What's your superpower?
(1 x 45 min)


1) to learn how to take an online survey 

2) to practice reading skills 

3) to practice answering questions in English 

4) to encourage self-reflection

5) to practice 21st-century skills


You are going to take the VIA Youth Survey and discover your character strengths. Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel, and behave.

STEP 1: Write down your top 5 strengths. Have a short discussion in pairs or small groups about them. Tell your partners why you think these are your top strengths and explain why. 

STEP 2: Open the VIA Survey Website and register. Provide your name, last name, and email address. ALERT: make sure you choose the English language. Remember that you are here because you want to practice and improve your English so don't take the survey in your native language!  Create your password, and accept the terms and conditions. Click the blue button REGISTER NOW and BEGIN THE SURVEY. 

ALERT: You must be 13 years or older to register for an account. If you are younger, contact your teacher. Children under 13 must have an adult register here or the adult may sign in for the child to take the VIA Youth Survey on their account.

STEP 3 - Complete the survey

Choose VIA Youth Survey. Type down your name, surname and age. 

Click START VIA YOUTH SURVEY - it will take about 10-15 min. If you have problems understanding questions and answers, use an online dictionary. 

STEP 4: At the end of the survey you will be asked more questions. You’ll need to answer them to get your results. Be honest! Give real information! Click the blue button CONTINUE

STEP 5  - Analyze your results

What are YOUR SIGNATURE STRENGTHS? You will see them on the screen. Also, when you click on SHOW ALL YOUR STRENGTHS, you can check your middle and lesser strengths. Download your results in PDF. 

ALERT: Keep the results of the survey! You will need them for the final project in this module. 

STEP 6 - Share your results with others 

Do you agree with the results? Why? Why not? Talk to your classmates about it. Give each other useful tips on how you can use all your strengths in daily life. What can they do to make sure they use their strengths as superpowers? 

STEP 7 - Reflection time 

Go to AnswerGarden website and answer the question about your superpowers. Check out the superpowers of other students taking part in this project. You probably see many different answers. Think: 

How does what you see on the screen make you feel? Why? 

Reflect on it and share your thoughts with someone OUTSIDE your class. Maybe your parents, siblings, family members. Get their input.


1. Critical thinking

4. Communication

5. Information literacy

7. Technology literacy

8. Flexibility

12. Social skills


Students may discuss ideas with peers in offline F2F settings.


Not yet, but it's coming ;)


Questions for students to consider: