Pegmatite/aplite vein near Porthleven. © Jane Anderson

Geological conservation and County Geology Sites

Cornwall has some of the richest and most varied geology in the British Isles. This, combined with its long coastline and complex mining history, means that the county contains a large number of sites worthy of conservation.

How are sites protected?

As with wildlife sites, geological and geomorphological sites can be subject to a variety of natural and man made threats. Sites are always vulnerable to erosion and vegetation overgrowth, however land reclamation schemes, coastal defence schemes and green or brown field developments can devastate or even completely obliterate important exposures. The Cornwall Geoconservation Group (formerly the Cornwall RIGS Group - RIGS = Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Sites) offers protection to appropriate sites by designating them as County Geology Sites, previously referred to as RIGS. Currently, the CGG has approved 112 sites. Sites are continually reviewed and updated and new sites added to the list when appropriate.

How are County Geology Sites chosen?

The designation of a locality or landscape feature as a County Geology Site is a way of recognising and protecting a regionally important Earth heritage site. A site can be proposed and then approved, on the basis of one or more of the following clearly defined and locally determined criteria:

  • scientific importance

  • educational value

  • historical significance

  • aesthetic value for public awareness and appreciation.

A site can be proposed by anyone. The proposal should contain detailed information about the site along with evidence of its geological and / or geomorphological significance. The proposal form can then be submitted to the Cornwall Geoconservation Group . A period of consultation ensues, fully involving the landowner. Once the proposal is approved, designation takes place.

Are these sites protected by law?

It is important to note that unlike Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), County Geology Sites are not protected by law. They are however notified to local authorities and are an established feature of the statutory planning process in Cornwall.

Within Cornwall designated sites are protected by conservation policies in the County Structure Plan, the Cornwall Minerals Framework, the Cornwall Waste Framework and the Local Development Framework. A County Geology Site designation does not commit landowners to any increased site access or management. However the Cornwall Geoconservation Group welcomes the opportunity to work with landowners on the monitoring and maintenance of sites.

Sites that do not meet designation criteria

There are a number of geological features such as temporary exposures or submerged forests which do not merit SSSI or County Geology Site status, but are still of scientific value. The Cornwall Geoconservation Group helps to gather data about these types of sites for inclusion in a Cornish geological database.

If you are a landowner with an existing or potential County Geology Site on or near your land and wish to find out more please contact us by visiting our contact page or clicking here.

County Geological Site Photo Viewer - Click on the site of interest below to access the records.