Conflation is 100% Volunteer Run. It's a Community Effort to put an amazing con like this on.
Goddess Alesia has been with Conflation since Conflation #4. She is our president of the board and DJ of Conflation!
Goddess Tiana is vice president on our board of directors and wizard of programming!
Goddess Raven also known as Squirrel joined Conflation in 2018 and has been off to the races ever since! From volunteering their first year in Con suite one to jester in 2019 while operating Con Suite to becoming a goddess in 2023 it has be one fantastic ride. Squirrel is on our board of directors and is an admin for our discord!
Goddess Mego been attending Conflation since 2010. A St. Louis local, they can be recognized from a career in burlesque as Cailin Beg) but most know they as the lovable, pocket-sized Mego! They took on the role of Vendor coordinator in 2024 and knocked it out of the park. Deserving of being promoted to Goddess in 2025. "I’m so excited to be stepping up to help with my Conflation family! I was told that I would find the most welcoming and friendly group of weirdos a girl could find, they weren’t wrong!" Great things come in small packages.
Registration Team
John* Karla * Jay
Mike * Mark * Byrd
Con Suite
Art Show
Sean * Beth
Fashion Show
Anne * Linda
Fashion Show Models
Production Team
Justin * Lance * Ken *
Cherie (Programming) *
Mego (Vendors)
Game Library
Thad, Dakota
Whimsy Room
Tyr * Kit * Syn