God Forgives


God Forgives Divorce

During all my years in Marriage and Family Counseling practice, I have never recommended a couple to divorce. It is clear; God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). Jesus portrayed divorce in Matthew 19:8 as a hardening of the heart. For many, divorce has been the easy, “broad road” to destruction in our generation, but for some, a kept lifetime commitment to one spouse has been the tougher “narrow road” to life. That said, God will forgive a man or woman who has repented from killing his/her marriage through unfaithfulness. Additionally, the innocent party who has been divorced without scriptural warrant will be held guiltless. He was, is, and forever will be the God of grace.

A proverb saying, "a wise man will hear and increase learning" has been Rick's counseling slogan since the start of his practice 30 years ago. It suggests that God meets a person who listens regardless of gender, ethnicity or creed.