Juan Jesús García Vélez

Juan Jesús García Vélez was born in Seville, in 1970. He got his degree in Law at the University of Seville in 1993. After passing the national exams he joinned the judicial career as a judge in 1996, and worked in courts throughout Spain – in País Vasco, Cataluña and Andalucía. Since 2007 he has headed an investigative court in Seville.

After returning to his hometown, he took a second degree in Classical Philology at the University and has begun working on his PhD in Greek Philology with Prof. Emilia Ruiz Yamuza. His research interests centre upon how the linguistic manifestation of conflict situations in ancient Greek epic poems - the Iliad in particular - enables us to unveil the expression of 'fairness' in Homer. He has recently analysed how terms related to “justice” are used (e.g. δίκη, θέμις, αἶσα, ἳστωρ, πεῖραρ) in archaic Greek literature (Homeric poems, Homeric Hymns, Hesiod or the Gortyn code), and identified the function of those terms by evaluating their pragmatic, semantic and syntactic aspects.


Juan Jesús García Vélez

PhD student in the programme “Estudios Filológicos”.

Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Sevilla.


(+34) 609128610