Planning my dream trip
(2 x 45 min)


1) to stimulate critical thinking

2) to introduce topics of travel planning

3) to practice 21st-century skills


STEP 1  - Imagine that you are planning a trip to a European country. Conduct an online research on what you want to see and do on this trip. Pick at least five places of interest you could visit or activities you could do in this country. Use the guiding questions below to support your research.

STEP 2 - Create a video presentation showing what you want to do and see on this trip, adding your voice commentary in Canva. Use a laptop or tablet if you can.

Make the video presentation no longer than 3-5 minutes. This means your plan will just show your chosen places with description and some personal encouragement for other students. You will further develop it with your PARTNER's help later on. ;-)

Watch this Canva tutorial before you start.

TIPS: Make your presentation interesting to attract others to the places you would like to visit. Discuss your ideas with your classmates first if you find it helpful. 

TIP: If you're completely unable to work on Canva, create your video presentation with any video editing tool you know.

STEP 3 - Download your video from Canva and upload your video to this PADLET to share and receive comments.

HEADS UP! Later on you will check on this PADLET if your video presentation has received comments (the student who responds to it, will be called your PARTNER B).

TIP: If you feel lost on who should be called your PARTNER B is and how to collaborate with your partner, check out THIS leaflet to go step by step through the entire process. 


1.  What could be the most interesting places to visit for teenagers?

2. What needs to be considered in order to select activities that would be suitable for teenagers to engage in?

3. What must be taken into consideration when planning a route or trip around / within a particular country? 

4. How could sightseeing  and/or activities be scheduled to ensure top levels of interest, effectiveness of itinerary and balanced budget?


1. Critical thinking

2. Information literacy

3. Technology literacy


Students present ideas to others via video message.

Students may discuss ideas with peers in offline F2F settings.


Not yet, but it's coming ;)

In this lesson, you cooperate with other students and post comments on their videos.


Questions for students: