Wagner College's Professor Hebah Abdel-Wahab Conferred with Honorary D.Sc

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This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Professor Hebah Abdel-Wahab DSc (Honoris Causa)

is Pride of


Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa

Recipients of Honorary DSc are recognized as Resource person, Consultants & Advisors of international repute in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to produce Technologists of caliber by imparting quality Education to the students

Mission of Honorary DSc is to promote research and extension among Universities and other research organizations in all aspects of research, extension and training.

Mission of Honorary DSc is to undertake consultancies and studies in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to provide advisory services for Social Engineering

This is international selection based upon merit. Every year Honorary DSc is awarded to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society.

Honorary DSc is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings, it is valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Chairman, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia. We are World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Exclusive Interview with Professor Hebah Abdel-Wahab Adjunct Professor Honorary DSc at Hudson County College & Renowned Chemical Consultant

Question: What inspired you to enter into Chemistry?

Answer: The availability of jobs in the field of Chemistry inspired me to enter into the field, and I also found Chemistry as an easy subject to study as I enjoyed studying Chemistry.

Question:Since how long, you have been into this scientific field and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, commercial and training programs?

Answer: I have been in scientific field since 2004, I have been associated with cities: Union,

New Brunswick, Madison, Mount Holly, Toms River, Randolph, Jersey City, Vineland, Paterson, Paramus, West Long Branch, Edison, and Wayne in the State of New Jersey, in cities: Chester, Gwynedd Mercy, Philadelphia, and Media in the State of Pennsylvania, and in city: Staten Island in the State of New York, for teaching, research, commercial and training programs.

Question: What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programs in Chemistry?

Answer: My future plans is to continue working as Professor of Chemistry and to continue doing research and publish articles in Chemistry.

Question: Please introduce yourself and How do you want to be remembered / known in world?

Answer: My name is Prof. Hebah Abdel-Wahab. I am currently an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, a Chemical Consultant, and an Independent Researcher. I earned a PhD degree in Chemistry from Rutgers University in 2018. I was scheduled to teach 38 different Chemistry courses during my career as an Adjunct Professor in Chemistry (2004- Current), and I adapted 115 different textbook and laboratory manuals during my career as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry ( 2004- Current). I am currently a reviewer for Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACES), a SCRIP international Journal, and for The Royal Society of Chemistry Journal, RSC Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA. I was published in Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide, Farmingdale NY- 2021 as an Individual Who has Exemplified Leadership & Achievement in their Occupation, Industry and Profession, and I was also published in Marquis Who’s Who- Berkeley Heights NJ – 2021 as an Individual who Demonstrates Outstanding Achievement in Their Field & Who has made Innumerable Contributions to Society as Whole. I currently do Chemical Consulting, laboratory assistance and custom development offered to industry, academia, and government in addition to working as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. I am an experienced Chemist specializing in materials analysis industry and industrial problem solving to manufacturing clients. My services include materials quantitative and qualitative analysis, practical application of chemistry towards solving technical problems, compound design, synthesis and evaluation using UV/VIS, IR, MS and NMR spectrometers, literature surveys, and new product development.Ihave several publications in Physical Chemistry. I have been associated with various Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, USA, during my career as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry I have been associated with Rutgers University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Burlington County College, Widener University, Ocean county college, County college of Morris, Delaware County Community College, Saint Peters University, Cumberland County College, Temple University, Passaic County College,Hudson County Community College, Gwynedd Mercy University, New Jersey City University, College of Staten Island, Wagner College, Bergen Community College, Monmouth University,William Paterson University, KEAN UNIVERSITY, and Middlesex County College in the United States as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry.

Question:What kind of businesses can be started in Chemistry Consultancy? What minimum infrastructure would it need?

Answer: All chemical related businesses can be started in chemical consultancy. The minimum infrastructure needed would be the chemical composition of the materials used, and their amounts.

Question: What are the applications of Fluorinated Alcohol and business opportunities with Fluorinated Alcohol?

Answer:Fluorinated Alcohol have applications in protein chemistry and organic synthesis. Fluorinated alcohols are known to be used as solvents for proteins, peptides, and organic compounds. It’s also used in organic synthesis.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Chemistry for more creativity, applications and opportunities?

Answer: There is academic freedom when it comes to higher education in the United States, each professor gets to choose the book, the chapters to cover, and the criteria for grading. I would recommend improving the syllabi to include some interesting research projects, and some applications for the subject matter.

Question: What is Chemistry? What are the major branches in Chemistry?

Answer: Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, reactions, and properties of matter. Everything contains chemicals. The major branches in Chemistry are Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical, Biochemistry, Forensic Science and Chemical Engineering.

Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Mouthwash? Which Chemical Formulations for Mouthwash are considered unsafe and which would you recommend?

