The 2024 edition of Count Me In will rune from 17 June until 26 July. Here is a schedule:

Monday 17/6: Check in with Nick Sheridan in James Clerk Maxwell Building, Office 5615. Introductory meeting at 11am. 

Wednesday 19/6: Maths talk and information session. This event will be open to online participants; physical location, time, and zoom link TBA.

Twenty-two centuries later, enumerative geometry remains stronger than ever (alas, the same cannot be said of those hubristic conquerors). Modern enumerative geometry is a synthesis of two fundamental geometric ideas: moduli spaces and intersection theory. I will take you on a guided tour of these ideas, surveying the landscape and pausing to examine some particularly interesting trinkets. My goal is to impart some of the beauty and wonder of the subject. Our tour will take us through Bezout’s theorem and projective duality, on to Chow groups and the moduli space of plane conics.

Wednesday 26/7, afternoon: Group presentations: "What is the problem?"

Wednesday 3/7: Maths talk and information session. This event will be open to online participants; physical location, time, and zoom link TBA.

Wednesday 10/7, afternoon: Group presentations: "What is our approach?"

Wednesday 17/7: Maths talk and information session. This event will be open to online participants; physical location, time, and zoom link TBA.

Wednesday 26/7, afternoon: Final group presentations: "What we did"