Nutrition & Exercise - Health tips
(2 x 45 min)


1) to practice reading comprehension 

2) to practice critical thinking skills while matching/coordinating topics 

3) to practice 21st-century skills


Step 1: Go to the WebMD site and browse through its various articles. They are listed in alphabetical order on THIS PAGE. From the list, pick a LETTER - a different one than your class mates - and under that letter pick ONE article of interest to read carefully. Each article contains information on the issue and some advice.

Step 2: With a partner (from your collaborative group - or class from another school or country) create a TikTok information video (Reel) (2-3 min video, which you do not have to post it on TikTok at all).

In this video (Reel) your task is to educate, to illustrate or to give advice on THESE TWO particular health issues to your followers.  

TIP: If possible, try to coordinate the topics so they fit together or complement each other in the reel, for example, teen acne and skin cysts, lumps and bumps. 

TIP: If you've never done recordings before or you're shy - check out these tips

Step 3:  Post your video on THIS Padlet (Password: CL-HEALTH) and then comment on someone else's contribution. 

TIP: Remember to apply NETIQUETTE and encouraging FEEDBACK.

HEADS UP: In lesson 8 you will come to THIS Padlet again and answer/leave a comment on at least two TikTok style videos made by other students.


1. Have any articles you browsed on the WebMD site surprised you?

2. Which issues/problems do you recognize as familiar ailments?

3. Have these articles been helpful to you in some way? Why/why not?
4. How do you cope with minor ailments?  

5. If you collaborate with a student from another country, think about the choices each of you make regarding advice and ways to protect oneself or cure the particular ailment. Do they differ in any way?  If so, how? Are your cultural backgrounds responsible for the differences? If yes, in what way?


1. Critical thinking

3. Collaboration

4. Communication

5. Information literacy

10. Initiative

11. Productivity


Students exchange ideas asynchronously or synchronously in written or spoken form.

Students may discuss ideas with peers in offline F2F settings.


OPTIONAL INTERCULTURAL COLLABORATION with a student from another school/country.


Questions for students to consider: