Eastern Lands

The Naran Empire

Also called “The Naran Empire”, The Eastern Lands consists of a series of islands and the home to most of the Naran defensive fleet. From the waters, the Eastern Lands appear as bright, hospitable ports with a few small dark islands. The latter usually appear to be uninhabited, but that is a ruse.

The islands and main land mass that are easily seen to be populated are intended to draw attention and travelers. Amazingly tall structures and temples made of bamboo can be seen during the day. At night they are illuminated by paper lanterns of myriad sizes and colors. Gambling, trade (of lesser quality items than those kept for the inhabitants, a secret which is never spoken of to visitors), live sport, indigenous cuisine and pleasures are on offer at all hours.

It is all part of the Empire, ruled by the Naran clan and family for the past ten generations. The people are primarily human, with a fair mix of hybrids in the populace. The humans are quite vain and often xenophobic. Visitors soon learn that there is a strong presence of Easterners who consider “outsiders” to be a nuisance or infection, except for what money they bring and spend with them.

The Naran Empire is a patriarchal society. As with the Western Lands, where different parts offer different societies, so does the Naran Empire. The difference being, there are only a few areas where women are given actual power; mostly the port cities where restricting women would cause greater harm than good. Even in those cities, women don’t have a powerbase. Women aren’t believed to be able to carry themselves or accomplish as much as a man. As such, their places of power center around their families, children, and the arts.

Divided up into 13 territories, each one is overseen by a Shogun. Shoguns are the higher echelon of nobility and each is a warlord. Beneath the shoguns are the Feudal Lords who oversee the cities. Every territory has an army, overseen by the Shogun in charge of that territory.

The Feudal Lords of port cities, though under the rule of the Shogun of their territory, also keep in constant contact with the Shogun of either the Eastern or Western Navy Fleet. Should hostile forces manage to invade the harbor, it is the Shogun in charge of the Navy Fleets who are in charge of removing the troublesome ships while the local military removes any threats on land.


  • Socaea

  • Qemid

  • Xuiwyth

  • Shuji

  • Vahan

  • Eshon

  • Nahae

  • Taimay

  • Tapne

  • Tanei

  • Kaepo

  • Tansu

  • Bahani


  • Ekei Arima: Shogun of Socaea

  • Kihei Azai: Shogun of Qemid

  • Ienao Ii: Shogun of Xuiwyth

  • Nagaharu Araki: Shogun of Shuji

  • Sanosuke Baba: Shogun of Vahan

  • Toshizo Mori: Shogun of Eshon

  • Kazan Niiro: Shogun of Nahae

  • Gensai Maeda: Shogun of Taimay; Shogun of Western Navy Fleet

  • Sessai Shimazu: Shogun of Tapne

  • Ietada Ujiie: Shogun of Tanei; Shogon of Eastern Navy Fleet

  • Ienari Murai: Shogun of Kaepo

  • Keiji Hatano: Shogun of Tansu

  • Eishin Magome: Shogun of Bahani

Syndicates abound within the cities, usually running everything behind the scenes. The most prominent syndicate is the Encardio. They extort businesses, blackmail, steal, and own businesses, ports, and guilds throughout the Naran Empire. Run by The Korento, the Encardio uses any means possible to further their wealth and power. For centuries their biggest threat was the Warlord Xantos, until The Black Rose appeared.

In one night, she and her co-conspirators brought death and destruction to not just the Encardio, but other syndicates as well. In that single night, she not only became a feared, and respected, enemy of the Encardio, but also became infamous. Shortly after bringing down the Encardio and the other syndicates, she departed the Eastern Lands and returned to the West. The syndicates, meanwhile, were left to pick up the pieces she left behind. A night celebrated for decades to come.