Guests and Conflation Court

Guest of Honor

Totally Lost

Conflation 2023 found some dry land and Pirates upon it.   They charmed and persuaded the Goddesses and we brought them on board for a weekend of good fun.  

2023 Conflation Court

King Deech

Deech will hold the record for the longest
running King of Conflation.

Queen Linda

Linda will also hold the record for the longest running Queen of Conflation

Prince Sean

You can find the Prince doing his duties in the Art Show this weekend.  Make sure to check it out in Vendor row on the 4th floor.

Jester Lance

Jester's get picked by the previous year's Court Well since we had a few years... Lance has a few years of Jestering to fill.

Princess Rebecca

Couldn't join us this year due to a previous commitment, but she wishes us all the best and will return next