well my interpretation of this song is about a person who wants to go, and wants things to happen, want's to get away and take-off like a rocket, because being constantly moving and always on the go is what is comfortable or "cosy" to them. and there is this person who they want to come with them "come, come fly into my palm and collapse"--they want this person to come "fly" and be on the go with them, but the person can't and they can't slow down and stop so the lines "oh oh suppose you'll never know" is the resignation of the notion that this person would come along and be her companion, despite how much she wants them to.The lines "nobody knows where they might end up/wake up" is ambiguous in that it could be pertaining to the reason why this person is always on the go, because they like the excitement of never knowing where they might end up or wake up... but it could also be the person speaking to the one who won't come along, in a sense saying, you never know what's going to happen anyways so why not just come along and live a little with me. either way, I love this song.

Fly, fly into a rocket and reset the fuse to go, go go...

Head, start, cosy in the rocket and i need to go, to go, go go...

Tip, top ready for the sky and back

Ttick, tock ready to go

Tick, tock ready for the sky and back

Tick, tock ready to go, go, go...

Come, come... Fly into my palm and collapse

Oh, oh Suppose you'll never know...

Nobody knows where they might end up, nobody knows

Nobody knows when they might wake up, nobody knows

Nobody knows where they might end up, nobody knows

Nobody knows when they might wake up, nobody knows

Cosy In The Rocket By Psapp Free Mp3 Download

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Psapp est un duo anglais de musique electropop/rock. On peut parler aussi de musique indpendante avec un genre assez mlancolique et mystrieux. La musique peut galement tre considre comme proche du post-rock. Leur chanson Cosy in the rocket sert de gnrique  la srie amricaine Grey's Anatomy. 0852c4b9a8

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