Answer: Funding should be available for chemical projects in mouthwash, and these projects should be productive and linked to actual mouthwash producers to benefit from the results of the research projects. Mouthwash formulation may contain chemicals that are unsafe, especially chemicals that dissolve enamel and cause dissolution of the teeth such as citric acid, vitamin C, and lemon juice. These unsafe chemicals are also found in the ingredients of some chewing gums. I would recommend ingredients that would whiten, strengthen the teeth, would have no side effects, and that would antifungal or antibacterial in nature.

Question: How can universities produce revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Chemistry? What are your recommendations to improve the academic standards?

Answer: Revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Chemistry can be produced by having the student directly contribute to the selection of the main project point. I would recommend the individual to be directly involved in the selection of the main point of the PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations with the guidance and the help of a mentor after some successive publication, as currently some recent graduates are unable to start an independent research project being the fact that they are used to being told what to do, what projects to conduct, what compounds to synthesize…etc instead of choosing a research project.

Question: What are your views on Car-Wash Shampoo? Which are major challenges and how should they be tackled?

Answer:Car-Wash Shampoos’ quality vary depending on the chemical compounds and the amounts used in the making of the Car-Wash Shampoos. The major challenges were improving its quality, and it can be tackled by comparing the current formulation to formulations available in the literature and by using the knowledge and the role of each chemical compound in the formulation. Chemical compounds and amounts can be manipulated to obtain the quality to be attained.

Question: How can students seek job and career opportunities in Chemistry?

Answer: Students can seek employment by visiting the Career Centre in their current schools.

Question: What job titles are available in Chemistry?

Answer: There is uncountable numbers of job titles available in chemistry: QC Chemist, QA Chemist, Chemist, Scientist, Formulator, Researcher, Associate Researcher, Assistant Researcher, Chemist I, Chemist II, Sr Chemist, Analytical Chemist, Quality Control Scientist, Lecturer, Instructor, Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Part-time Instructors, Part-time Lecturers, Chemistry Faculty, Chemistry Adjunct, Adjunct, Online Instructor…..etc, these are only some examples for job titles available in Chemistry.

Question: Which are Typical employers in Chemistry?

Answer: Typical employers would be schools, Higher Educational Institutions, Colleges and Universities,Industrial, and pharmaceutical companies.

Question: Which are the courses available in Chemistry?

Answer: There are uncountable number of courses available in Chemistry, especially Higher Education. I personally have taught thirty-eight different Chemistry courses during my career as Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2004- current) , these courses included CHM-222, CHM-228, CHM-141, CHM-100, CHE-108, CH-112, CH-314, CHM-116, CHM-115, CHP-111, CHM-103, Chemistry-307, Chemistry-308, CHEM-4610, CE-241, CHEM-180, CHM-126, CHM-142, CHEM-1105, CHEM- 2208, CHEM- 1033, CHEM-1034, CHEM-2203, CHEM-2204, CHEM-180, CHEM-181, CH-101, CHEM-1117, CHEM-1028, CHEM-2261, CHEM-100, CHEM-111, CHEM-208, CH-132, CHE-101, CHE-102, CHEM-3184, CHEM-1083.Each college and University have a different Chemistry Curriculum.

Question: How electric vehicles can be cheaper and cost cutting?

Answer: Electric vehicles can be cheaper and cost cutting by making these vehicles solar and by making them run on solar energy with a backup solar battery. It can also be done by the making these cars from cheaper materials.

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Chemistry? What essential components and factors must be there?

Answer: To write a world class research article in Chemistry, a current specific topic in the Chemistry field must be in mind, the essential components and factors that must be there are, the abstract which includes the objective of the article,Introduction, Experimental, Discussion, Conclusion, and a minimum of eleven References.

Question: What are your recommendations to eradicate shortage of manufacturing semiconductor chips?

Answer: It can be done by increasing its production and offering more benefits to companies who produce it.

Question: What kind of entrepreneurship can be career for Doctorate candidates of Chemistry?

Answer: Entrepreneurship is available for everybody who is willing to take the risk, and they are not limited to Doctorate candidates. They can start any chemical business as long as they have the knowledge on how to produce a certain product, the chemicals needed to make it, and as long as they have the budget and the time to market and sell the products.

Question: What are your recommendations to establish a world class research institute for Chemistry?

Answer: My recommendations to establish a world class research institute is for this research institute to directly link Industry to Academia, where Industrial companies would place requests to academic institutions, weekly, monthly, or annually, and where Industrial and Pharmaceutical companies would directly benefit from research requested and conducted in Academic Institutions.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve Industrial Wastewater treatment approaches for safer ecosystem?

Answer: My recommendations to improve Industrial Wastewater treatment approaches is to improve the method and the efficiency of the method used in the Industrial Wastewater treatment. The treated wastewater should be tested multiple times to insure its purity.

Question: Would you start a campaign to request government to offer free of cost internet to all people of your country as fundamental right, because it plays a significant role in education, awareness, implementation of government policies and economic development of country?

Answer: I think that would be a good idea.

Question: What are your recommendations to authors, who are writing Books on Chemistry for more creativity and understanding of the subject?

