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This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Professor Hebah Abdel-Wahab DSc (Honoris Causa)

is Pride of


Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa

Recipients of Honorary DSc are recognized as Resource person, Consultants & Advisors of international repute in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to produce Technologists of caliber by imparting quality Education to the students

Mission of Honorary DSc is to promote research and extension among Universities and other research organizations in all aspects of research, extension and training.

Mission of Honorary DSc is to undertake consultancies and studies in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to provide advisory services for Social Engineering

This is international selection based upon merit. Every year Honorary DSc is awarded to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society.

Honorary DSc is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings, it is valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Chairman, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia. We are World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Exclusive Interview with Professor Hebah Abdel-Wahab Adjunct Professor Honorary DSc at Hudson County College & Renowned Chemical Consultant

Question: What inspired you to enter into Chemistry?

Answer: The availability of jobs in the field of Chemistry inspired me to enter into the field, and I also found Chemistry as an easy subject to study as I enjoyed studying Chemistry.

Question:Since how long, you have been into this scientific field and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, commercial and training programs?

Answer: I have been in scientific field since 2004, I have been associated with cities: Union,

New Brunswick, Madison, Mount Holly, Toms River, Randolph, Jersey City, Vineland, Paterson, Paramus, West Long Branch, Edison, and Wayne in the State of New Jersey, in cities: Chester, Gwynedd Mercy, Philadelphia, and Media in the State of Pennsylvania, and in city: Staten Island in the State of New York, for teaching, research, commercial and training programs.

Question: What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programs in Chemistry?

Answer: My future plans is to continue working as Professor of Chemistry and to continue doing research and publish articles in Chemistry.

Question: Please introduce yourself and How do you want to be remembered / known in world?

Answer: My name is Prof. Hebah Abdel-Wahab. I am currently an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, a Chemical Consultant, and an Independent Researcher. I earned a PhD degree in Chemistry from Rutgers University in 2018. I was scheduled to teach 38 different Chemistry courses during my career as an Adjunct Professor in Chemistry (2004- Current), and I adapted 115 different textbook and laboratory manuals during my career as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry ( 2004- Current). I am currently a reviewer for Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science (ACES), a SCRIP international Journal, and for The Royal Society of Chemistry Journal, RSC Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA. I was published in Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide, Farmingdale NY- 2021 as an Individual Who has Exemplified Leadership & Achievement in their Occupation, Industry and Profession, and I was also published in Marquis Who’s Who- Berkeley Heights NJ – 2021 as an Individual who Demonstrates Outstanding Achievement in Their Field & Who has made Innumerable Contributions to Society as Whole. I currently do Chemical Consulting, laboratory assistance and custom development offered to industry, academia, and government in addition to working as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. I am an experienced Chemist specializing in materials analysis industry and industrial problem solving to manufacturing clients. My services include materials quantitative and qualitative analysis, practical application of chemistry towards solving technical problems, compound design, synthesis and evaluation using UV/VIS, IR, MS and NMR spectrometers, literature surveys, and new product development.Ihave several publications in Physical Chemistry. I have been associated with various Colleges and Universities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, USA, during my career as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry I have been associated with Rutgers University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Burlington County College, Widener University, Ocean county college, County college of Morris, Delaware County Community College, Saint Peters University, Cumberland County College, Temple University, Passaic County College,Hudson County Community College, Gwynedd Mercy University, New Jersey City University, College of Staten Island, Wagner College, Bergen Community College, Monmouth University,William Paterson University, KEAN UNIVERSITY, and Middlesex County College in the United States as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry.

Question:What kind of businesses can be started in Chemistry Consultancy? What minimum infrastructure would it need?

Answer: All chemical related businesses can be started in chemical consultancy. The minimum infrastructure needed would be the chemical composition of the materials used, and their amounts.

Question: What are the applications of Fluorinated Alcohol and business opportunities with Fluorinated Alcohol?

Answer:Fluorinated Alcohol have applications in protein chemistry and organic synthesis. Fluorinated alcohols are known to be used as solvents for proteins, peptides, and organic compounds. It’s also used in organic synthesis.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Chemistry for more creativity, applications and opportunities?

