TOPIC: FOOD - LESSON 6 & 7 & 8  

Your Move!
(3 x 45 min)


1) to practise critical thinking and justifying opinions

2) to practise 21st-century skills

3) to change the world :)


STEP 1 - Choose one future food from the article your read before, which, in your opinion, has the biggest chance for success in your country. Justify your choice. Prepare 3 strong arguments. Consider reasons mentioned during the first lesson of the unit and your knowledge about climate changes in your country. 

STEP 2 - Create a shared Google Docs or Padlet for your group. Upload your notes there and share with your peers. 

GO THE EXTRA INTERCULTURAL MILE: think how different or similar are the two future foods from your countries; explore the extent to which they may influence each country's culture; investigate who inspired these food creators and why is following someone's footsteps (or not!) essential (or not!) for achieving success.

STEP 3 - Peruse your peers' notes and try to find a "soulmate" - a person that brings similar arguments to the table and presents the same point of view. If you can find one, contact him/her and from this point onwards, work together. If not, you can work individually. 

STEP 4 - Find a company or a start-up from another country that produces the kind of food that you have chosen. Together with your partner (or individually) write a formal letter (200 - 250 words) to this company trying to convince them that they should start operating in your country/ies. Use the arguments listed in Step 1, and add more arguments if possible.

STEP 5 - Send the letter to the company via e-mail and wait for a response :) Good job! 

TIP: If you don't feel comfortable sending your letter to a real company, just send it to your teacher. But why not give it an authentic try?!


Success criteria for the formal letter, tick if checked:


2. Creativity

3. Collaboration

4. Communication

5. Information literacy

9. Leadership

10. Initiative

12. Social skills


Students may discuss ideas with peers in offline F2F settings.


Collaborative research for online resources.

Division of labor for jointly performed tasks. 

Negotiation of content for a jointly written e-mail.


Questions for students to contemplate:


The process of reflection begins when a person refers to his/her own experience and recollects what has occurred, reconsiders the experience, and reevaluates it. This effective strategy also improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Students: please fill out the STUDENT REFLECTION & EVALUATION form for the FOOD module. Your voice is super valuable!

Teachers: please fill out the TEACHER REFLECTION & EVALUATION form for the FOOD module. Your input is very appreciated.