Answer: My recommendations to authors, is to incorporate the periodic table in their books, the periodic table contains all known elements in which compounds are made of, and to include some information of elements or compounds discussed in their books.

Question: What according to you are the Top 5 major challenges (research problems) which need to be resolved urgently by world’s scientists in the area of Chemistry?

Answer: 1. Increasing quality of drugs by decreasing and minimizing its side effects.

2. Decreasing pollutants produced from chemical plants as they have unknown long-term side effects on humans and on the environment.

3. Using natural medicine in treatments as an alternative medicine, as all synthetic medicines have long term side effects on humans.

4. Climate change and sustainable energy.

5. Natural energy and the minimizing of the usage of pesticides in agriculture by finding natural alternatives or finding alternatives with minimal side effects.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve standards of Conferences in Chemistry? How can they be brainstorming and more creative?

Answer:To improve standards of Conferences in Chemistry, invitations should be sent to speakers or guest speakers who are qualified and current in the field of Chemistry, meaning they have recently published articles in an interesting topic in the field of Chemistry. To have them become more creative, they can list some titles of interesting topics in the field of Chemistry that wasn’t discussed in the conference to have them brainstorm and research the topic for the next conference meeting.

Question: Which major challenges do you see to establish United States as world leader in Chemistry?

Answer:The challenges to establish United States as world leader in Chemistry is the availability of research funding in Higher Educational Institutions. College and Universities in the United States aren’t given a budget for research and publications, each professor does this out-of-pocket or through a research grant, which makes research and publications a burden and sometimes discouraging to the College and University Professors. And if they are given a research grant, which is very seldom, they would be told what kind of research is expected to be conducted, the method to be used, and the availability of the grants would be contingent upon the publication in the area of interest.

I would remember a department consistent of forty chemistry faculty members, only two had external funding, which is 2% of the faculty.

Question: Any other thing, you would like to share with World?

Answer: What I like to share with World that everything is made of chemicals, and every product can be improved its quality and lowered its cost by using the knowledge of chemistry.

Prof. Hebah Abdel-Wahab

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2004- Current)

Delaware County Community College, May 2019

•Teaches assigned courses in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course syllabus, in accordance with schedule of classes; Introduction to General Chemistry lecture and Laboratory ( CHM 101) & Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory (CHM 102)

•Plan and provide content instruction to students enrolled in their section(s).

• Hold an office hour per week, per section taught, to meet with students concerning course content and other individual needs

• Assess the knowledge of students enrolled and submit grades representative of their knowledge and achievement on assessments

• Connect students with the campus resources that will best supplement the needs of the students enrolled in your section(s)

• Supplement the material taught in lecture by leading hands-on and interactive labs

• Provide relevant assessment information (syllabus, exam results, etc.) to course coordinators. Secondary Duties:

• Attend all professional development and training sessions offered to new and veteran Adjunct Professors at the College

• Meet with Course Coordinators/Custodians to familiarize yourself with the content you teach and how that fits into the larger academic programs your students are enrolled in

• Maintain relevant course materials and information (syllabus, assignments, grades, etc.) in Canvas • Attend formal observation meetings with the Assistant Dean, STEM and/or Site Director to gain input on your teaching acumen and discuss ways in which you can improve.

Saint Peters University, January 2019- May 2019

• Teaches assigned courses in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course syllabus, in accordance with schedule of classes; General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis 2 Laboratory ( CH-132L)

• Incorporates an appreciation of diverse lifestyles, cultures, and national perspectives into courses.

• Incorporates the use of the library into courses,and utilizes computing and other academic technologies in courses when possible.

• Meets all scheduled class meetings.

• Advises Division Dean/Assistant Dean of absences in a timely manner.

• Maintains accurate grade and attendance records for students enrolled in classes and submits required reports to Dean/ Assistant Dean or Student Records Office.

• Submits grades per published deadline.

• Participates in assessment of learning outcomes and demonstrates the use of the results of these assessments in course planning.

• Plans to ensure availability of supplies, textbooks, and classroom equipment requisite to successful teaching of assigned classes.

• Submits progress reports on students for counseling, athletic oversight, and record keeping purposes and discusses with counselors and other appropriate personnel any problems of students which may require special attention.

• Adheres to College policies and procedures.

Cumberland County College, September 2018- January 2019

• Teaches assigned courses in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course syllabus, in accordance with schedule of classes; 101 Chemistry II Lecture and Laboratory

• Plans and teaches courses that fulfill the current curriculum goals and objectives.

• Remains current with subject matter and instructional methodology.

• Employs appropriate assessment techniques to measure student performance in achieving course goals and objectives.

• Communicates progress in the course to students in a timely manner.

• Determines and submits students' grades in accordance with established College policies and procedures.

• Supports the mission of the program, division, and College.

