Working Groups

What are working groups in CoP SED

To towards achieving the mission of the community of practice, we organize ourselves into working groups working on specific topics. Working groups can exist for a longer or shorter time span depending on the scope of the work that the working group undertakes.

The community of practice as a whole has a mission and a vision that is quite broad. In order to achieve the mission, very specific actions are started leading to clear deliverables that that support the mission.

Working groups can be organized as projects or as sub-communities depending on the nature of the tasks.

What working groups are active in CoP SED


This working group works on data harmonization, and standardization to improve interoperability and reusability of socio-economic data resources. Together with SociO! and OIMS working groups, 100Q is at the heart of the effort of making CGIAR socio-economic data FAIR (Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) (read more...)


This working group in collaboration wth the Community of Practice on Ontologies is developing a list of common terms used in socio-economic data. Together with 100Q and OIMS working groups, SociO! is at the heart of the effort of making CGIAR socio-economic data FAIR (Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) (read more...)


This working group has been developing a flexible, extensible, machine readable and human intelligible, ontology-agnostic metadata schema. Together with 100Q and SociO! working groups, OIMS is at the heart of the effort of making CGIAR socio-economic data FAIR (Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) (read more...)


Computer aided personal interview (CAPI) software is at the core of electronic socio-economic data capture and is an important component of generating actionable socio-economic data sets. The working group, led by Mike Murphy (IFPRI), shares some best-practices in the use of CAPI software.

We want to hear from you!

If you would like to contribute to these efforts to develop and share best practices on CAPI- or if you are completely new to CAPI and would like to learn more- please contact Mike Murphy <>.

Gender meets Big Data

The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is actively working with qualitative and quantitative data generated by combined CGIAR gender research activities. This platform and the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture are keen on collaborating to integrate gender research perspectives into big data opportunities and vice-versa. The working group is coordinated by Ewen LeBorgne of the Royal tropical Institute in Amsterdam.

Getting involved

For more information and how to get involved please contact Ewen LeBorgne <>.

Blockchain Coalition

The blockchain coalition is a group of CGIAR scientists, scientists from academia and advanced research institutes, private sector stakeholders, development practitioners and blockchain enthusiasts who want to promote blockchain for good as part of an effort to try to address some of the seemingly insuperable problems faced by agri-food system value chains in low and middle-income countries.

(Read more...)

Ethics, Privacy, data Confidentiality and Cyber-security

The working group on ethics, privacy, data confidentiality and cybersecurity looks at issues related to responsible data management of socio-economic data. We place data in open access adhering to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). That is necessary but not sufficient we must also ensure that the privacy of those from whom we collect information is guaranteed and that safeguards are in place to ensure ethical use of that data.

Getting involved

For more information and how to get involved please contact Gideon Kruseman <>.

How to get involved

To get involved with the working groups, please fill in the survey (click here to jump to the survey)

If you want more information please contact the coordinators of the various working groups