
Paleo- and present-day environments

My research focuses on the effects of shifting physicochemical conditions in ancient and modern marine ecosystems that may be related to significant changes in the atmosphere, continental weathering, and anthropogenic impacts. Specifically, I am interested in the effect of changes in terrestrial weathering and freshwater input on shallow water communities throughout the geological record and present day. I am also interested in the effects of changes in water chemistry, specifically nutrients, on the composition of benthic communities. 

Diagenesis and Dolomite

I also examine the effects of diagenesis on carbonate sediments and rocks, to determine whether the original physiochemical conditions that were recorded in the rocks have been altered through post-depositional fluid-rock interactions, thereby altering the geochemical signals we use to interpret past environments and how the physical properties of the rocks may have also changed. Much of my research over the last decade has focused on dolomitization related to major tectonic events in Egypt and in western Canada.

Ongoing Research - PDRG

Paleozoic reefs

The Leduc Formation reefs, shown here in at Grassi Lakes in Canmore Alberta, thrived in the Frasnian, Devonian, but how were they affected by the widespread expansion of forests at this time?

Seagrasses and algae

Seagrass epiphytes and epibionts are sediment producers and may also be used to infer physicochemical conditions in shallow water environments. The water clarity and nutrient levels  are reflected by the composition of biota encrusting and living on the leaves. 

Biodiversity in the Paleozoic

Cambrian biodiversity fluctuates during this period of shifting oxygen levels and the evolution of new species. Several carbon isotope excursions throughout the Cambrian indicate major shifts in the carbon cycle, but how are these perturbations reflected in the fossil record?

Present-day impacts on biodiversity

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages may be used to indicate changes in water quality through time in environments that may be under more recent stress linked to changes in shoreline development.

Pleistocene sea level change

How did sea level change through the Pleistocene affect low-lying Caribbean islands and what can we expect in the future? What can diagenetic alteration of the rocks in North Andros tell us about interactions of the present day freshwater lens with seawater?