September 2016 – Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry /Temple University

Teach introductory inorganic, organic, and biochemistry courses and additional physical chemistry courses with laboratories as well as upper-division courses in area of specialization;

Willingness to remain current in the field;

Ensure that course outcomes are assessed in a manner that aligns to the nature of the outcome;

Ensure that course outcomes and assessments align to appropriate specialized program area standards;

Develop course syllabi utilizing approved course outcomes;

Provide students and the Department of Education with a copy of the syllabus used for each semester;

·Maintain accurate and complete scholastic records, including attendance records utilize the approved LMS and other forms required by the registrar's office;

Submit early warning and requested documents when appropriate as required by the UU focus on attracting, enrolling, retaining, and graduating students;

Conduct class evaluations and complete other college evaluations in accordance with college policy;

Ensure that assigned classes are held as scheduled;

Participate in course, program, and curriculum review and development;

Serve on University, college, and departmental committees

Keep informed of current trends and new approaches to instruction through professional development activities;

Assist in the recruitment and retention of students;

Post and maintain office hours for student consultation;

Attend all University faculty meetings, the faculty advance, and other meetings when asked;

Be thoroughly familiar with the Faculty Handbook and the University Catalog;

Become thoroughly familiar with all University and departmental policies and procedures and comply with all of them;

Strive for the qualities delineated in the criteria for faculty evaluation used by the University.

Passaic County College, August 2014- May 2015

• Teaches assigned courses in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course syllabus, in accordance with schedule of classes; General Chemistry 1 (CH-111) lecture and laboratory and Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory (CH103)

• Implement and embrace the College's Care philosophy, curriculum, and course objectives by engaging students

• Establish an environment conducive to student engagement by effectively planning and preparing for classes, responding quickly to student requests for assistance and ensuring that students enjoy a powerful learning experience

• Identify opportunities to enhance student engagement through collaboration with colleagues who provide academic and professional guidance

• Promote student success by demonstrating a flexible style and exhibit a passion for teaching by devoting time and energy to develop scholarly excellence

• Engage with a diverse student body comprised of a variety of ages, cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, and academic preparation

• Foster a positive learning environment by keeping accurate records, submitting grades on time, and enforcing academic and attendance policies

• Participate in curriculum development discussions, support campus events including orientation and graduation, open houses

Hudson County Community College

Current- Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry

Review/refine a course syllabus to include instructor-specific contact information and course policies.

Modify an existing course syllabus as necessary to realize revised course and weekly outcomes, following program chair guidance.

Develop a course syllabus for a new course, following our syllabus template and course standards.

Develop online content and other course materials in support of course and weekly outcomes, including:

Content that supports and enhances required readings for the course; includes the author's experiences and perspectives on key points; aligns with the associated weekly objectives and outcomes.

Assignments/assessments that demonstrate the course and weekly outcomes.

Participate actively in the online discussions: sharing experiences and perspectives; probing students with questions that require critical thinking skills; highlighting key learning points; answering student questions.

Provide relevant and timely feedback on submitted student work, including participation.

Compile and report grade-related information to students and administration.

Inform and discuss student issues with GPS staff members as applicable.

Adhere to all GPS Instructor policies and procedures, as defined in the Instructor Handbook.

Participate in regular instructor meetings, face-to-face and/or virtually, and contribute to process improvement efforts, including the regular self-evaluation of course outcomes, assessments, and their alignment.

December 2016- Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Gwynedd Mercy University

•Teaching General Chemistry Laboratory courses to nursing majors in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course outline, in accordance with schedule of classes and incorporating alternative approaches, technologies and methods when possible.

•Meeting all scheduled class meetings and all scheduled office hours.

•Advising Department Chairperson/Program Director of absences in a timely manner.

•Maintaining accurate grade and attendance records for students enrolled in classes and submits required reports to Department Chairperson/Program Director and/or Student Records Office.

•Submitting progress reports on students for counseling and record keeping purposes and discusses with counselors and other appropriate personnel any problems of students which may require special attention.

• Serving college-wide committees.

•Planning in advance to ensure availability of supplies, textbooks, and classroom equipment requisite to successful teaching of assigned classes.

• Adhering to professional standards of procedures.

• Representing the College in the community.

• Adhering to College policies and procedures.

January 2016- Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

New Jersey City University

Teaching all assigned courses; Introduction to Chemistry lecture and Organic Chemistry І lab for the full duration of scheduled instruction

•Develops new course materials and implements innovative teaching techniques to facilitate learning.

•Schedule, post, and keep office hours as required by University policy.

• Keep class record books, keys, lesson assignments, and other necessary materials or equipment available for substitute instructors.

•Assist with counseling and registration of students.

• Submit all required student grade reports to the registrar’s office on schedule.

• Maintain accurate attendance records for all classes.

• Attend all faculty meetings, commencements, and other special meetings called by the division chairperson, deans, vice president of instruction, or the president.

• Keep the administration informed regarding matters affecting the welfare of students, faculty, and the institution.

• Serve as members of committees.

• Recommend the purchase of library books

•Perform academic and professional service to advance the college, university and the community

performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the chairperson of department.

January 2012- Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

College of Staten Island

•Teaching General Chemistry course in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course outline, in accordance with schedule of classes and incorporating alternative approaches, technologies and methods when possible.

