
Recent news

10/22 I am in the IEEE VIS 2022 OC this year. I ran the VIS DC 2022 with my co-chairs Kate Isaacs and Karen Schloss

09/22 1 full research paper accepted at ACM ISS 2022

08/22 1 full research paper accepted at ISMAR 2022

04/22 I co-authored 2 full research papers at CHI 2022. The paper "A Design Space For Data Visualisation Transformations Between 2D And 3D In Mixed-Reality Environments " obtained a Best Paper, Honorable Mention award.

12/21 I've left my position of Lecturer at Monash University and joined the School of ITEE at UQ as a Senior Lecturer in Data Visualisation and XR

12/21 I am recognised as Field Leader in Computer Graphics (for my work on Visualisation) in Australia by The Australian Research Magazine

10/20 My work on Embodied Axes is featured in this Wall Street Journal article (Title: AUGMENTED REALITY OFFERS A PROMISE OF INCISION-FREE AUTOPSIES)

10/20 My work on Embodied Axes is featured in the Communications of the ACM (Title: Augmented Reality Offers Promise of Incision-Free Autopsies)

09/20 I gave a lecture in the ARIVE lectures series

08/20 1 full paper accepted at ACM ISS 2020

08/20 2 full papers accepted at IEEE VIS InfoVis 2020

06/20 I serve on the IEEE VIS 2020 Program Committee

05/20 I co-organise CHI Down Under 2020

Past events/news

03/18 IATK paper accepted at IEEE VR

05/18 Scaptics & highlight planes accepted paper at ACM CHI

12/18 Organiser of NII Shonan Meeting No.131 Immersive Analytics for Network and Trail Sets Data Analysis

10/18 Co-authored 3 papers at IEEE VIS 2018 on Immersive Analytics

10/18 Gave a tutorial at IEEE VIS 2018 on our immersive analytics toolkit

10/18 Received a best paper award at IEEE BDVA 2018 on our paper Evaluating Navigation Techniques for Large Data Visualizations in VR

10/18 Gave a tutorial at IEEE BDVA 2018 on our immersive analytics toolkit

07/18 PC Member and session chair @IEEE BDVA 2018

and a bit before that...

11/17 PC Member, organising Immersive Analytics workshop @IEEE BDVA 2017

10/2017 Co-organising Immersive Analytics workshop @IEEE VIS

07/17 Immersive Analytics talk @ C3DIS visualisation workshop

04/17 Presented Tangible Interaction for Immersive Infovis @IEEE PacificVis

11/16 PC Member, Immersive Analytics Workshop organiser @IEEE BDVA

10/16 Presented Immersive Collaborative Visualisation @IEEE InfoVis

08/16 attended NII Shonan Dynamic Graph Visualisation seminar

06/16 attended Dagstuhl Immersive Analytics seminar

03/16 Presented Collaborative Visualisation @CSIRO Computational Science, Visualisation workshop

2015 I joined Monash as a Postdoc with Kim Marriott and Tim Dwyer

2014 I worked as a User Interface and Interaction Designer for the French Civil Aviation R&D division

12/2013 Got my Ph.D in CS from the University of Toulouse and ISAE, France