Observe Your World

Introduction to Sampling

Open and make a copy of the Science Journal template below. You can record all of your work on this document and save it, share it, or turn in to your teacher.


Discover how scientists quantify their observations in the field with this activity.


Learn about quadrats and scientific sampling. then explore your backyard or schoolyard by sampling the ground-dwelling arthropods that live there.


  • What was the total number of ants observed in all your quadrats?

  • What was the total number of non-ants observed in all your quadrats?

  • What is the ratio of ants to non-ants based on these totals?

  • Based on your data, is there a difference between total arthropod abundance near perches and total arthropod abundance in open areas?

  • Based on your data, do you think your study site would support a population of anoles? What could make the area more or less suitable for anoles?

  • What Proportion of ants to non-ants did you find in your samples? Round to the nearest whole number. Anoles tend to avoid distasteful ants as a prey item.

  • Based on your arthropod samples, do you think your outdoor habitat has enough prey items to support a population of anoles?

Explain the concepts you've learned by answering these questions.


Extend your thinking about scientific sampling.

Imagine that you are a scientist interested in one of Florida's Threatened or Endangered species. Conduct some online research about one of these organisms: the red-cockaded woodpecker, smalltooth sawfish, scrub plum, or Sanibel Island rice rat. Then -

  • Describe the ecosystem this organism calls home.

  • Describe the type of habitat and resources this plant or animal needs to survive.

  • What are some other organisms within the same habitat that, together, form a community?

  • What is a research question about your chosen species you would be interested in studying?

  • You want to research the abundance of your target species in a particular area through scientific sampling. What sampling method would you choose? Why?



OVERALL: How can scientists evaluate the richness of a habitat or a species?

After you have completed this introduction to sampling, share your findings with your classmates, teacher, family, and friends. Note any differences and similarities and discuss what you have learned!