Help Is Closer Than You Think


In this chapter, I'm sharing the ways help showed up for me unexpectedly when I needed it the most. I firmly believe that being open to receiving help allowed these experiences to happen. While I sometimes had to ask for assistance, many times, the help came right when I needed it without me even requesting it. 

Exciting Moments of Help and Support:

A Neighbor's Kindness: A neighbor living across the street graciously kept our grass cut, lightening the burden of outdoor chores during our struggles.

⭐Unexpected Assistance: The leasing agent came to our rescue by referring us to a resource that provided much-needed rental assistance, offering a lifeline during our financial hardships.

⭐Family Support: During a challenging period, my mom surprised me with thoughtful acts of kindness, providing essential household items, such as toilet paper, paper towels, and more.

⭐Holiday Craft Fair Success: Getting accepted into a holiday craft fair was a true blessing. The sales from the event contributed to our Christmas celebration, making it special even though it wasn't the grandest, but certainly not the end of Christmas either.

⭐Generous Sibling: My sibling provided financial help for my son's school event, relieving the stress caused by a sudden tax bill after filing taxes.

⭐Access to Internet: A dear friend opened her home and offered internet access whenever needed, which was a huge help, especially during months when it didn't fit in the budget.

⭐Unexpected Gifts: During my job search and access to other small jobs, I received thoughtful gifts of support from a considerate associate, who gave an Amazon gift card, and from another friend who offered monetary support without any strings attached.

⭐Temporary Job Opportunity: At the right time, a temporary job role provided budget assistance during the holiday season.

⭐Craft Supply Help: A fellow crafting enthusiast gifted me unused supplies from her collection, fueling my creativity and crafting endeavors for my hobby and business Create Season Studio.

Always remember, you have the power to be your own helper as well.

Experiencing acts of kindness and moments of help is truly uplifting, but it's normal to feel anxiety and worry during the in-between times when we have to fill in the gaps ourselves. During these moments, it's essential to continue helping ourselves. Here are some ways to do that:

| Tip: Here's the Budget Overview Worksheet I made and still use today. 

| Tip: Consider creating or keeping a journal as another way to release your thoughts and untangle difficult emotions during this time. Use this resource to kickstart journal prompts for inspiration. You can find additional prompts here.

| Also Read: Embracing Change in Increments

During tough times like after a job loss and income loss, shame is inevitable. It's tempting to shut down, hide away, and handle things on your own. While that might be true initially as you process the shock, confiding in someone can be beneficial. Letting others know what's going on can potentially lead to helpful support on your journey.

Bonus Chapter 6: Mainatining Your Home Environment