Prayer and Praise
9/10/23 - Richard - Prayer
Praying for John L and mother. For God to give her healing & clarity of mind & to guide her path and circumstance and make sure she has a safe, healthy and enjoyable place to live.
9/10/23 - Richard - Prayer
Praying for Scott Nute. That God would heal him & that He will continue to be close to Scott and give him His peace and strength and that He will give skill, wisdom & guidance to the doctors in helping Scott.
9/10/23 - Scott - Prayer
Praying for his friend Paul & family in India with a ministry team. That God would protect Paul, family, team & all Christians in India from the increasing violent attacks from extremist Hindus there & to give Paul & team both courage, strength & wisdom to keep sharing God's love.
9/10/23 - Kelly - Prayer
Praying for her friend Sophia. For God to give her healing and to calm her increasing discouragement & desire to give up and give her a spirit of God's peace and strength.
9/10/23 - Kelly - Prayer
Praying for God to give her strength/wisdom to react better at school & to bring joy to her students.
9/10/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for HISD and all the people/students within and for the ability to react better herself when things don't go optimally.
9/10/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for her Dad and his increasing forgetfulness. That God would give him healing and also a heart to listen to sound counsel from his loving family members to get help.
9/10/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for her 2 doctors appointments this week. That God would give them skill & wisdom & A good report for Spoony. Also that they will come to a consensus on moving forward.
9/10/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for Chris Sw. & her mission trip to Europe. God's hedge of protection on the team & that they would bring forth much fruit.
9/10/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for Linda Baker and her upcoming mission trip to S.Asia. God's hedge of protection on the team, that they would bring forth much fruit & Linda will have sufficient funds/donations.
7/16/23 - Richard - Prayer
Praying for the mission team going to Alaska this Tuesday and being led by Chris and Kari Heitman. Travel mercies for all and praise that the 7.2 magnitude earthquake and tsunami warning there did not come with any casualties. Praying that it will however help prepare the hearts of the people there to be open to the message of the gospel the team will bring and that many will come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
7/16/23 - Richard - Prayer
Praying for Spoony, Kelly and Story on their trip to San Antonio for Kelly's music conference this Wednesday. Safe travel both ways and that all 3 will have a great time of fun, fellowship, growth and bonding in the Lord!
6/25/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for trip to Florida with niece Story. Travel mercies, also to have a fun and meaningful time there while bonding with Story, And wisdom, words of love and encouragement for her as well as setting the example of a godly woman for Story to model.
6/25/23 - Kelly - Prayer
Praying for Mom Suanne who is having hip replacement surgery. Skill and wisdom for the doctors, and peace, strength and healing for Mom.
6/25/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for Kelly and Mom Suanne, who is having hip replacement surgery. Skill and wisdom for the doctors, peace, strength and healing for Suanne and peace, strength and words of comfort and encouragement (to Mom) for Kelly.
6/18/23 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying that God will mightily bless the VBS this week along with all the staff, volunteers, children and parents involved and that many will learn about and come to the Lord in faith and repentance this week and that God will glorify Himself and grow His Kingdom!
6/4/2023 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying that God will bless her 3 trips this summer with her students and that he would give her strength, energy and good health through all.
4/30/2023 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying that Clay will get relief from back & neck pain & that doctors will get correct medication/treatment figured out
4/30/2023 - Spoony - Praise
Praising God that her father (Clay) is no longer on the congestive heart failure spectrum
4/30/2023 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying to finish school year strong & to focus on the IMPORTANT rather than the URGENT
4/30/2023 - Spoony - Praise
Praising God for students having a great time at robotics competition and that her knee and everything else held up.
4/19/2023 - Richard - Praise
Praising God for His love & faithfulness!
4/19/2023 - Richard - Prayer
Praying for our leaders and for the peace of Jerusalem!
4/16/2023 - Spoony - Prayer
Praying for niece Story & her issues with biological mom
Richard - Prayer
Praying for our leaders and for the peace of Jerusalem!
Richard - Praise
Praising God for His love & faithfulness!