
We are associated with Christians Against Poverty (CAP), a widely respected national charity with huge experience of helping people to take control of their finances and learn how to live well on a low income. With CAP's support and in association with the Warrington Debt Center we are able to offer three initiatives to help:

  • CAP Money - A free course designed to help you get on top of your finances. There are special modules for students, young people and kids

  • CAP Money Plus - A service for those who have been on the Money Course but need additional support from an adviser.

  • Debt Services - For those with more complex needs. A trained debt coach will act as a link with qualified advisers and help you develop habits that keep you out of debt in the future. We'll be with you as long as it takes.

Our trained coaches can provide assistance in putting these lessons into practice.

If you're interested please get in touch using the Contacts available on the Home page. Ask for Simon Fawcett.

One delegate's response to our first Money Course in June included the comment, "I'm very proud that I've taken vital steps towards being in control of my banking and finances". We're proud also, and want the same for everyone else in Lymm too.