After the migration, users were unable to download PDFs. The error message "Couldn't download - Virus scan failed" appeared. After quickly excluding the antivirus scanner (Sophos) as the culprit, the search began.

since this morning I am unable to download any .pdfs from my bank or my accountants website. every file says, "virus scan failed" I need to download files to run my business so this is critical. I have just had a windows update which has installed/updated Edge

Couldn 39;t Download Virus Scan Failed Microsoft Edge

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

The virus scan failed error is not limited to Google Chrome only. You might encounter it in other popular web browsers like Microsoft Edge, and Opera as well. Clearing the browser cache and data should be the first and easiest thing you do to check if the problem is solved. Once you clear the browsing data, close the web browser and relaunch it to check if the virus scan failed error has gone or not!

Windows Defender or antivirus programs can behave very sensitively and weirdly sometimes. This proactive behavior on the part of antivirus software might block not only malicious files but safe files too. Just to make sure that your antivirus program is not conspiring to baffle you with the virus scan failed error, try to turn it off.

The antivirus client encountered an error, and the current scan has stopped. The scan might fail due to a client-side issue. This event record includes the scan ID, type of scan (Microsoft Defender Antivirus, antispyware, antimalware), scan parameters, the user that started the scan, the error code, and a description of the error. To troubleshoot this event:

User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client update failed. This event occurs when the client fails to update itself. This event is usually due to an interruption in network connectivity during an update. To troubleshoot this event:

User action: The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client attempted to download and install the latest definitions file and failed. This error can occur when the client encounters an error while trying to load the definitions, or if the file is corrupt. Microsoft Defender Antivirus attempts to revert back to a known-good set of definitions. To troubleshoot this event:

Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus couldn't load antimalware engine because current platform version isn't supported. Microsoft Defender Antivirus reverts back to the last known-good engine and a platform update will be attempted.

User action: You should restart the system then run a full scan because it's possible the system wasn't protected for some time. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus client's real-time protection feature encountered an error because one of the services failed to start. If it's followed by a 3007 event ID, the failure was temporary and the antimalware client recovered from the failure.

Description: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Real-time Protection has restarted a feature. It's recommended that you run a full system scan to detect any items that may have been missed while this agent was down.

The %ProgramFiles% directory was whitelisted in my AppLocker policy for .dll and .exe files, but %ProgramData% was not as there was no need to prior to this. I created rules for both file types to allow everyone access to %OSDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\*. I re-enabled my AppLocker GPO, ran a force group policy update on the affected systems and confirmed that my AppLocker rules are now functioning properly. File downloads are no longer being blocked/deleted automatically because Windows Defender can now execute its Antivirus service and Network Realtime Inspection service components and scan the downloads.

except instead of a miss-installation listed in that post it could be Applocker blocking whatever is trying to scan the file. If the scan fails IE is just tossing the file out cause the AV scan failed.

I am using the default rules in AppLocker for executables, Windows installers, scripts and dll's, so I wouldn't think that that would interfere with System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP)/Windows Defender as that's the only anti-virus or anti-malware program installed on these systems. I've verified that Windows Defender is accessible--I can launch the application and run a scan or check for updates, for example. If Windows Defender can be opened then we know the application is whitelisted by AppLocker, so I'm not sure how the mechanism for scanning files (by Windows Defender) would be getting blocked by AppLocker.

Attempting to download apps to be able to have remote access to work. Keep getting virus scan failed. Deleted. Checked virus and had scans. No virus detected on McAfee and Webroot. Removed those protection programs and attempted to download Vipre. Same result. Virus scan failed. Deleted. Even tried disabling Windows Defender and then attempted to load Vipre Same result. Quite frustrated.

Users on one particular PC cannot download any PDF files from the Internet. After the download is completed Google Chrome immediately shows error "Failed - Virus scan failed". Microsoft Edge shows error " contained a virus and was deleted". The same PDFs opened locally or from the network open fine, the issue only occurs when files are being downloaded using a web browser.

The PC had McAfee LifeSafe antivirus installed which seemed to be functioning fine. Malware scans using other scanners didn't show any issues either. Trying to disable McAfee on-access scanning didn't make any difference.

The issue was resolved by re-installing McAfee LifeSafe antivirus. It appeared that the installation was corrupted as the web scanning component (WebAdvisor by McAfee) could not be removed via a normal uninstaller. After completely removing all McAfee software using McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR) and then re-installing LifeSafe again the issue was resolved.

Please run the following steps and post back the logs as an attachment when ready. 

Temporarily disable your antivirus or other security software first. Make sure to turn it back on once the scans are completed.

Temporarily disable Microsoft SmartScreen to download software below if needed. Make sure to turn it back on once the scans are completed.

If you still have trouble downloading the software please click on Reveal Hidden Contents below for examples of how to allow the download.

I tried to download a file recently on a Windows 10 Fall Creators Update system using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox, and could not because all blocked the file download because of a virus that was detected during the security scan.

The list of quarantined threats is below. If you are lucky, you may see the virus that Windows Defender detected when it scanned the file download. The file name is not listed there however but the date may be sufficient to make an educated guess.

Well since 9/4 a number of system updates have occurred on my system; most notably two failed attempts to upgrade to Win 10 1809. Most of the files bypassed in the last Smart scan are in this directory, C:\WINDOWS\System32\winevt\Logs, which is logically assuming the above failed upgrade attempts.


Alright, so a day or two ago (my memory is typically pretty bad, hence why I can't be specific), windows edge (the web browser) started telling me I'm not connected to the internet. I use 3 different browsers for different purposes, but so it was pretty troubling when windows edge as a whole started telling me that while other browsers worked fine.

But the problems didn't stop there, so then windows update started telling me that it can't connect to the update service, like I wasn't connected to the internet.

And then the adobe creative cloud couldn't connect either.

And then discord couldn't.

I tried various things, even tried just simply waiting for it to solve itself in case it was something temporary with the ISP or something (although they didn't have any message up on their... Not sure how to translate it, but "driftinformation page"?) and nothing worked, the problem would just persist.

Reason it took me this long to reach the conclusion that the kaspersky total security is causing it, is because I first tried pausing it and it didn't do anything, so I figured that was that. But just now I tried to turn it off entirely, and that did the trick.

And then when turning total security back on, it goes back to the errors for those connections.

My connection itself isn't the problem, monitoring it with pingplotter, and browsers like firefox still works just fine, and other apps that requires a connection works just fine as well.

So therefore, something has occurred that made total security block these connections.

What can I do to fix this problem, or do I have to turn off kaspersky every time I need to do something with those specific apps and functions?

Oh, and for the record, I've got a wired connection, not using wifi and other computers in the apartment works fine with everything (don't have kaspersky on those). e24fc04721 service alerts download 9

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