Answer: There is academic freedom when it comes to higher education in the United States, each professor gets to choose the book, the chapters to cover, and the criteria for grading. I would recommend improving the syllabi to include some interesting research projects, and some applications for the subject matter.

Question: What is Chemistry? What are the major branches in Chemistry?

Answer: Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, reactions, and properties of matter. Everything contains chemicals. The major branches in Chemistry are Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical, Biochemistry, Forensic Science and Chemical Engineering.

Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Mouthwash? Which Chemical Formulations for Mouthwash are considered unsafe and which would you recommend?

Answer: Funding should be available for chemical projects in mouthwash, and these projects should be productive and linked to actual mouthwash producers to benefit from the results of the research projects. Mouthwash formulation may contain chemicals that are unsafe, especially chemicals that dissolve enamel and cause dissolution of the teeth such as citric acid, vitamin C, and lemon juice. These unsafe chemicals are also found in the ingredients of some chewing gums. I would recommend ingredients that would whiten, strengthen the teeth, would have no side effects, and that would antifungal or antibacterial in nature.

Question: How can universities produce revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Chemistry? What are your recommendations to improve the academic standards?

Answer: Revolutionary PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations on Chemistry can be produced by having the student directly contribute to the selection of the main project point. I would recommend the individual to be directly involved in the selection of the main point of the PhD and Post Doc thesis and dissertations with the guidance and the help of a mentor after some successive publication, as currently some recent graduates are unable to start an independent research project being the fact that they are used to being told what to do, what projects to conduct, what compounds to synthesize…etc instead of choosing a research project.

Question: What are your views on Car-Wash Shampoo? Which are major challenges and how should they be tackled?

Answer:Car-Wash Shampoos’ quality vary depending on the chemical compounds and the amounts used in the making of the Car-Wash Shampoos. The major challenges were improving its quality, and it can be tackled by comparing the current formulation to formulations available in the literature and by using the knowledge and the role of each chemical compound in the formulation. Chemical compounds and amounts can be manipulated to obtain the quality to be attained.

Question: How can students seek job and career opportunities in Chemistry?

Answer: Students can seek employment by visiting the Career Centre in their current schools.

Question: What job titles are available in Chemistry?

Answer: There is uncountable numbers of job titles available in chemistry: QC Chemist, QA Chemist, Chemist, Scientist, Formulator, Researcher, Associate Researcher, Assistant Researcher, Chemist I, Chemist II, Sr Chemist, Analytical Chemist, Quality Control Scientist, Lecturer, Instructor, Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Part-time Instructors, Part-time Lecturers, Chemistry Faculty, Chemistry Adjunct, Adjunct, Online Instructor…..etc, these are only some examples for job titles available in Chemistry.

Question: Which are Typical employers in Chemistry?

Answer: Typical employers would be schools, Higher Educational Institutions, Colleges and Universities,Industrial, and pharmaceutical companies.

Question: Which are the courses available in Chemistry?

Answer: There are uncountable number of courses available in Chemistry, especially Higher Education. I personally have taught thirty-eight different Chemistry courses during my career as Adjunct Professor of Chemistry (2004- current) , these courses included CHM-222, CHM-228, CHM-141, CHM-100, CHE-108, CH-112, CH-314, CHM-116, CHM-115, CHP-111, CHM-103, Chemistry-307, Chemistry-308, CHEM-4610, CE-241, CHEM-180, CHM-126, CHM-142, CHEM-1105, CHEM- 2208, CHEM- 1033, CHEM-1034, CHEM-2203, CHEM-2204, CHEM-180, CHEM-181, CH-101, CHEM-1117, CHEM-1028, CHEM-2261, CHEM-100, CHEM-111, CHEM-208, CH-132, CHE-101, CHE-102, CHEM-3184, CHEM-1083.Each college and University have a different Chemistry Curriculum.

Question: How electric vehicles can be cheaper and cost cutting?

Answer: Electric vehicles can be cheaper and cost cutting by making these vehicles solar and by making them run on solar energy with a backup solar battery. It can also be done by the making these cars from cheaper materials.

