More Than Job Searching

Encouragement for the job search journey.


You deserve a role that matches your skills, ideal availability, and helps you get back on your feet without causing unnecessary stress.

Losing a job or role has its own grieving process. 

Sometimes, finding the right job can be immediate, but at other times, it may take time to reveal itself. It's normal for emotions to fluctuate, even when you choose to move on from a situation. This doesn't mean you have to accept any job that comes your way. Only go for the job that you feel you can handle, which covers your needs, as determined in Part 1 "Doing The Math." Save your energy for the job or role you truly want to pursue as your desired career path—focus your time and efforts on that. This is where your attention will be most valuable.

| Also Read: Prioritizing Resilience & Self-Care (Budgeting Too)

Don't let others pressure you into a job you know you cannot handle.

If you choose a short-term gig, set clear parameters and boundaries for your time. You don't have to give all your time and energy, especially if the job won't cover all your ongoing needs just because you're currently unemployed.

Remember, even temporary roles require significant effort in job searching, networking, and following up with leads—it can be intense. The last thing you need is to be stuck in a role or gig that drives you crazy!

| Additional Encouragement: When you feel yourself losing sight of this, refer back to this video clip. 

📌Resource Tip: Grieving After Job Loss

Your resume doesn't define all that you are or all that you have to offer.

Always remember that you are more than just a resume. In today's technology-driven world, resumes may not always reach recruiters' eyes due to tracking systems. This doesn't reflect your employability!

Take this time to focus on attracting roles that better fit your desires and aspirations. While your resume is a helpful tool, it's not the sole determinant of your career path. Use it to remind yourself of your career direction, even if you decide to make a shift in your goals.

Reformat your resume to highlight your proudest accomplishments and strengths.

Determine your desired role and focus your resume on tasks that align with that path from your previous experiences. Let those relevant tasks lead your application.

If there were tasks in your previous role that you didn't enjoy, avoid applying for roles heavily reliant on them. Just because you've done something before doesn't mean you have to do it again, especially if it's not what you want. It's possible you've outgrown it!

| Additional Encouragement: Refer to this video clip when you start to feel yourself tempted to settle.

To enhance areas you enjoy and have some experience in but want to get more involved with, take free online classes and list them as developing skills. 

| Additional Encouragement: Only follow social media or job board accounts that inspire you and fill you with hope. Consider following a career coach for valuable tips, and if possible, book a consultation or take advantage of any free consultations they offer to give yourself extra support.

📌Resource Tip: Google resume templates and choose one that suits your style. Here's a site I picked to help you get started. Free Resume Templates for 2023 or Check out Canva Templates!

Pacing yourself daily and weekly is crucial for avoiding and managing burnout, ensuring your perseverance.

Your job search might feel like the top priority, and you might have the urge to spend hours online searching. However, I encourage you to set daily and weekly limits on the job search and application process. Avoid burnout and discouragement by not pushing yourself too hard out of fear and anxiety. Pace yourself and take breaks to stay balanced.

📌Resource Tip: Burnout Recovery and Prevention or read How to Know When it's Time to Change Your Routine

Develop a routine that includes something you enjoy. 

If you're unsure about what to add to your life, take this time to explore and discover something creative. Check out or revisit Gathering Income Making Ideas (Part 3) and read linked blog articles discussed there. 

Personal Note: During my own personal job search journey, I rekindled my interest in crafting and transformed it into a small side hobby and business called Create Season Studio and most recently, added a new category of interest called 2nd Time Style

NEXT: Help Is Closer Than You Think (Part 5)