Middle School

Observe Your World:

Examine how the plants and animals that call Southwest Florida home are bound by different ecological interactions. With a focus on scrub-dwelling gopher tortoises, explore how to conduct population surveys and habitat assessments for this threatened species while learning about how tortoises are affected by climate change. Then conduct your own schoolyard or backyard population survey and habitat assessment for anoles.

Observe Your World:

Create a quadrat to explore ecological sampling as part of the scientific process. Learn about the general principles of sampling, as well as how this kind of data form the basis of many research projects and studies. Then, practice your sampling skills while collecting data on the different types of arthropods in your schoolyard or backyard.

Observe Your World:

Explore what conditions and resources might affect gopher tortoise populations and which limiting factors determine their scrub habitat’s carrying capacity. Use sample data sets and Google Charts to visualize and analyze the relationships between arthropod and anole abundance, create data-driven scientific discussions, and discover new areas of future research.

We want to hear from you! Send us your questions, photos, data, artwork, and observations on Twitter by Tweeting @conservancyswfl.