•Meeting all scheduled class meetings and all scheduled office hours.

•Advising Department Chairperson/Program Director of absences in a timely manner.

•Maintaining accurate grade and attendance records for students enrolled in classes and submits required reports to Department Chairperson/Program Director and/or Student Records Office.

•Submitting progress reports on students for counseling and record keeping purposes and discusses with counselors and other appropriate personnel any problems of students which may require special attention.

•Serving college-wide committees.

•Planning in advance to ensure availability of supplies, textbooks, and classroom equipment requisite to successful teaching of assigned classes.

• Adhering to professional standards of procedures.

• Representing the College in the community.

• Adhering to College policies and procedures.

September 2011- Adjunct Professor

Wagner College

•Teaching all assigned courses for the full duration of scheduled instruction;

••Being fully prepared with instructional plans for each class session and in accord with the stated objectives of the course;

•Enforcing academic policy and procedures at all times, and complying with all other institutional rules and regulations pertinent to classroom instruction and general employment;

•Contributing to the development and implementation of competency-based education and for utilizing available educational resources for the improvement of instruction and the creation of teaching materials;

(5) Participating in semester registration activities, as assigned

•Maintaining complete office and student records, as needed; processing reports, forms, and all other required paperwork in a timely, efficient manner, checking for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of all data;

•Fulfilling committee assignments and other special appointments within the educational community as well as the community-at-large, and otherwise giving appropriate support to institutional endeavors;

•Maintaining posted office and on-campus hours sufficient to fulfill all contracted duties and individual professional obligations, as well as to meet the needs of the program, department, division and college;

•Maintaining proper communication and supportive relations at all times with all other units and branches of the division and the college, providing assistance to them in carrying out their respective functions;

•Assuming other necessary responsibilities and performing additional tasks as assigned by the Chairperson, the Dean, Vice-Presidents and/or President in meeting the needs of the science faculty, department, division and the college.

September 2010- Adjunct Professor

Bergen Community College

•Teaching all assigned courses; Introduction to Chemistry lecture and General Chemistry І lab for the full duration of scheduled instruction

•Preparing a class syllabi in accordance with the course objectives

•Being fully prepared with instructional plans for each class session and in accord with the stated objectives of the course

•Enforcing academic policy and procedures at all times, and complying with all other institutional rules and regulations pertinent to classroom instruction and general employment

•Being available outside of class to students requiring additional assistance

•Maintaining complete office and student records, as needed; processing reports, forms, and all other required paperwork in a timely, efficient manner, checking for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of all data

•Maintaining posted office and on-campus hours sufficient to fulfill all contracted duties and individual professional obligations, as well as to meet the needs of the program, department, division and college

•Assuming responsibility for all laboratory course preparations and ensuring proper maintenance and cleanup of laboratory facilities

•Maintaining proper communication and supportive relations at all times with all other units and branches of the division and the college, providing assistance to them in carrying out their respective functions

January 2010 -Adjunct Professor

Wagner College

Department of Physical Sciences

•Teaches assigned courses; Physical Chemistry II lecture and General Chemistry II courses in accordance with description published in catalog and the approved course outline, in accordance with schedule of classes and incorporating alternative approaches, technologies and methods when possible.

•Meets all scheduled class meetings and all scheduled office hours.

•Advises Department Chairperson/Program Director of absences in a timely manner.

• Maintains accurate grade and attendance records for students enrolled in classes and submit required reports to Department Chairperson/Program Director and/or Student Records Office.

•Incorporates an appreciation of diverse lifestyles, cultures and national perspectives into courses.

•Submits progress reports on students for counseling and record keeping purposes and discusses with counselors and other appropriate personnel any problems of students which may require special attention.

. •Specifies competency based student outcomes as the objectives of all courses.

•Serves on college-wide committees.

•Plans in advance to ensure availability of supplies, textbooks, and classroom equipment requisite to successful teaching of assigned classes.

•Incorporates the use of the library into courses, uses writing as an instructional method, and utilizes computing and other academic technologies in courses when possible.

•Engages in continual professional development activities as specified by the appropriate academic officer.

•Adheres to professional standards of procedures.

•Represents the College in the community

September 2009 -Adjunct Professor

Monmouth University

Department of Chemistry, Medical Technology and Physics

•Prepare and present classroom materials, activities and examinations in assigned Organic Chemistry I and II laboratory.

•Develops new course materials and implements innovative teaching techniques to facilitate learning.

•Schedule, post, and keep office hours as required by University policy.

• Keep class record books, keys, lesson assignments, and other necessary materials or equipment available for substitute instructors.

•Assist with counseling and registration of students.

• Submit all required student grade reports to the registrar’s office on schedule.

• Maintain accurate attendance records for all classes.

•Attend all faculty meetings, commencements, and other special meetings called by the division chairperson, deans, vice president of instruction, or the president.

• Keep the administration informed regarding matters affecting the welfare of students, faculty, and the institution.

• Serve as members of committees.

