Forbidden Lands

A continent that isn’t traversed by most people. There isn’t a lot of commerce or trade with the Forbidden Lands. Though there are a few ports, they’re small cities, barely larger than villages. Security is fierce and all commerce is done on the edge of the docks.

The Forbidden Lands is where the majority of the demigods live and have their families. Though not all demigods live here, it’s where you’ll find the majority. They have an elitist opinion: they believe, rightfully so, they are more powerful than all the other beings on Corsari and don’t want to mingle with the lesser beings.

That said, if you are fortunate enough to sneak upon their beaches, you will find the broken pieces of obsidian weapons. Remnants still capable of being turned into useful pieces. Even a shattered blade can deal damage, and there are many broken blades that could be turned into shivs, daggers, or the similar.

These pieces are left over from when Xantos the Docelfar Warlord, tried to carve out a niche for himself in the Forbidden Lands. The battles between him and the demigods may not have been witnessed by others, they were epic and talked about amongst the gods themselves.

Xantos and the denizens of the Forbidden Lands came to an impasse. Each agreed to remain in their homelands and not intrude upon the other again.