bottle box

Are Finishing Coats Important For Your Bottle Packaging?

If you are in the bottle manufacturing or beverages industry, you understand the importance of highly decorative and customised bottle packaging. By customising bottle packaging, you not only create something that is special and unique, but you also open opportunities to attract potential customers from afar.

That is why many bottle packaging austrailia suppliers and manufacturers offer finishing coats as part of their services.

What Are Finishing Coats?

A finishing coat is a layer that is applied to the surface of the bottle after it has been printed. This extra layer can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Protection from scratches and scuffs: A finishing coat can act as a form of protection for your printed design, preventing the ink from being damaged or faded.

  • Improved durability: A finishing coat can also make your bottle packaging more durable, meaning it will last longer and be less likely to show signs of wear and tear.

  • Enhanced print quality: By providing a smooth, glossy surface, a finishing coat can also help to improve the overall print quality of your bottle packaging.

  • Increased shelf appeal: A high-quality finish can really make your bottle packaging stand out from the rest, helping to increase its shelf appeal and attract attention from potential customers.

Should You Use A Finishing Coat On Your Bottle Packaging?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding whether or not to use a finishing coat on your bottle packaging. Ultimately, it will come down to personal preference and the specific needs of your product.

If you are looking for extra protection for your printed design or increased durability, then a finishing coat could be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are simply looking to improve the overall appearance of your bottle packaging, you may not need a finishing coat.

Popular Finishing Coats For Bottle Packaging

In this section, we are going to talk about some finishing coats that bottle packaging Australia suppliers offer.

1. UV Varnish

One of the most popular finishing coats for bottle packaging is UV varnish. This is a clear coating that is applied to the surface of the bottle and cured using ultraviolet light.

2. Aqueous Coating

Aqueous coating is another popular finishing coat for bottle packaging. This water-based coating provides a protective layer that helps to resist scuffs, scratches, and smudges.

3. Lamination

Lamination is another option for those looking to improve the overall appearance of their bottle packaging. This finishing coat can give your bottles a high-gloss shine that really makes them stand out from the rest.

Speak To Your Bottle Packaging Supplier

If you are unsure whether or not a finishing coat is right for your bottle packaging, the best thing to do is speak to your bottle packaging supplier. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action and help you to find the perfect solution for your needs.