Mrs. Hare's

School Counseling Website

Grades: Kindergarten-2nd Grade


Parent/Guardian Resources

School Counseling Student Referral Form

Do you think your child could benefit from meeting with the school counselor? Feel free to complete the School Counseling Student Referral Form. The link to the form is below. You can also email me at

Student Referral Form

Rent and Mortgage Assistance Programs

There are three programs with significant funding that are now providing financial assistance for rent and mortgages in Cobb County. Here are links for more information about these programs.

SPARC Cobb M2H Flyer (1)

Cobb Home Saver Program

Clay Harmony Leland Elementary is committed to assisting those who may need additional support during virtual learning and is working with our school counselors, parent facilitator and local partners resources to members of our school community.

If you have a particular need, for food or additional support, please reach out to our Parent Facilitator ( or to one of our school counselors.

Tips for Supporting Your Child with Virtual Learning

Click the image to the left to learn more!

Teaching Tolerance

During this time in our world, it is important for students to understand Social Justice and how we can show tolerance for others. Click the resource to the left for more information.

Understanding Covid-19

Click the link to the left to access a Covid-19 activity book that teaches students about Covid-19.