• Recommend the purchase of library books

•Perform academic and professional service to advance the college, university and the community

•performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the chairperson of department.

July 2009- Adjunct Chemistry Faculty

Middlesex County College

Department of Chemistry and Physics

•Prepare and present classroom materials, activities and examinations in assigned courses; Organic Chemistry ІІ lecture and laboratory.

•Evaluates student performance in department as per guidelines set by the department

• Prepares lesson plans, creates appropriate teaching aids, and arranges provision of instructional materials and activities for student usage during classes.

• Maintains student attendance records, grades, and other records required by the college.

• Maintains office hours according to contractual guidelines.

• Advises students concerning professional, academic, and related issues.

•Assists with curriculum review, revision, and development in department including assessment and program review.

• Develops new course materials and implements innovative teaching techniques to facilitate learning.

•Attends departmental meetings as a contributing member.

• Contributes to the department through department committees.

•Contributes to the college through division and college committees.

• Actively participates in professional development.

• Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the chairperson of department.

January 2009- Adjunct Chemistry Faculty

William Paterson University

Department of Chemistry

•Prepare and present classroom materials, activities and examinations in assigned upper level chemistry courses; Inorganic Chemistry lecture and laboratory.

•Develops new course materials and implements innovative teaching techniques to facilitate learning.

•Schedule, post, and keep office hours as required by University policy.

•Keep class record books, keys, lesson assignments, and other necessary materials or equipment available for substitute instructors.

•Assist with counseling and registration of students.

• Submit all required student grade reports to the registrar’s office on schedule.

• Maintain accurate attendance records for all classes.

• Attend all faculty meetings, commencements, and other special meetings called by the division chairperson, deans, vice president of instruction, or the president.

• Keep the administration informed regarding matters affecting the welfare of students, faculty, and the institution.

• Serve as members of committees.

• Recommend the purchase of library books

•Perform academic and professional service to advance the college, university and the community

• Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the chairperson of department.

September 2008 -Adjunct Chemistry Faculty


College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences

Chemistry and Physics Department

•Prepare and present classroom materials, activities and examinations in assigned courses; Organic Chemistry I Lab and Recitation, Organic Chemistry II Lab and Recitation, General Chemistry I Lab courses.

•Monitor and maintain records of student progress in assigned courses; Organic Chemistry I Lab and Recitation, Organic Chemistry II Lab and Recitation, General Chemistry I Lab.

•Perform academic and professional service to advance the college, university and the community.

•Additional duties as assigned by the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Physics and/or Dean of the College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences.

•Teach the chemistry for science majors and for health science majors and for non majors.

•Participate in service to Department, College, University and community.

•Serve as an advisor for chemistry, biology and pre-professional students.

•Perform service duties typically associated with college teaching towards the goals of the chemistry program and the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

•Teach assigned classes according to approved course syllabi and minimum competencies.

•Arrive on time for classes or notify the division chairperson or dean as early as possible of an inability to meet a class.

•Schedule, post, and keep office hours as required by College policy.

•Submit all required student grade reports to the registrar’s office on schedule.

•Maintain accurate attendance records for all classes.

•Serve as members of committees.

From September 2004 to September 2007 Chemistry Instructor at Tanta University

February 2006 - Chemistry Instructor (faculty)

Tanta University

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Education

●Teach methods of purification of organic substances, The

determination of the principle

constants of organic compounds and methods of preparation of organic substances.

● Demonstrate practical organic chemistry course which includes the

preparation of five member systems containing one, two and three hetero atoms, the

preparation of six member systems containing one, two and three hetero atoms.

● Teach the basics of physical chemistry.

● Demonstrate practical physical chemistry course.

● Adjust systems used for practical physical chemistry.

● Prepare complex salts with high yields.

September 2005 - Chemistry Instructor (faculty)

Tanta University

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Science

●Teach principles of organic chemistry.

●Prepare different reagents used for the reactions and the

identification of simple organic


●Demonstrate practical qualitative organic chemistry

●Teach principles of gravimetric and complex metric analysis.

●Prepare samples of analysis.

●Demonstrate simple gravimetric and complex metric determination course

●Solve gravimetric and complex metric problems with undergraduates

February 2005 - Chemistry Instructor (faculty)

Tanta University

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Science

●Teach principles of qualitative biochemical analysis of

sugars, proteins, amino acids and lipids

●Prepare reagents and samples for analysis.

●Demonstrate practical qualitative biochemical analysis course.

●Teach basics of volumetric and instrumental analysis

●Prepare reagents and samples for analysis purpose.

●Demonstrate practical volumetric and instrumental analysis course

●Solve some instrumental and volumetric analysis problems with undergraduates

September 2004- Chemistry Instructor (faculty)

Tanta University

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Dentistry

●Teach principles of qualitative inorganic analysis

●Demonstrate practical qualitative inorganic analysis course.

●Prepare samples for analysis.

●Teach principles of simple organic chemistry.

●Demonstrate simple qualitative organic chemistry course.

