Ms. Mann

Birthday: May 26th

Hobbies: Hiking, traveling, reading, spending time with family and friends

Favorite Place to Shop: Target

Favorite Teams: Red Wings, Tigers, Michigan

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Morning Drink Order and from Where: Mocha, anywhere

Favorite Snack: Cheese, hummus, pretzels, goldfish

Favorite Restaurants: Longhorn, Lions Den

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Flower or Plant: Lily, any plant easy to take care of

Favorite Book: Hard to pick one! Just LOVE to read

Thank you but I do not need any more of: Cups

One thing I would love for my classroom: Teacher chair for carpet time

What pets do you have? 2 dogs (Aurora, 6 yo; Leona, 5 mo) and 1 cat (13 yo)

Favorite Movie: So hard to pick only 1!! Sweet Home Alabama?

Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy

Tell us a little about your Family: Dad, 3 older brothers, 3 sister-in-laws, Mom passed away unexpectedly earlier this year, boyfriend on 7 years

What else do want to tell us about yourself?