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Chemistry? What essential components and factors must be there?

Answer: To write a world class research article in Chemistry, a current specific topic in the Chemistry field must be in mind, the essential components and factors that must be there are, the abstract which includes the objective of the article,Introduction, Experimental, Discussion, Conclusion, and a minimum of eleven References.

Question: What are your recommendations to eradicate shortage of manufacturing semiconductor chips?

Answer: It can be done by increasing its production and offering more benefits to companies who produce it.

Question: What kind of entrepreneurship can be career for Doctorate candidates of Chemistry?

Answer: Entrepreneurship is available for everybody who is willing to take the risk, and they are not limited to Doctorate candidates. They can start any chemical business as long as they have the knowledge on how to produce a certain product, the chemicals needed to make it, and as long as they have the budget and the time to market and sell the products.

Question: What are your recommendations to establish a world class research institute for Chemistry?

Answer: My recommendations to establish a world class research institute is for this research institute to directly link Industry to Academia, where Industrial companies would place requests to academic institutions, weekly, monthly, or annually, and where Industrial and Pharmaceutical companies would directly benefit from research requested and conducted in Academic Institutions.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve Industrial Wastewater treatment approaches for safer ecosystem?

Answer: My recommendations to improve Industrial Wastewater treatment approaches is to improve the method and the efficiency of the method used in the Industrial Wastewater treatment. The treated wastewater should be tested multiple times to insure its purity.

Question: Would you start a campaign to request government to offer free of cost internet to all people of your country as fundamental right, because it plays a significant role in education, awareness, implementation of government policies and economic development of country?

Answer: I think that would be a good idea.

Question: What are your recommendations to authors, who are writing Books on Chemistry for more creativity and understanding of the subject?

Answer: My recommendations to authors, is to incorporate the periodic table in their books, the periodic table contains all known elements in which compounds are made of, and to include some information of elements or compounds discussed in their books.

Question: What according to you are the Top 5 major challenges (research problems) which need to be resolved urgently by world’s scientists in the area of Chemistry?

Answer: 1. Increasing quality of drugs by decreasing and minimizing its side effects.

2. Decreasing pollutants produced from chemical plants as they have unknown long-term side effects on humans and on the environment.

3. Using natural medicine in treatments as an alternative medicine, as all synthetic medicines have long term side effects on humans.

4. Climate change and sustainable energy.

5. Natural energy and the minimizing of the usage of pesticides in agriculture by finding natural alternatives or finding alternatives with minimal side effects.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve standards of Conferences in Chemistry? How can they be brainstorming and more creative?

Answer:To improve standards of Conferences in Chemistry, invitations should be sent to speakers or guest speakers who are qualified and current in the field of Chemistry, meaning they have recently published articles in an interesting topic in the field of Chemistry. To have them become more creative, they can list some titles of interesting topics in the field of Chemistry that wasn’t discussed in the conference to have them brainstorm and research the topic for the next conference meeting.

Question: Which major challenges do you see to establish United States as world leader in Chemistry?

Answer:The challenges to establish United States as world leader in Chemistry is the availability of research funding in Higher Educational Institutions. College and Universities in the United States aren’t given a budget for research and publications, each professor does this out-of-pocket or through a research grant, which makes research and publications a burden and sometimes discouraging to the College and University Professors. And if they are given a research grant, which is very seldom, they would be told what kind of research is expected to be conducted, the method to be used, and the availability of the grants would be contingent upon the publication in the area of interest.

I would remember a department consistent of forty chemistry faculty members, only two had external funding, which is 2% of the faculty.

Question: Any other thing, you would like to share with World?

Answer: What I like to share with World that everything is made of chemicals, and every product can be improved its quality and lowered its cost by using the knowledge of chemistry.

Hudson County College New Jersey USA's Adjunct Professor & Renowned Chemical Consultant Hebah Abdel-Wahab Conferred with Honorary D.Sc in Chemistry

George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario’s Provost Dr. CORY PAUL ROSS Conferred With Honorary DSc in Anatomy

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