About Me

Relict sea cave, North Andros, Bahamas

Devonian corals - NWT, Canada

My research interests are wide-ranging, but all have one common thread in carbonate sedimentology. Currently, I am involved in research that examines the effect of terrestrial runoff and associated metals and nutrients on shallow marine carbonate-bearing organisms, in modern and ancient environments. The other half of my research focuses on diagenesis in carbonates, their effect on geochemical proxies, and also the formation of dolomite and associated minerals in deep burial settings. 

I first became interested in understanding the controls on ancient and modern marine ecosystems during my undergraduate program at Queen's University, in Kingston, Ontario. My MSc at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta focused on communities of epiphytes that live on seagrasses in the Cayman Islands, and my PhD (UoAlberta) on the physicochemical controls on Devonian reef growth. I have also studied the controls and effects of early and late diagenesis throughout my career, providing the perspective that our rock record is not always what it seems! 

I  joined Memorial University as an Assistant Professor in May 2022 after four years as an Assistant Professor at MacEwan University in Edmonton Alberta. 



Mailing Address: 

Department of Earth Sciences

Memorial University of Newfoundland

St. John's, NL A1B 3X5 CANADA