●Prepare samples for qualitative analysis.

●Teach principles of quantitative estimation of sugars, proteins,

amino acids and uric acid in solution and in urine

●Teach principles of estimation of saponification value of oil and

acid value of fat.

●Teach principles of partition chromatography.

●Preparation of reagents and samples for quantitative estimation.

●Demonstrate practical quantitative biochemical analysis course

Essential Job Responsibilities &Duties during The Professional

Experience at TantaUniversity:

●Instruct students in

Physical Chemistry, Gravimetric Analysis, Complex metric Analysis,

Volumetric Analysis, Qualitative Inorganic Analysis ,Organic Chemistry

and Qualitative Biochemical Analysis.

●Develop and implement learner-centered instructional strategies

●Assist and advise students with assignments, tests, grades, course

content and other

academic matters.

●Assess student progress and evaluate student performance.

●Work actively with college personnel in developing student

retention and recruitment strategies, including strategies focused on minority students.

●Collaborate with other programs and areas of instruction to develop

and implement instructional and curriculum articulation strategies. ●Design curriculum to

a. instruct in a variety of traditional and non-traditional formats,

b. meet student and community needs in a multicultural environment.

●Comply with college policies and procedures regarding student

testing, record keeping,

advanced standing, grading and maintaining office hours for student

assistance and advising.

●Assist students in learning experiences outside the classroom such

as internships, work/ study opportunities and community service.

●Maintain certification as an instructor with the Technical College System

●Comply with all aspects of Board policies, work rules, and the

appropriate collective bargaining agreement.

●Attend division, department and other college meetings.

●Participate in appropriate staff development activities such as

diversity awareness, technology training, etc.

●Demonstrate a commitment to the college values of excellence,

respect and integrity.

●Perform other duties as assigned by the President or designee

Knowledge, Abilities & Skills:

●Knowledge of and experience with:

a. current educational methods and strategies,

b. learner-centered instruction, assessment, evaluation,

c. collaborative techniques,

d. strategies that address closing the gap in student access and

achievement across race, gender and disability.

●Ability to use technology to deliver high-quality instruction.

(i.e. online and hybrid course formats, course software such as Blackboard, video, interactive television, etc.)

●Knowledge and ability to infuse multicultural perspectives into

course content and delivery.

●Demonstrated success in working with populations having diverse

socioeconomic and racial backgrounds.

●Skill in oral and written communication.

●Ability to interact with business, industry, other educational

institutions, and govern agencies to establish partnerships

From 2003 to2004 -Chemist

IN Quality Control Labs At the Finance and Industrial company

in Kafr El- Ziat, main duties included the following :

●Experience with wet chemistry, solubility, stability, titration, bath pH, AA analysis, surface tension, polarograph techniques and spectroscopy

●Experience with incoming raw mineral and chemically analyzing it

(crude phosphate and crude sulphor)2)Experience the main products of the company and chemically analyzing it

a)mono- valent super phosphate (the fine form and the granular form)

b)pure and concentrated sulphoric acid.

●Analyze industrial water during manufacturing process.

●Analyze the final waste water and cooling water.

●Experience the practical stages of manufacturing super phosphate.

●Experience the practical stages of manufacturing sulphoric acid.

●Experience with HPLC and GC instrumental systems..

●Experience with UV/VIS, IR and MS instrumental systems / techniques.

●Experience with Microsoft software (Word / EXCEL / PowerPoint).

●Wastewater treatment and or collection systems design experience.

●Knowledge of environmental regulations (CERCLA, RCRA, etc.) and water/wastewater.

●Conducting analytical and physical testing on raw materials in-process samples in accordance with approved policies and procedures under the supervision of the laboratory supervisor.

●Maintaining laboratory instrumentation, logbooks, data print-outs, databases and notebooks in compliance with corporate and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) as they relate to the Quality Control.

●Knowledge of FTIR NMR, GPC, OTP and MS Word and Excel.

●Keeping a lab notebook and entering data into Excel.

●Quickly learning specialized test equipment

●Good mechanical aptitude and ability to troubleshoot equipment.

● Maintaining compliance with position specific requirements

●Submitting products for analytical characterization

●Analytical testing and troubleshooting or specialized reactors and analyzers

● Responsible for the operation of GC-MS or MS for the purpose of analytical testing.

●Responsible for data manipulation and data interpretation.

●Manage and maintain the mass spectrometry laboratory.

●Knowledge and experience in the 'hands-on' operation and maintenance of mass spec instrumentation.

●Work under GLPs and occasionally GMPs.

●Demonstrate a high level of initiative in performing experiments, particularly when problems are encountered which require troubleshooting.

●Independently conduct several experiments, some complex, in parallel.

●Perform calculations and draws conclusions regarding progress and results of work.

●Quickly learn and accurately perform new procedures involving a range of technologies.

●Read and understand the scientific and technical literature in order to bring new and improved procedures to the laboratory.

