealthy parents and family. She also had many difficulties with her own health. Thinking about what she had to go through made me really appreciate what I have.

Count your blessings. Now I try to count my blessings every day because I really appreciate what God has given me. He continues to bless me every day. Even when I do not notice his blessings, he continues to provide.

Recognize the blessings that have been given to you. Before you go to sleep at night, count your blessings. When you get up in the morning, count your blessings. Count your blessings in the middle of the day! Thank God that you have faith, and pray that it grows every day. Thank God for the people in your life. Do not forget to pray for their faith, too.

The holidays are always a busy time of the year for everyone! And usually means lots of parties and gatherings. Being around so many other people, I find it easy to start comparing myself and sometimes that the comparison game can be a dangerous one. Read on to find out why we need to stop comparing & start counting our blessings!

During the holidays you will be around other children, other adults, other married couples and parents. You watch them react to your stories and listen to theirs and you hear their opinions. You may even laugh off some of their prying or semi-personal questions. (Why do you do that? or So you are done having kids, right? or You let them do what?) These moments leave you wondering. With these moments come the mind games, the comparison games. Well, comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing and start counting your blessings!

We have been blessed beyond measure over the last few weeks and when you are in a storm you realise why God places you in a family. It has been mind blowing to me seeing the gospel in action as friends, family and colleagues have gone out of their way to bless us. They will never know how even the smallest of blessings have impacted our lives and made us feel so loved and supported.

Phil 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So blessed to read about your journey Sarah .

 What a joy to hear how you are living out The Faithfulness of God !

The Steps of a good man are ordered by The Lord ps 37


After reading this letter from my friend and classmate from Schechter who was incarcerated 7 years ago for 45 years, I made a promise to myself: I will never complain about my life again. And if I do, you may hold me to this, please say to me: count your blessings and make your blessings count.

But it is not enough to count them, we must make our blessings count. We must act. We must act for my friend Jeremy, who is powerless to protect himself or to live freely. Join me in sending new Jewish books and CDs to incarcerated Jews in our country.

And so, my friends, that is our charge: count your blessings and make your blessings count by helping the hungry, raising the fallen, comforting the bereaved, defending the weak, and righting the wrongs our brothers and sisters have endured too long.

My friends, we have so much work to do. Do not for a second think that the fire on the outskirts of our camp will not threaten us as well. It is our responsibility to end the unrest and dis-ease in our country and in our world.

Personally, I count among my blessings that I have been able to serve and teach and live in a community that cares so much about everyone in our camp, from the far ends of the outskirts to those in the front lines. And as I continue to be a member of this holy community, I hope you will join me in action, as together, we make our blessings count.

I count as a great blessing my working relationship with the tribe. The Tribal Council and Executive have been very much pro-free speech and free press almost from the beginning of my service at the One Feather. They have been critical in putting laws in place to protect that vital line of communication between government and the governed, The Cherokee One Feather.

Then there are those who support the One Feather, like Katie Cooper, who has stepped in many times to help guide us in the financial networks of the tribe, above and beyond her regular duties at another program. And the many folks in Tribal Finance, Facilities, Housekeeping, and those fine folks at the United States Postal Service who mail you your copy of the Cherokee One Feather. We work with Lee BHM Corp. and King Features who print the One Feather and supply content, respectively. And the many old and new advertisers who help us to lessen the needed financial support that the EBCI generously provides. 17dc91bb1f

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