Changes at Coopers Walk, Cheshunt

Thank you to everyone who voted in the consultation in November 2020. Over 90% of residents voted in favour of the changes, so now the works are going ahead.

Some of you raised queries as part of this process - so see below for an FAQ.


What happens next?

Now we have the green light from customers, we'll start instructing contractors and getting ready to start works in the New Year.

When will this be done?

You'll start seeing our contractors in the area in January, measuring up and getting ready.

In February, you'll notice bigger changes. This will start with the fencing changing. We'll do this a section at time. This means we can reuse the fencing and won't have it sitting around, inviting theft!

What do I need to do?

Not much! We'll only need you to help with a few things:

  1. If you haven't already, book you home security check (link below).

  2. If you live on the first floor, we may need to access your home to fit / test the new door entry system. This won't be for a while and we'll be in touch closer to the time.

  3. Spread the word! All these changes will be more effective if the community is aware of what's happening.

If you'd like to be more involved in the project, email

Will this cost me?

This project is funded by a grant from the Home Office so there are no upfront costs to residents.

We've also tried to plan the measures to reduce ongoing costs to residents. The only long-term costs we anticipate are:

  • Monitoring the CCTV - the installation of the new CCTV and the first year of live monitoring is covered as part of this project. After that, we'll review how successful it has been and will be in touch again at the time.

  • Door entry systems - The new door entry systems will result in a very small service charge – related to maintaining the SIM/modem system, but this will not come in until April 2023. At the moment, the gates need regular repair and we hope these costs would reduce significantly in the new plans.

How many voted?

To make sure our consultation was robust, we set a threshold that at least 30% residents needed to respond. This is in line with similar acitivites, e.g. local elections.

We've very pleased that nearly 60% residents voted, with 92% voting in favour of the changes.

Based on this, we've decided to go ahead.

What about flytipping & bins getting full?

We thought about this as part of this project and hope the changes to the fencing and bin stores will make it harder for people to dump things on the estate. Find out more here. We also hope that the CCTV helps us to identify and prosecute flytippers.

B3Living are also planning a wider campaign on flytipping in 2021 and Broxbourne Borough Council are exploring whether Coopers Walk can have more recycling bins.

Could we add a barrier to the car park?

We explored this option but decided it might not be cost effective.

They can be effective but it's also common for car park barriers to get 'rammed' and damaged. This makes them expensive to maintain and inconvenient for people trying to get home and park when the barrier is damaged.

Our aim was to keep long-term costs for residents to a minimum.

Can we have a bike store?

This would be part of this project, but we could explore some options here in the future.

If this is something you'd be keen to have, contact B3Living and let us know.