●Demonstrate oral and written presentation skills, co-authors internal reports with supervisor, and contribute to the preparation of patents and/or papers for peer review journals

●Comply data for documentation of test procedures and prepares reports. ●Review QC data for compliance to procedures and specifications, and reports abnormalities.

●Develop and author SOP s and assists in the development of validation protocols, transfer protocols, and technical reports.

●Utilize knowledge of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practices on a daily basis.

●Keep abreast of new technology and make recommendations for test method and testing capability enhancements.

●Implement and monitor personnel training programs on the testing of new products/processes.

●Provide guidance and coaching to analysts. Troubleshoots compendial

chemistry techniques (USP, EP, JP, etc.)

●Ensure the calibration of equipment and standardization of solutions.

●Ensure laboratory documentation is maintained according to company

procedure and GMP requirements.


1) Hebah Abdel-Wahab, Joseph Bozzelli. Gaussian M-062x/6-31+g (d,p) Calculation of Standard Enthalpy, Entropy and Heat Capacity of Some

Fluorinated Alcohol’s and Its Radicals at Different Temperatures. American Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 9, No. 4, 2020, pp. 101-111. doi: 10.11648/j.ajpc.20200904.13

2) Abdel-Wahab, H. ; Bozzelli, J.W., Heat Capacity and Bond Dissociation Energy Calculations of Some Fluorinated Ethanol’s and its Radicals: CH3-xCH2FxOH, CH3CH2-xFxOH, Scientific Research an Academic Publisher 2021; 11(2), DOI: 10.4236/ojpc.2021.112002

3) Abdel-Wahab, H. ; Bozzelli, J.W., Thermochemical Properties of Mono and Di-fluorinated Ethanol’s and its Radicals at Different Temperatures, Research & Reviews, Journal of Chemistry 2021, 10(4). e-ISSN: 2319-9849 and p-ISSN: 2347-2324

4) Abdel-Wahab, H.; Gund, T., Modification to a Formulation for Optimal Performance, Journal of Chemistry, Education Research and Practice 2021, 5(2): 127-130, ISSN: 2578-7365.

5) Song, G, Bozzelli J., Abdel-Wahab H., Thermochemistry and Reaction Kinetics of Secondary Ethyl Radical of Methyl Ethyl Sulfide, CH3SCH•CH3 , with 3O2 to CH2SCH(OO•)CH3 , American Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2021, 10(4), Vol. 10, pp. 74-87. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajpc.20211004.14.

6) Abdel-Wahab, H., Gund, T., Chemical Formulations for Mouthwashes, International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review, 2022, 4(2), pp. 2404-2408, ISSN: 2582-6131.

7) Abdel-Wahab H and Gund T (2022) Thermodynamic Study and Oxidation Products for the Reaction of Methyl Ethyl Sulfide CH3SCH2CH3 With O2 at Standard Conditions. J Earth Envi Sci: JEES-105. DOI: 10.39127/2022/JEES:1000105.

8) Abdel-Wahab H., Gund T.. Chemical Formulations for Acrylic Matt and Acrylic Gloss Paints. American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022, pp. 13-19. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaic.20220601.13

9) Abdel-Wahab H., Bozzelli J.. Thermochemical Value Tables Enthalpy of Formation and Bond Dissociation Energy for Multi-Fluorinated Ethanol’s and Its Radicals at Standard Conditions. American Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2022, pp. 32-44. doi: 10.11648/j.ajpc.20221102.12

10) Abdel-Wahab H., Gund T.. Chemical Formulations for Acrylic Matt and Acrylic Gloss Paints. Research and Reviews, Journal of Chemistry.

Vol. 11, No. 4, 2022, DOI: 10.4172/2319-9849.11.4.001


Book Chapters

1. Progress in Chemical Science Research, Vol 1, Chapter 12.

ISBN-13 (15): 978-93-5547-709-5 (Print), 978-93-5547-710-1 (eBook)


2.Current Topics on Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chapter 3.

ISBN-13 (15): 978-93-5547-709-5 (Print), 978-93-5547-710-1 (eBook)


3. Research Aspects in Chemical and Materials Sciences Vol. 2, Chapter 4.

ISBN-13 (15): 978-93-5547-737-8 (Print), 978-93-5547-738-5 (eBook)



University: Tanta University

Degree: BS in chemistry in June 2004 evaluated by its equivalent from WES

University: Tanta University

Degree: MS in organic chemistry in September 2005 evaluated by its equivalent from WES

University: Rutgers University, USCES

Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry


Member of The American Federation of Teachers.

Member of Cambridge Who’s Who

Member of ACC & CE (Association of Consulting Chemits and Chemical Engineers)

Member of CCN (Chemical Consultants Network, PA)

Member of New York State United Teachers

Member of International Society of Female Professional (ISFP).

Hudson County College New Jersey USA's Adjunct Professor & Renowned Chemical Consultant Hebah Abdel-Wahab Conferred with Honorary D.Sc in Chemistry

Canada- George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario’s Provost Dr. CORY PAUL ROSS Conferred With Honorary DSc in Anatomy