About Conflation


We do have some basic rules that we follow and they are:

What is Conflation?

It's a Convention in the category of Relax-A-Con.  (Yanked from Wikipedia)

A relaxacon (sometimes relaxicon) is a science fiction convention which has little programming, and is unlikely to have a dealer's room, as the point of a relaxacon is the organizers can relax during the convention. It usually does not have a Guest of Honor, though often, especially when held in conjunction with a related convention, it may share a guest with the main convention.[1]

Informal in nature, relaxacons are generally small, ranging from 50 to 200 attendees. They are often invitation or word-of-mouth only. Frequently, they are a chance for the organizers of a large convention to get together with the other organizers and relax once the convention is over, and are held a month or more after the regular convention. Some large conventions use relaxacons as a reward for volunteers,[2] and as a way of using up leftover supplies (similar to a dead dog party). This can be seen as contributing to SMOF-ish behaviours, which some members of the fandom can find off-putting.

The first convention that was labelled as relaxacon was Midwestcon (started in 1950). However, the organizers first applied the term to the convention in 1966, according to Jack Chalker, and the term had been used in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1957.[1]


Because of the natural of our event, and posting to the places on the internet:


Opens when John opens it, Closes whenever.  If the registration desked is closed then find a security person, they can direct you to mobile registration.

When you register for Conflation you are registering to be a member of the Conflation Social Group.  Eventually to become a 501C7 social organization in the state of Missouri.  Each year this social organization will hold a membership meeting on Sunday at the close of the Annual Conflation Event.  Members do not need to be present at the meeting and will be able to submit a absentee ballot for anything we ever vote on.

Your annual Conflation membership will also allow you entrance into additional planned events that will happen at various times during the year.  Events and times still be proposed and approved. 

You do realize that everything above means we are getting more organized, but at the same time everyone involved are volunteers and life tends to get in the way.  When something happens to progress forward we will let you know.

Room Parties & Past Your Limit

Be safe during Room Parties.  Follow the con rules, If there is a complaint we will ask you to quiet down, or even shut down if we get to many complaints.  We want everyone to have fun and still feel like they are in safe environment.

You can post information about your room party on the White Board in the Con Suite and possibly outside the elevators.  Just remember to use Painters Tape!   

Partying Past Your Limit

In most situations everyone is on their best behavior.  However, partying past your limit can sometimes make you do stupid things.  Security is going to keep a real close eye on everyone.  If they think you have gone past your limit they are going to suggest you head to your room. 


The Hospitality Suite (Rm 402) is stocked with a variety of soda, drinks, water, munchies, and even some real food.  As a guest of Conflation you are welcome to anything we offer in the Con Suite.   Please remember however that we are not your maids.  Help us keep the room neat and tidy so everyone can enjoy it.  We always need help watching the room.  If you want to volunteer check in with the crew in the room and they will point you to the right person.

Covid has made us much more cautious, so we are going to ask that all food in the con suite be packaged.  If you want to donate, that's great, but please put portions in baggies before bringing them to the Con Suite.

Conflation Charity

The money we raise in the Conflation charity events cover a bit of everything.  First it covers Conflation, every year we try and cover a bit of everything.  First it covers Conflation, every year we try and cover the bills with just admission but sometimes falls just a wee bit short.  Our motto has always been "Let's make sure Conflation happens again next year".

When Conflation is able to pay all of it's expenses then money is left in the Conflation Fan Fund.  Something we haven't had in a number of years.  To Qualify to receive fund from the Fan Fund - The person benefitting must have attended or have had a family member attend a past Conflation.  If we have some in reserve the committee then decides to assist if the need arises.

Throughout the weekend, Conflation hosts some different charity events.  Captains Charity Fashion Show, Virgin Raffles at the dance on Saturday.  Special Raffle Baskets and the the Auction, selling of strange things at closing ceremonies.