EpiMed Coronabank Chemical Collection

Curated database of molecules designed to facilitate potential drug repurposing efforts against COVID-19 and emerging pathogens

A comprehensive library consisting of 750 molecules

Compounds categorised into 10 classes based on experimentally known or predicted mechanisms of action

All energy minimised 3D chemical structures available for download

Please cite:

Pitsillou E, Beh RC, Liang JJ, Tang TS, Zhou X, Siow YY, Ma Y, Hu Z, Wu Z, Hung A, Karagiannis TC. EpiMed Coronabank Chemical Collection: Compound selection, ADMET analysis, and utilisation in the context of potential SARS-CoV-2 antivirals. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2023;125:108602.



Contact karatx@epimedlab.org or karat@unimelb.edu.au to get more information about the project