Gender inequality in sports
(2 x 45 min)


1) to practice research skills 

2) to practice letter writing skills

3) to practice 21st-century skills


STEP 1: Watch the video (<-- ON THE LEFT) on gender inequality in sports and do the task in EdPuzzle

STEP 2: After watching the video, find information about one female athlete from your country who has impressed you or inspired you. If you are not a fan of one particular female athlete, search for one that appeals to you. Remember to 

Use information from the video as a viewpoint of gender inequality in sport, when researching the person and reflecting on their achievements. 

STEP 3: Write a fan letter in English to your female athlete and tell her why she inspires you. The letter is to be encouraging and thankful and, at the same time, intimate and personal. Include something creative such as a poem or a gif. Remember to write your letter on your own, without help from anyone or anything except a peer. The letter should be at least 3-5 paragraphs.

STEP 4: Post the letter on THIS Padlet. (PASSWORD: CL-SPORTS)

CREATIVE TIP: How to make a gif: How to make a GIF that anyone can find and use (& get a million views a month)

OPTIONAL EXTRA INTERCULTURAL MILE: Reach out to a student from another country and together examine your fan letters. You can leave a comment inviting to further collaboration in the Padlet, under the chosen letter.

Jointly write a rationale  explaining the content of your letters (150-200 words) . Post the rationale with your letter on THIS Padlet. (PASSWORD: CL-SPORTS)


1. Critical thinking

5. Information literacy

6. Media literacy


Students may discuss ideas with peers in offline F2F settings.


Not yet, but it's coming ;)

OPTIONAL EXTRA INTERCULTURAL MILE: Students from different countries examine their fan letters and jointly write a rationale for the content.


Questions for students to ponder: